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Love is a wonderful, deep feeling, which, alas, is not enough to build a healthy, harmonious relationship. And many people’s ideas about love are simply not entirely correct - people often confuse passion, love and dependence with this feeling. Today we will look at the main points that you should pay attention to when building relationships in order to make them strong, long-term and preserve love in them .One of the most important factors in a healthy relationship is open, honest dialogue. In a situation where one or both partners, when problems and difficulties arise, close down and do not make contact, it is difficult to build something adequate. Equality of both partners. It doesn’t matter what financial boundaries you have set, how you have distributed your household or budget - the opinions, emotions, needs, desires of each member of the union are equally important. By the way, this also applies to children in families. Respect is the most important component of happy relationships and love. Without it, it is simply impossible to create a healthy relationship. Respect must “penetrate” into all areas of a couple’s life - respect for personal boundaries, the partner’s opinions, hobbies, desires, even in sex it must be present! Freedom and independence of each partner. This is not about an open relationship without obligations, it is about the fact that each person in a couple is a separate person, has his own circle of friends, hobbies, and interests. That is, both are adults, independent people, and not attachments to a partner. The right to personal space in the literal and figurative sense. The situation when one partner decided to be alone for a while, and because of this the second died of a broken heart or simply “cut” the first, is not normal. Every person has the right to be alone with himself and his thoughts, and even (oh my God!) - not to share them with anyone. Support, not only with problems and difficulties, but also in endeavors, aspirations, desires. Outsiders are not allowed! No one should interfere in a relationship, much less interfere with it. This is especially true for close people. Riddles and manipulations also have no place in healthy relationships. If a partner has offended, hurt feelings, or violated boundaries, this must be reported openly immediately. The same applies to desires: if you want something from your partner, just ask. From all the above points, brick by brick, love and relationships are formed that bring joy and pleasure to both partners. That is, it is a constant, continuous process. You cannot make it so that everyone will be absolutely happy and in love every day once and for all. In normal relationships there is a place for conflicts, difficulties, and crises. The main thing is how partners will experience them. What other points would you add to this list? What helps to preserve love? Book a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
