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From the author: The article describes such a severe manifestation of alcoholic illness as alcohol hunger. This phenomenon is observed only in persons dependent on a psychoactive substance and is associated with an increasing feeling of irritation, tension and anxiety. The mental component of addiction, including alcohol, is characterized, first of all, by loss of control over use (loss of control), alcohol hunger (craving ) and behavioral disorders in the form of compulsive drug-seeking behavior (1). Relapse – return to use after a long period of abstinence – provokes, according to most theories (2, 3, 4), subjective alcohol hunger (craving). Conservative estimates suggest that the relapse rate during the first 12 months of abstinence is 75-90% of patients. Even those who can be classified as highly motivated and actively working on a recovery program are not immune from breakdowns (5, 6, 7). A breakdown in use does not end with the “first drink”, but on average – with long-term destructive abuse. Alcohol hunger is one of the most severe manifestations of alcoholism; provoking general tension in the body, irritability, anxiety, and a general feeling of discomfort. Alcohol hunger (AH) should be understood as an obsessive thirst (passion) for drinking alcohol. Accompanied by both emotional and somatic stress. Basically, it is accompanied by intense mental concentration on alcohol and its use. In the mind of a dependent person there is a pathological belief that only by drinking alcohol will he be able to feel relaxation and improve his well-being. A dependent person experiencing alcohol hunger is most prone to sudden mood swings, experiences enormous emotional stress, struggles with temptations to drink alcohol and believes in something that can withstand such a condition. Such mental suffering is accompanied by severe physical conditions that increase the thirst for consumption. The addict suffers from nightmares and unpleasant dreams about using. As a rule, upon waking up in the morning, a person feels as if he drank alcohol yesterday, although he was abstinent. It is worth noting that addicted people, in the vast majority of cases, do not have the slightest idea that they are experiencing alcohol hunger. This problem becomes obvious only during the start of treatment. It is then that the alcoholic not only recognizes that he has hypertension, but also begins to search for ways to prevent and relieve this condition. The source of the problem of hypertension is rooted in the thinking of the alcoholic. He believes that he drinks because he likes to drink and because alcohol gives him a pleasant feeling. Prevention Speaking about prevention, it should be noted that increasing hypertension is not a death sentence. Quite the contrary, this is a state that passes over time and can be overcome if one searches for and applies one’s own counteraction strategies. Remarkable results are brought by identifying and avoiding factors and situations that cause hunger. To understand the essence of alcoholism, you should attend an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group, consult a specialist consultant or psychotherapist in the field of addiction treatment. It is very important that sober alcoholics took a serious and motivated approach to psychotherapeutic sessions and followed the recommendations received. In the prevention and recovery from alcohol hunger, it is recommended to follow a proper diet that limits sugar, caffeine and nicotine, as well as change your lifestyle, in which physical exercise will occupy a significant place. All types hunger - food, sexual, social, spiritual - increases alcohol hunger. They also stop it. Initially, this can be traced at the nutritional level (after a good lunch, the addict does not experience alcohol hunger). From physical to spiritual
