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From the author: Description of the author's game for working with the fear of mistakes. ANTI-DICTANT. Correcting the fear of evaluation with a paradoxical task. Having met with children who have very high demands on themselves, I came up with this exercise. Such children always try to complete the task with an A. I arrange reframing for them (a method of changing the paradigm of thinking, the term NLP). TASK: Now we will misbehave. You need to write a sentence from dictation with as many errors as possible. In every word! You can say that this is just a game, and you shouldn’t do that at school. Often before an exercise, a child expresses anxiety; in especially severe cases, he does not even dare to perform it. We take any phrase from a children’s book that is age appropriate. Preferably not a textbook of Russian language and literature. The child writes it with errors. Then the dialogue goes something like this: how much will you give yourself for this task? The classic answer: a deuce, a count. Me: What do you mean? The task was to write a sentence with a lot of mistakes. You did it perfectly. So how much will you give yourself for it? Child: A five! Me: Here’s a red pen, give yourself a five. With a plus! It is important that you install it yourself. If he offers it to me, I say that I am not a teacher. I really like how he performed it, and let him give himself an A. How is this exercise useful? The child realizes that sometimes you can make a mistake and still get a good result. He meets with a positive assessment from an adult about an “incorrectly” written work. Works great with children 8-14 years old. The photograph shows an example of this task being completed by a 9-year-old boy, who reacts with tears to any comments. The boy is an excellent student and an athlete. "Terry" perfectionist. He never assessed his actions positively, and at the same time he mercilessly criticized every mistake he made. Look at the top five he gave himself in the end. And I added the pluses from the heart, after thinking a little) Of course, when working with such children, it is important to work with their self-esteem, anxiety, and work with parents. I hope it will be useful to someone in their work. Ready to answer any questions)Telegram/Whats app: +7 9050397110
