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Obey without question?! (question or statement) This article appeared thanks to Mike Salnikov’s question to the article “YOU CANNOT LOSE!” (which can be found here vk.com/psixologmalov?w=wall-104359016_1180/all). I really hoped that they would ask me this question, since an attentive and thoughtful reader will definitely ask this question. I express my deep gratitude to Mike and below I quote his question: “No, do you even think that children should obey their parents unquestioningly?” In order to answer it, we need to distinguish between the concepts of “submission” and “obedience.” The whole dilemma consists of different understandings of these words and the phrase “obey unquestioningly.” Someone puts into it the following meaning - suppression, as well as subordination of the child to his interests/worldview, leading to the fact that he (the child) does as he wants imposed from above and does this, as a rule, unquestioningly (they usually begin to argue at the age of 13, when they are already teenagers). I will quote below a statement by the German poet of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, K. Wieland. He notes that "Children must - while they remain children - be GUIDED (and not subordinate - author's note) by parental authority, but at the same time must be prepared to not always remain children." I mean " obey unquestioningly" is not authoritarianism (dictatorship), but the authority of the parent. An authoritarian parent strives to subordinate the child to his will, while the influence of an authoritative parent arouses in the child reverence and interest, as well as a desire to be like an object of respect, which is authority. Then the question of unquestioning hearing is not even raised. J. Joubert, a French moralist writer who lived at the same time as K. Wieland, adds: “Children need a role model more than criticism.” Yes, this does not negate the fact that the child himself thinks and decides what he wants to act, however, he pays attention to the opinion of his parent, and he himself comes up with a solution to the issue from his reasoning and the opinion of his authority. And this shows his unquestioningness, as well as indisputability, although opinions may differ, but there will be no fundamental disputes (otherwise what kind of authority is this). And I would like to end the article with my aphorism: “A wise parent has talented deeds, while an authoritarian one has obedient ones ( unhappy)"PS If you have difficulties in raising a child or you feel that you are starting to suppress him, but want to raise a successful person, I will be happy to teach you effective tools to make not only your child’s life interesting, but also your personal one. Make an appointment by phone 8-913-327-10-42 (Mikhail Andreevich)
