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Let's try to turn the pages of history and see how they used to react to betrayal. Everyone immediately thinks of the biblical image of an unfaithful woman who is about to be stoned to death by her angry husband and his allies. This is the reaction to betrayal. What's in this ritual? What is the meaning? Blood... Yes, it is with his blood that the traitor must pay. This is where the first emotional reaction emerges - unforgiveness. Really, after learning about the betrayal, forgive? Very few people can boast of such an ability. Forgiveness. There is a special meaning hidden in it. But we'll get back to it a little later. In ancient times, society was cruel to treason, there were reasons for this - it was necessary to clearly know who was whose child, so that there was no confusion when inheriting property, privileges, titles, and commoners did not mix with the nobility, and a noble family could have a pedigree. Today, treason is not a criminal offense, not an administrative offense, it is just an episode of family life and it concerns only spouses and lovers, but not the state. Between betrayal and fidelity today there is only a feeling of love. According to statistics, there are much fewer cases of infidelity among women than among men. Funny! Who are these men cheating with then? With the same unfaithful women? Either the statistics are lying or...the data on female infidelity is not entirely reliable. Let's think... What is he like? What is she like? This character who secretly changes his partner? He's weak. The first thing that comes to mind. Vulnerable. Otherwise I wouldn't be hiding. But this is only at first glance. He is driven by something that is stronger than him. What is this desire? As strange as it sounds, this is love. A man or woman outside of marriage is both in search of love. It won’t surprise anyone now that the concept of love is different for everyone. And we often hear the following phrase: “I love my wife, but... I still allow myself intimate relationships with others.” It is precisely in the concept of such “love” that the enemy called treason hides. We don't know how to love. Moreover, we don’t even know what love is. We can go through life and learn this ability to some extent. Anything but love is called love. Alas... Let's return to our topic. A traitor, a traitor... I would call him “Seeker”. Such love seekers can be roughly divided into two categories: one is looking for self-love outside of marriage, the other wants to experience love himself. Each person accordingly gets what is missing in a real relationship with their spouse. Well, what if the seeker is looking for both? Who can condemn him? If there is no love at all in his marriage! Of course, there may be a sense of duty sitting on the royal throne, next to it is a feeling of guilt, pity, fear that just doesn’t walk around his kingdom. Just not love. And now, in accordance with their ideas about love, seekers find themselves a long-awaited object. Let's call it "Muse". Some people understand love as caring, some as sex, others as acceptance. Everyone has their own set of values ​​and criteria. The higher the level of spiritual development of the seeker, the more the muse should correspond to him. And finally he found her! Everything would be fine...if there were no but... He built his kingdom himself. He doesn't know how to build differently. And this new relationship is doomed to failure. But the paradox is that they are also necessary. If there are no conditions for learning to love in the family, life creates other conditions. One client talked about her taboo: “I was getting married and was one thousand percent sure that I would never cheat on my husband. I thought I loved him very much. And I have enough strength and patience. The whole meaning of my life boiled down to the fact that I found my husband. And that he is with me. I would never have believed that I could cheat on him. But when I met my love... I wouldn’t even call it cheating! On the contrary, the fact that I fulfilled my marital duty was treason in my eyes. Betrayal of your love”... Let's return to our two types of seekers..
