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Gusts of unhurried planets And took the emotions off. I am painted beige, and my eyes are glued to the screen. And somewhere a secret is kept. With the solution of complex problems. Rhythmic beige color. Tranquility is an affectionate captivity. Footprints disappear in the sand. There is a lot of sun around and the beach, Absorbed the beige color. Squinted eyes makeup. Let it be known to you that a person chooses a certain color of clothing depending on the occasion, mood, and state of mind. If you prefer beige tones, or someone in your circle is attracted to this color, you will learn a lot of interesting things from this article. You will learn to “read” yourself and others. And even if beige is not included in the foreseeable circle, this article will expand your knowledge of the psychology of color, and one way or another, it will be useful. The verse above, describing beige, was chosen for a reason. A little later you will understand its semantic message. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's go through the steps of the value of beige. The origin of beige and its shades. “Beige” comes from the French word “beige”, which originally meant natural wool. That is, one that has not been bleached or dyed, and therefore has a natural color. That is why beige is equated with natural and flesh tones. More on this below. Beige is a light shade of brown. Beige, however, like brown, is not a primary color. It is obtained by mixing the already mentioned brown and white. But it’s worth making a small remark here. Beige is conventionally divided into warm, with a hint of brown, and cold, with a hint of gray. Cool tones are obtained by mixing orange and a large amount of dark gray or light gray. Shades of beige are: ivory; cream; sand; wheat; opal; light coffee; light caramel. Beige in culture and history Since beige is considered neutral color, and moreover, as mentioned above, does not belong to the group of primary colors, its meaning in the culture of different countries of the world is clearly not included. In the 21st century, beige, like several centuries ago, is perceived as something natural and ordinary. On the one hand, beige is considered quite common, but on the other hand, it is perceived as a background color. Tell me, isn’t it true, I still have an ambiguous impression of beige? In ancient Egypt, figurines of gods were painted in beige tones. In India, only noble people could afford beige utensils. The 18th century is considered the peak of the popularity of beige. At that time, he occupied a leading place in architecture, painting and sculptural images. In modern countries, beige is considered a classic. In the symbolism of color heraldry in the coats of arms and flags of modern states, beige means lightness. The influence of beige on the human psyche and health. Did you know that literally every color in one way or another affects the individual’s psyche? Some colors create internal tension - a person becomes uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Others, on the contrary, act softly and peacefully. They create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Color affects the mood of thoughts and performance. This theory is studied by physiologists and psychologists. According to their findings, each color emits electromagnetic waves, which, in turn, have different effects on humans. Colors are also called emotional food. If we return directly to beige, then thanks to the symbolism of lightness and transparency, it is conducive to psychological comfort, gives the interior a homely feel and creates a positive mood. Beige does not conflict with other colors. It is considered warm and not easily soiled. The association of beige with wood and naturalness, on a subconscious level in humans, in turn, is associated with home. The beige color is credited with such a quality as neutralizing aggression. Above, you already learned that beige is conducive to peace. Thanks to this, all shades of beige contribute to good rest. From a physiological point of view, beige has a beneficial effect on bodily health. Hehelps relieve chronic fatigue. Stabilizes heart rate. Helps boost immunity. Beige color therapy will help a person: reduce the intensity of causeless anxiety; help get rid of obsessive fears; help a person look at the world without drama. Characteristics of beige lovers It can be said that beige is preferred by those people who are at the stage of searching for their own “I”. They are characterized by: They strive to blend in with the crowd so as not to stand out. They prefer to remain unnoticed. They don’t like it when the spotlight is directed at them. Insecure. They doubt the correctness of their opinion and their taste. They are characterized by immaturity. They prefer to be performers and do not strive for leadership. They value practicality. They are sincere individuals. Kind. Attached to family and friends. In a partner they pay attention to such qualities as reliability and decency. They value care and help. They do not like to change the situation. They prefer everything natural. In difficult situations they strive to maintain a neutral position. They hide their experiences and inner world from prying eyes. Passions may boil in their souls, but they will convey calmness to those around them. Beige color in clothes In clothes, beige color can be used as an accent on advantageous and expressive features of the figure. People who choose beige in clothes strive for comfort and coziness. If we touch on the business sphere, beige office clothes will look very restrained and harmonious. You have already learned above that beige is chosen by people who want to hide their experiences. This will be a kind of hint for you. If a person chooses beige for a meeting, no matter whether it is of a business or personal nature, but at the same time, this color is not included in the list of his color preferences in clothing, he, on a subconscious level, seeks to hide his inner turmoil and experiences. During negotiations about A beige tie will tell you a lot. For you, this will be a signal that the person is not in the mood for long-term work. In an effort to make a deal, he prefers to stay in his comfort zone. If you work in the retail industry, it will be useful for you to know that people whose clothes are dominated by beige are not stingy. They don't count every penny. They don't like to bargain. As you remember, color has an effect on a person. Therefore, keep in mind that the beige color of a wallet on a subconscious level encourages you to easily part with money. The combination of beige with other colors Beige with pink Speaks of sexuality and temptation. Preferring this combination of colors, the girl strives to be attractive. Beige with the addition of yellow indicates that the person is in a relaxed and most comfortable state. He will be ready to communicate only if he receives something in return. Since yellow color will add to beige - commercialism and prudence. For you, such a combination of clothes will be a flashy hint. If a person comes to a meeting wearing this color combination, he clearly needs something from you. Beige and gray These two combinations indicate that the person is a conservative. Since beige and gray are undeniable classics. Beige and black. The same can be said about this combination. It is a pure classic. A person who chooses this combination prefers a measured, stable life. Strives to look elegant, but at the same time discreet. For romantic meetings, a combination of beige with blue, green and gold is well suited. Beige color in the interior In the interior, beige primarily acts as a background color. The combination of beige with lavender, light blue and dark blue is well suited for a nursery. Beige with sea green color is perfect for the bathroom. Since beige carries calm energy, it is perfect for the bedroom. But it is important to consider that if you give preference exclusively to beige, the walls in the bedroom will turn into a monochromatic spot. To avoid this, beige is important.
