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✍ I see (counsele) teenagers a lot. This was not the case in my personal school experience, so I never cease to be amazed at how much “bullying” there is among schoolchildren. ✍Examples of young clients:👱🏼♀👱🏻♂ “I was friends with a boy, as a result gossip was added, evil tongues were spread and embellished, as a result, right during a lesson, in the presence of a teacher, they could shout WHORE to me with impunity... multiply that by months... imagine, Val, what kind of hell did I live in??!!!” .❗❗❗ I have heard approximately a similar scenario from clients THREE TIMES over the past COUPLE of months!!!! .❗😞❗And the most amazing thing is that all the clients most of all collapsed within themselves not even from slander, ridicule, mockery from their peers, but from the fact that they REALLY expected support from one of the teachers on whom they RELIED, but not here that was it. .👈🏻 In all cases, the TEACHERS answered “IT IS YOURSELF TO GUILTY!!!”.🗣 Eh, the Soviet generation... remember how in the “Diamond Hand” at a party meeting they seemed to call an employee and scold him for cheating on his wife?!.🗣 "Personal life???!!! What kind of personal life!!!!??? We have every right, together with a group of comrades, to crawl under your blanket and look at everything more closely!!!” - something like that. .❌ The question is not “guilty or not?”, the question is “what’s your business?”.✍ The words of my client today (girl, 13 years old, I’m publishing an excerpt from the session with her permission; she was in my therapy this summer for 3 months , i.e. 12 consultations):✍ “Val, I went to school for 2 days... I’m in shock... I perceived September 1st as the worst day of the year for all the previous 5 years of school, hard labor, I was ALWAYS chronically late on any School day... the concept of a “normal, non-yelling Teacher” was perceived by me before as a myth about extinct creatures, such as a unicorn... I had long come to terms with the absence of friends... I think I’m a social phobe, I hated all my classmates... “And here, I don’t understand why, but for the FIRST TIME I was HAPPY on September 1st!! I got up earlier!!!! I'm the FIRST!!!!! Same day MYSELF!!!!I got to know all the new kids....and some cute teachers all around...the unicorns have risen???!!! ...I don’t understand what happened to this world???...".✅ CONCLUSION:✅ In every team (school, work, training, often in the family,...) the ROLE OF THE “SCAPESHAGOAT” is usually highlighted. A very difficult role. And long-lasting.✅✍ If your child feels something like this, don’t delay it, don’t bring it to a change of school, to the roof, to pills. You can and should work with this. .© Klein Valentina, psychologist, 09/05/18 Klein Valentina author of the book, psychologist, regressologist, parapsychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist, oncologist, medical psychologist, clinical psychologist.✍ You can sign up for a consultation, buy the book by writing on WhatsApp by phone. 8-918-612-49-83.
