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The first signs of mental ill-being are neuroses and neurotic reactions. Persistent personal anxiety occurs in children with such traits as vulnerability, increased impressionability, and suspiciousness. Anxiety can act as a reaction to the threat of something non-existent, which has neither a name nor a clear image, but which threatens a person with the loss of himself, the loss of his self. An anxious child becomes socially maladapted and therefore he withdraws into his inner world. He becomes a chameleon according to the principle: “I am like everyone else.” He may also become aggressive because aggressiveness reduces anxiety. In behavior, this is manifested by increased rudeness, roughness, etc. As anxiety increases, a person develops a feeling of the inevitability of an impending catastrophe, the impossibility of avoiding danger. The highest level of anxiety is anxious-fearful arousal, which is expressed in the need for motor release, a panicked search for a way out and the expectation of help. Individual work with anxious children has the most general algorithm, which is filled with situational content that is important specifically for this child. The content of the work with children is aimed at developing communication, correction of self-esteem, overcoming internal conflicts. In parallel with this, there is a direction to eliminate the causes that caused anxiety, developing the ability to cope with increased anxiety. For the formation of behavior, the development of the ability to set goals is important, and this, in turn, requires the development of reflection. The direction of work of a psychologist with anxious children is to teach children not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see. There are several stages aimed at providing psychological assistance to children with high levels of anxiety: Consulting parents and providing them with recommendations developed specifically for their case. Diagnosis of a child. Basic work with the child. This includes specially selected exercises to actualize anxiety, relieve it (destruction and transformation), and develop new behavioral strategies. Consolidate the results. The work is based on increasing self-esteem and self-confidence and self-confidence. If necessary, after individual correction, inclusion in the training group for the development of communication skills and confident behavior is proposed. Final consultation with parents, development of strategies for behavior and communication with the child for the future. For adolescents with An increased level of anxiety requires targeted correctional work, which involves the development of reflection, i.e., self-knowledge of internal mental acts and states, as well as the formation of a stable positive self-esteem. The task that an anxious school-age teenager must solve is to find an “island of safety” for himself and strengthen it. In order for a teenager to be able to clearly define the boundaries of his negative feelings, it is necessary to create conditions under which he could speak out and turn his feelings into an image. Thus, the above list is supplemented by the possibility of undergoing individual psychotherapy. The main stages of individual counseling for anxious adolescents include: Maintaining or restoring a positive self-attitude Analysis of the problem, its manifestations, identification of provoking causes Setting a positive goal, describing the desired behavior Description of specific achievements over specified periods of time Clarifying the parameters of the desired result Definition opportunities and resources, as well as allies, those who can help achieve the goal. Working through possible returns to old forms of behavior. Expected results: reducing the level of anxiety, increasing interest in learning, reducing manifestations of anxiety in the area of ​​interpersonal contacts. improving relationships with adults and peers. socialization of the child in a team; activity in both educational and social activities; reduction in the level of tension, neuroses, number of diseases; skills training.
