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I want to walk hand in hand with him On asphalt, on clay, on gravel. With him, as for the first time, teach the alphabet of a new Life, roads, sky aria... Ilona Vishnevskaya We are walking with my little son (4 years old) through the square. The kid runs along the snowy path ahead of me. The path leads to a courtyard road with a sidewalk and roadway, on which there is quite a lot of traffic. I shout to my son: “Stop, there are cars driving there.” I go up to him and offer: “Give me your hand.” My son puts his palm in mine and says: “Here you need to put a sign: “Walk with your hand.” I ask him: “With your hand?” Did you mean: by the hand? Walk by the hand? - Yes. - Why do you need to put such a sign here? - Because this is a dangerous place. - And who will you give your hand in dangerous places? - Well... mom, dad, sister (talking about the older sister).- Why? - It’s not scary with them! - It’s not scary with them, not dangerous, calm? Can they help you? - Yes. - So, you can give your hand to someone with whom you are not afraid, and who can help you? - Yes. - You came up with a good sign. I’m thinking: if only there really were such signs, and I should put them not only in dangerous places, but in any place in general. People would take each other's hands more often. Or: you are walking, you see such a sign and you know that somewhere there is a person whose hand you will be safe. And you yourself can always offer your hand. Calm, firm hands are good. Calm, confident people who know what they are doing and who can quickly save you from your chaos, from external chaos, without hurting you, without grabbing you at random. Be obedient to the calm hands, they help you. Arnhild Lauveng. Tomorrow I will always be a lion May there always be a person next to you with whom you can walk hand in hand.
