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It happens that a woman attracts the attention of men like a magnet, has fans who are ready to do a lot for her, is in a love relationship with several men at the same time and at the same time often feels unhappy and lonely. On the one hand, if you approach the situation of parallel relationships with an open mind, without judgment, then you can see its advantages: 1. More vivid emotions What woman doesn’t want to be the most beautiful, the most desirable in the eyes of a man? Who doesn’t want to be dreamed of, admired for her beauty, courted, trying to win her favor? Who doesn't want this to go on forever? Alas, a real relationship with one man is not like a “holiday every day.” There is a lot in them, and often not so joyful... But is this a reason to give up the desire to experience vivid emotions and impressions again and again? Love relationships with different men make it possible to realize this desire the fastest. And the secret (or obvious) envy of friends, the pleasure of resourcefulness in “combining” men, the feeling of one’s own exclusivity can be very pleasant.2. Less anxiety about relationships Remember the famous: “Men are like trams: one will leave, the other will come”? Relationships with men are unpredictable. How can you predict what will come into their heads? But a woman's heart is vulnerable. You feel more confident and calm if you know that you won’t be left alone in any case. Besides, there is no absolutely ideal man. Everyone has their shortcomings. But everyone also has their own, special advantages. One is gentle and caring, the other is beautiful and passionate, the third is wealthy and generous... It’s a shame to give up everything else, choosing only one man.3. Convenient and practical The world is still “tailored” for men. With declared equal social rights, a woman in practice has to make much more effort to achieve the same thing that a man can achieve. But why do everything yourself when there are fans who are always ready to offer attention and care: giving them a ride where they need to go, doing “a man’s work” around the house, arranging a romantic evening, presenting a nice gift, helping with their career, supporting them financially, etc. and so on.? And all this in exchange for the opportunity to be with a woman and enjoy her beauty. Of course, it would be great if one and only one man, beloved for life, could and did this, but... As they say: “There are few princes, and there are not enough of them for all.” And everything would be fine, but only... for some reason “not good.” For some reason, there are moments when a woman feels completely unhappy and lonely, not really needed by anyone. When she secretly, alone with herself, dreams that if only “the one” had met, I would break up with all other men without regret, I would be the most loving wife and the most wonderful mother. Why is this happening? When clients turned to me for help with similar experiences that were incomprehensible to them, we were able to discover in the course of our work that their parallel relationships with several men could be based on their own fears.1. Fear of being rejected In a relationship with a man, in addition to joy, there can be a lot of joyless things, including boredom, loss of brightness and novelty, loss of the feeling that a man needs and is desired by him. Going through all this and still remaining in a monogamous relationship is very difficult. It is especially difficult if you already have a traumatic experience of rejection by a significant man (for example, your father in childhood or your very first beloved man). A decrease in the general “degree” of a relationship can be experienced as a loss of interest on the part of a man, as a rejection that once brought so much pain.2. Fear of abandonment Relationships are always a risk. Risk of loss. The risk of experiencing the pain of their loss. Especially when things are not going smoothly in a relationship. Parallel relationships make it possible to compensate for shortcomings in the main.
