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A few lyrics on the topic: “A master of his craft” or “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight.” In educational institutions, we are given various knowledge from childhood. However, this is not enough! We still have to take this knowledge! As in the joke: - “You took physics at school?!” - “Yes... by the way!” It’s a great rarity and joy if you come across a teacher who can teach you how to learn! After all, in order for a person to “get excited” about mastering something, he must first be interested in it. “The student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit” [Pythagoras]. We have to master materials relying on our own natural intellectual resources and intuitively developed strategies, often without realizing how they work. In such cases, there is a high risk of slipping into cramming so that it becomes more ingrained in the memory. And it’s also good if we decide to set aside time to study something, especially if what we study is not interesting. Most often we don’t even begin to do this. Like, what’s the point of straining if I don’t really need it, and it’s also not interesting? “And that’ll do!” And the night before the exam, we write cheat sheets and count on the “Magic Power of Stress.” And after passing the exam, we safely forget what we were forced to do, like a bad dream. Do you recognize yourself? Of course, if we like a subject and we consider it important, then we study it willingly and master it much easier and faster! But it happens that even then it is difficult to remember and understand some elements: classifications, dates/numbers, cause-and-effect relationships of certain processes, and the like. We spend a lot of time and effort on this, without ever fully mastering it. And we are not alone in this. As they say, “There are many of us! We are together!". However, let’s ask ourselves: Would we like to go to a dentist, doctor, auto mechanic or plumber, who, in essence, is not a Master (with a capital “M”), and often even turns out to be a Lomaster”?! Don't even dream about it in a nightmare! But we come across this so often. And to what extent are we masters of our craft? But the better we know the subject of our business, the more interesting and pleasant it is for us to work. Do you know that professional and emotional burnout does not depend on a small salary or early morning rise, but on other factors. And one of the giants of such factors is interest and understanding of your activities! The ability to see benefits from it for people and resources for yourself. When we know that our mind can approach its work creatively and float freely in the sphere of its professional knowledge, this gives pleasure from the process of work, satisfaction from the degree of quality of the result. Interest and understanding of your subject increases your joy and desire to further polish and polish your professionalism. Here, of course, when touching on the issue of the level of quality of one’s work, in addition to knowledge, the moral component is also important. And the material component (in any direction) without the moral one, as practice shows, reduces the quality of the services or goods offered. But that is another topic. So what can you do about it? How to learn to effectively and easily master information and translate it into your area of ​​knowledge? What does it take for Neo to do it, like in the movie “The Matrix” - to master kung fu in 15 minutes? Of course, I’m exaggerating, but still, you will spend time and energy on studying not as usual, but much less, since the need for cramming the material will disappear. And at the same time, unlike the film, our version is even more interesting, since he (Neo) simply downloaded information into his brain as files, and we play it creatively. Moreover, we can work through the same material in different ways, so to speak, consider it from different sides, or we can do it in one way - at our discretion. Such classes are called cognitive-cognitive. They are aimed at working with the processes of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, sensation, speech and perception. Well, it looks like we've sorted that out a bit! What about the theme of mastery, you notice? To this we can say this -».
