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From the author: This article was published on 05/24/12. here: An inner man lives in each of us. When he is forgotten, he becomes sad and stops growing. The inner man can be so small that it may seem to the outer man that there is no one inside at all. Then the external person may have an eerie feeling of inner emptiness, a vacuum. If by the time of maturity the internal person remains small, then it is difficult for the external person to grow up. He doesn't even want to. It’s much better to always feel young. But for some reason, an as yet incomprehensible, but unpleasant heaviness in the soul appears more and more often. A person may not even realize that this happens because his best and closest friend, the inner man, is suffering. Suffering from a lack of love and attention. The external person may be dissatisfied with the way his life is going, he may feel deprived, he may notice that those things that previously pleased him no longer please him. He desperately tries to make up for the lack of love and joy with the help of the outer world, but the inner man continues to mope, because he is still lonely. The inner man is able to remind himself, but if he is too small, his weak voice is drowned out by the noise of the outer world. And if an external person happens to hear a voice inside himself, he may get scared and try to live so loudly that he will definitely not hear anything. But fate, taking advantage of its right to disrupt the measured course of everyday life, can sometimes create such silence that the external person appears a real chance to meet the inner one and, finally, listen to it, get to know it better, and try to love it. And if this happens, the inner person, from overwhelming joy and gratitude, begins to quickly grow and glow with happiness. He can outgrow the external man and then his light, spreading around, allows you to see anew the real color of those things that seemed dull, gray and colorless. They often say about such people: “A man with a broad soul.” Next to them it is warm, calm and joyful. The inner and outer person are indivisible. Every cell of our being combines the material and the spiritual. The inner world and the outer world are also indivisible. If you do not notice what is happening inside, the world becomes reified. If you ignore the manifestations of the external world, the material is destroyed. Only the interaction and interpenetration of these worlds creates that harmony that leaves no room for thoughts about the lack of meaning in life.
