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From the author: Game is a natural, preconscious and pre-verbal state that does not require complex intellectual efforts, arising from our biological foundations. In this part of the article we will talk about the biological nature of the game and the character of people capable of playing...Do you like to play and run? Why are you doing this?1. lose weight and take care of your health2. set a record and overtake others3. experience the joy of the process4. enjoy socializing with other runners In his book, S. Brown refers to Runner's World magazine, which divided runners into four types: exerciser, competitor, enthusiast and socializer (in accordance with the running goals stated above). Correlating running with the game, he comes to the conclusion that only the last two types of people (the enthusiast and the amateur), who are truly involved in the process and striving for pleasure, can get joy from the game, while the game of running can only be enjoyed by the sportsman and the opponent. unnecessary stress and exclude joy from life. How, in this case, does the game differ from business? The answer is simple: emotions! Unhappiness, anger, dissatisfaction, disappointment of self-critical, aggressive perfectionists, arising from unjustified expectations and unattained goals, destroys the game. The absence of expectations, goals, self-criticism and immersion in the process for the sake of pleasure give positive emotions and nourish the game! The English philosopher of the 18-19 centuries Jeremy Bentham sensitively noted that “our behavior is largely determined by pleasure and pain.” Human nature is such that he strives for pleasure and to avoid pain. If there is a place for play and pleasure in our lives, we feel better, we become more optimistic, we know how to enjoy new things, we are drawn to the unknown, we discover in ourselves the desire to do something new! And the brain works better! :) And vice versa, if we don’t have time for pleasure, our mood deteriorates, we lose a sense of optimism, criticize and are afraid of new things, we cannot understand our true desires, we plunge into routine and lose a simple and pleasant feeling of joy! :(And yet pleasure and benefit are very closely related. “When it’s not about life and death,” writes S. Brown, “trial and error leads to the emergence of new things. We want to do new things not because paper airplanes will certainly lead to to the construction of the Boeing 747, but because it brings pleasure. However, many years later, Boeing is born." At the heart of everything from art to the design of paper airplanes is play, the desire for self-expression, variety and emotional enrichment. You, You've probably heard about a mysterious animal called ascidian, which digests its own brain when it has nothing to do and no longer needs to explore the world. The natural benefit of the game is that it stimulates neurogenesis, the creation of new inventive combinations, prevents mental decline, and trains the skills necessary. in the future, teaches you to successfully interact in society, develops emotional intelligence, allows you to rehearse risky situations without threatening your life, study the environment and the rules of interaction, supports interest in exploring the world, the desire for novelty, and creating diversity. Play is a key factor in development! To be continued...
