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I've been preparing for the final supervision of my studies all week, bringing the conceptualization to mind. And my inner critic screams that everything must be perfect! Otherwise, you can put an end to your career as a psychologist. Such a critic lives in each of us. This is the inner voice that sarcastic, condemns, makes you doubt yourself, or compares with others. And in any convenient situation he begins to sing his favorite song: “It could have been better.” You're not trying hard. Look what Masha has already achieved, and you? And the most interesting thing is that it is impossible to win against him. He will always judge. He appears in very early childhood and speaks in the voice of our parents (or other significant adults). Parents are a standard for a child; he knows no other. And if the upbringing was inadequate, the child will learn that it is normal to treat himself this way. By “inadequate” I mean the absence of a healthy, supportive relationship between parent and child, which helps raise a psychologically healthy and stable person. Below I will give a small algorithm on how to turn the inner critic into a constructive direction. It is better to allocate 15-30 minutes for this work. The first step is to separate yourself from the critic. Select his figure separately. Describe him: what he looks like, how old he is, what his mood is, what does he want? Often, through his behavior, a critic wants to protect us from mistakes and make us better. Write it down or just tell yourself how it helps. What 3 gifts would you give to a critic? Could it be some kind of material object, a hug, or something else? These are the three things you most likely rarely do to yourself. It is important to communicate with yourself the way you would communicate with your best friend, whom you love and value very much. And then the critic’s voice will begin to become quieter. And appear less and less often. If you can’t cope with your inner critic on your own, I’m ready to help you. Sign up for a consultation, together we’ll try to find where he came from and change negative attitudes to more adaptive ones.
