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BABY BLUES, POSTPARTUM PSYCHOSIS and their difference from postpartum depression (PPD). Pregnancy, childbirth, the first year of a baby’s life is wonderful, but quite a difficult period in a woman’s life. Her body is changing, hormonal changes are taking place and roles are being transformed. It seems that since this is a natural process, natural, then everything should go smoothly. A woman should immediately be able to “give birth and go to the field to work” and shine with happiness. In life, everything is not as it is shown on social networks. Yes, there is a quick and successful transition into a new role. But approximately every 2nd person experiences the baby blues, every 10-20th person experiences PPD, and every 1000th person experiences postpartum psychosis. 🔸BABY BLUES is postpartum chondral. This condition is experienced by about 30-50% of women (PDD 10-20% of women). The symptoms are similar to PPD, but they are not as strong and for a short time: sad after childbirth, tearfulness, melancholy, constant fatigue, feeling of loneliness, emptiness, poor concentration, anxiety, fears, irritation. Symptoms Baby blues occurs due to the restructuring of the body and adaptation to a new role. They appear a few days after birth and disappear within a couple of weeks or days. The condition does not prevent the mother from taking care of herself and the baby. 🔸And the first symptoms of PDD (this is already a diagnosis, a more serious condition) appear a few weeks, or even a year after giving birth. They last for several months or longer. They affect the quality of life of the mother and child care. Read more about postpartum depression in the article: https://www.b17.ru/article/366938/?prt=psycholog 🔸POSTPARTUM PSYCHOSIS is accompanied by hallucinations, manic ideas, etc. It occurs in 1 in 1000 women and requires urgent treatment❗Mother's condition influences the development of the baby and leaves an imprint on his personal qualities in the future. How to help yourself: ✔️❗At the first signs of postpartum psychosis or PPD, you need to see a doctor! In this case, self-medication can only do harm!✔️Study information about these conditions and self-help methods (taking into account the point above).✔️Study information, repeat what was taught in maternity courses about caring for a newborn, self-care after childbirth. The clearer you are about what to do, the more streamlined your life is, the easier it is.✔️Find helpers. Many mothers feel shame and guilt before their child when they ask for help. It seems like I should be able to handle it myself! To whom? Why should it? Who said that? Unfortunately, attitudes from childhood, society’s stereotypes, and ideal pictures on social networks put pressure on a woman. Are you a bad mother when you take care of yourself? Or do you fill yourself with resources so that you have the opportunity to give care and love to your child? There is no shame in asking for help! The child's father is the same parent. Grandparents are relatives. It is also important for them to learn how to take care of the baby and establish relationships. Agree, when a child has a large and caring family, it’s great!✔️Find, with the help of helpers, time for yourself and your hobbies, learning, self-development. The mother of a newborn often plunges headlong into motherhood, which leads to parental burnout (about it in the next article).✔️Use your personal time for sleep and relaxation!✔️Pamper yourself every day! Let there be 5 things to do with self-care, pleasant and joyful moments in every day.✔️Get acquainted with Jacobson relaxation, meditation and learn to perform breathing techniques. In order to feel the result, you need to do it every day. For example, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5wCl3urQA8SuWQDK-fqUBtaQAdy6Z64/view?usp=drivesdk✔️Remember that movement is life. With a baby, of course, there are a thousand things to do and endless training. Try to make physical activity a joy every day.✔️In the articles https://www.b17.ru/article/330198/?prt=psycholog and https://www.b17.ru/article/330403/?prt= psycholog, you can better understand your resources.✔️And in this article, I tell you life hacks for moms: https://www.b17.ru/blog/290266/?prt=psycholog If you feel
