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Unfortunately, many parents communicate with their children without thinking about the consequences of certain phrases they say or their actions towards the child .Let's consider what parental phrases, what behavior of parents lead to deep childhood traumas. - humiliating nicknames, - labeling (you are a slob, a nonentity, a trifle, a fool) - mistrust, insults, suspicions (you lie, you confuse, you are always you break, lose, spoil everything) - screaming, swearing - throwing objects at a child, in the presence of a child - physical punishment - public ridicule, insult - underestimation of the importance of the child's personality - one-sided resolution of issues - orders - inhumanity, unpredictability - turning others against the child - codependency - the desire to appear helpless, sick. What are the consequences of psychological violence against a child? The worst consequence is the habit of being a victim, which is formed in childhood and “grows” with the child. Consequences of psychological violence: in young children: - delayed physical development, growth of the child - delayed speech development - characterological features - bad habits (curling hair, sucking fingers) - sleep disturbances, nightmares, fear of the dark - fears of people, their anger - sadness, helplessness, mistrust, hopelessness - lethargy All the consequences of violence against children are well described in books " Frozen life" by E. Petrova and "Primary and secondary mental trauma" by N. Dmitriev, E. Afanasikov. in adolescent children: - cruelty towards others - protest reactions to punishment - leaving home - demonstration of pseudo maturity and pseudo independence as protection - antisocial communication - loss of purpose and meaning in life - depressive personality development (N. Williams, N. Dmitrieva, Ts Korolenko "Personality disorders") - suicidal behavior Consequences of childhood trauma caused by violence What happens next to the child? A depressive personality organization develops. PTSD and CPTSD are formed. Violations occur: - at the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, bodily, sexual levels - social interactions - in the behavioral sphere In some cases, adults require lifelong psychotherapy to maintain normal mental functioning. If you liked the article - support https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p /84ff0735Author: Natalya Dyachenko, psychologist-psychotherapist. If you recognize yourself after reading this article and cannot independently cope with what is preventing you from living a normal life, I invite you to therapy for childhood trauma. sign up for a consultation Subscribe to the telegram channel - https://t.me/psychologyhelp_dyachenko_natalya
