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Tanality. The main duality of our life, in my opinion, is the opposition of life and death to each other, while these two entities are in continuous dynamic interaction, complementing each other. Life and death, living and dead, resurrection and dying, day and night, light and shadow, we are one way or another constantly in the alternation of these two poles that are oppositely directed towards each other. Right now, reading this, in your body there are processes of decay and synthesis, the death of some cells and the birth of others, we are really and metaphorically both alive and dead, the difference is only in the dominance of one of the processes (but we know who will ultimately win victory). Problems begin when we are unable to accept the fact that one of the processes dominates against our will (well... as if ours) and we, in our attempts to establish control over the process, situation, circumstances, etc., etc. We are moving into a certain phase of uncontrolled immersion in this process, which we are trying to control. We fall down the rabbit hole holding a carrot in our hands and imagining that this rabbit is coming to visit us, and we beckon it with the carrot. This is really strange, because it quite realistically seems to us that we have everything under control, we have established connections, we have resolved issues, we have reached the top, we are the best, the best, the best, and then we hit the bottom of our unconscious very hard and catch our complexes and injuries that rushed out of the enclosure in a scattering. Life and death balance us. You need to feel them in yourself, you should listen to them, you can pay attention to them, because they are us, only in dynamics, like the wave function of an electron. If there is an advantage in one direction, then it still leads to death. And it's terribly scary. And we want to fight it, fight it, run away from it, shoot it, pay it off, deceive it, but no, it’s just us, and everything we do, we do it with ourselves. We drown ourselves in a sea of ​​oblivion with alcohol, increase the decay by playing sports, deplete ourselves with diets, inflate and explode ourselves like a balloon with overeating, we destroy ourselves, we really destroy ourselves, thinking that we are saving. And it's terribly scary. And there is no time to stop and feel how processes flow through us, how time seeps through our skin, how our mind is pierced by thoughts from a distant death unknown to us. In Ancient Egypt there was God Ra and God Osiris. The eternally dying and eternally reborn God Osiris symbolizes duality, and God Ra, eternally shining and blessing for rebirth, symbolizes our spirit, our vitality in dying. This moment is very important, because it shows us a certain archetypal meaning of dying, namely, that by dying we are reborn, but in order to be reborn we need to die. It's extremely simple, but... terribly scary. And where these processes occur unconsciously, for example, in hair loss or in the death of the upper layer of our skin, everything is normal, and as soon as we begin to realize the fact that we are dying at a given moment in time, this plunges us into a state of powerful panic and fear that prevents us from being reborn again. And all we then do is resist our rebirth by dying for an infinitely long time..
