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Abstract core "Cheerful Janitor"Core 00334Key to start. Watch a short video, activate the core. Activate the core. Get out of your role a little, look around. Maybe the “cheerful janitor” came into your life much more often. Check, perhaps you have a name or surname that is not convenient, does not help you live, OKAY, OPENLY INTERFERES WITH A COMFORTABLE LIVING; someone chose your place of residence, your environment for you. I affirm that you are definitely surrounded by many everyday little things that have not passed the censorship of your attention. Personal example. When moving, the ever-active mother-in-law unloaded the plates into a closet with a dish drainer. Attention, the plates can be folded with a convex place to the right and to the left. Lefties do it to the right. It’s more convenient and ergonomic for them, naturally. Further, as they say, “the circus left, but the clowns remained.” The left-hander left, and those who remained to live near the cupboard with the dishes of the right-handers wasted energy and time washing dishes EVERY TIME, turning the washed plate over in their hand just to be able to put it in the dryer. THREE LONG YEARS. And then one fine day we realized that there was a glitch in the cupboard. Take a fresh look at your everyday life. Patterns that tell you that it should be very cold in winter, and _______________ (substitute your own) are nothing more than a phrase from a thought that pops up in your head when you try to think about this phenomenon. You need to check whether the statement is really true in your situation and at this moment. Achtung! This post is not a call to action. Just understand something you didn't understand before. This is already enough... If you don’t find at least one template, then you are a master (or dead :) Like this.
