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From the author: Everything that will be voiced in this article is the truth that I, by the decree of fate, had to face. I was prompted to publish this article by the topic of resources, which is raised quite often by both colleagues and clients. For the first time, I decided to share a story that happened to me several years ago. For quite a long time, I could not calmly talk about that very day, which for me and for those who were with me at that moment almost became fatal. Even my close friends, few knew about it. Without tears and a lump in my throat, it was difficult for me to tell them. I will not go into detailed details of this story, which I was fortunate enough to attend to some extent, I will limit myself to only a general description of everything that happened. More than ten years ago, I and a hundred others Fifty-three people were passengers on one international flight that had to make an emergency landing. On this flight, it seems to me, everything that could possibly happen to the plane happened. The engine failure that occurred when the plane gained altitude was not the worst event compared to what happened next. We flew into a thunderstorm with hail that was the size of a chicken egg. Lightning struck the plane, after which wiring sparked in the cabin and acrid smoke appeared, a crack formed in the tail of the plane through which water began to pour into the cabin, and, as luck would have it, the landing gear also refused to release. Just as we found out later, in some places the rivets on the wings flew off, the front part of the plane cracked and there was a failure of instruments in the cockpit, as a result of which the pilot literally landed the plane blindly, which was complicated by heavy rain and strong crosswinds At some point, I realized that nothing depended on me anymore, and on some intuitive level, I, like all the other passengers, began to pray. It was at this moment that the only resource possible for me was activated - Faith in God! I would like to remind you that from birth we are endowed with a certain set of mechanisms given to us by the nature of overcoming crises; our so-called resources are feelings, mind, activity, society, imagination and Faith. It is the timely deployment of resources that helps to cope not only with a crisis situation, but also with its consequences. I would say that the resource involved at the moment “Here and Now”, as it was in my case, had a prolonged effect, thanks to which I was able to do without any special post-traumatic syndrome, one might say that I got off with a slight fright. If you ask me: “How did this plane land?”, I will answer you: “I don’t know!” - but since then I began to believe in miracles and the effective power of the resource. I hope the article was useful to you. If you have any questions, you can write to me here in the comments, as well as in a personal message on the site. I will be glad to answer you! Make an appointment for a consultation by phone. 89383502531Or through the website in a personal message.
