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From the author: Playing with sand as a way of child development and self-therapy has been known since ancient times. The malleability of sand awakens the desire to create a miniature picture of the world from it. Individual grains of sand symbolize a person's individuality. And sand mass is life in the Universe. Playing with sand gives an invaluable experience of symbolic resolution of many life situations. Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. By acting out the situations that worried him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations. It is the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the peculiarities of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid in communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system. Transferring traditional pedagogical classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the desire to child to learn something new, experiment and work independently. Secondly, in the sandbox, tactile sensitivity powerfully develops as the basis of “manual intelligence.” Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. -fourth, object-based play activities are improved, which further contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills. Fifthly, sand, like water, is able to “ground” negative energy, which is especially important when working with “special” children .Types of educational games in the sand: games to get acquainted with the world around us (we get to know what is next to us: animals, rivers, seas, cities) geographic games (we model climatic zones and life on them in the sandbox, find out how people live in different corners of the planet) fantastic games (children imitate life on other planets - the landscape of the Moon, the surface of Mars) historical games (they build, break, study the strategy of combat operations and build again) games-excursions around the city (we introduce our hometown and its history). Educational sand games are offered to children in the form of a didactic fairy tale through: sensory games (about their physical and sensory capabilities, about the properties of things and the environment) language games (to practice grammar and develop phonemic awareness) didactic skills (specific skills and abilities, to develop mental processes) riddle games (develop self-regulation and teach how to accurately carry out an educational task) In this case, the reliance is on visual-auditory-tactile-kinesthetic perception. All analyzers are enabled. Children not only saw and heard, but also included “bodily” memory, plus a bonus - the development of motor skills. It is important that in such a game children are not students, but “heroes” of a fairy tale. Contents of classes: stage of touching and playing on the surface of dry sand - warm-up games and didactic exercises (“Hello, sand!”, “Sand rain”, “Pattern on the sand”) stage of games and exercises with immersing hands in the sand (“Secret task for moles”, “Sand hide and seek”) stage of touching and games on the surface of wet sand (Similar to games with dry sand) prevention of anxiety (story games on the sand using toys) Children begin to compose stories spontaneously. Drawing on sand develops spontaneity, creativity, the ability to transform old images into completely new ones, to part with plots, and not to get hung up on them. One plot gives way to another. And so on endlessly. It's just that the old gives way to the new. Many times, by living this secret, the child achieves a state of mental balance. In the course of ordinary drawing, a child begins to draw for the sake of a “result,” and if something doesn’t work out, he loses.
