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Problem or cry for help. The manifestation of aggression in childhood is one of the most common problems of this period of life. Often parents and teachers, concerned about the problem of children’s aggressiveness, ask the following questions: “How to adapt to a sometimes cruel children’s group?”, “How to teach a child to control his aggression, defend his rights and interests, protect himself without infringing on the interests of other people and without harming them? Let's figure it out. The word “aggression” comes from the Latin aggressio, which means “attack”, “attack”. The cause of aggressive behavior can be intra-family problems: divorce of parents, reluctance of one of the parents to communicate with the child, or, conversely, a ban on communication. If there is a conflict between parents involving the use of force, in such a situation the child may feel guilty that he could not protect the weak (usually the mother). Unexpressed feelings of parents, for example, a mother tries with all her might to restrain her aggression towards her husband because he earns little money, and then the child suddenly begins to behave aggressively: screams, throws things, fights, thereby showing the mother’s inner state. The nature of the punishments, which parents usually use in response to their child’s expression of anger play an important role. It turns out that parents who sharply suppress aggressiveness in their children do not eliminate this quality, but, on the contrary, cultivate it, developing excessive aggressiveness in their son or daughter. If parents do not pay any attention to the aggressive reactions of their child, then he very soon begins to believe that such behavior is permissible. What kind of aggressive child is he? He attacks other children, calls them names and hits them, takes away and breaks toys, deliberately uses rude language , thereby becoming a source of grief for educators and parents. However, an aggressive child, like any other, needs affection and help from adults, because his aggression is, first of all, a reflection of internal discomfort, the inability to adequately respond to events happening around him. An aggressive child often feels rejected and unwanted. Parents are annoyed by the child’s behavior; they increasingly shout, scold and criticize, and what’s worse, compare them with other children. This attitude leads the child to despair, and then he gets used to the idea that he is “bad” and continues to behave the same way, because he doesn’t know how to do otherwise. What to do? Practical recommendations: 1. Deal with intra-family conflicts. Talk openly with your husband/wife, find out all the complaints against each other. Try to express everything that has accumulated over a certain period. And for the future, stick to the rule - talk about your dissatisfaction or misunderstanding.2. Unite in raising a child. Help each other, support.3. Show your child acceptable ways to express anger. For example: this could be a baby pear or a bag of sand placed in the corner. When you see that your child is irritated, invite him to hit a punching bag, thereby relieving tension in the body. During a “fight” with a punching bag, it is useful to say the following words: “I’m angry!” Perhaps the child will continue: “I’m angry at...”. Drawing (draw the offender and tear a sheet of paper), modeling, sand (burying “enemies” - soldiers, jumping on this place, pouring water there) also relieves tension well. Play role-playing games with your child more often. Make up fairy tales with good and evil characters. Try to show your child how painful and offensive it is for someone who is offended. Offer to feel sorry for the offended person, stroke them, rock them.5. And what is very important is to limit viewing of violent films, cartoons, news, and computer games. Read fairy tales and stories where “good triumphs over evil” more often. Walk in parks and groves. Go to the zoo, to the circus. You can buy a pet that will help your child develop a sense of pity, care and love for his neighbor. Let these tips bring peace and tranquility to your families.
