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Take a break and think Balakhonskaya G.V. Audio version of the article here https://www.b17.ru/media/50950/ This article, dear friends, I wrote a little as a continuation of my article “A healthy attitude towards other people’s opinions”, which in turn was written in continuation of my article “When someone else’s opinion is not similar to ours” :) So, I continue. :) What we don’t like for some reason, we usually reject. Someone else’s opinion that does not coincide with ours is usually ours causes internal protest and instant rejection. Often automatic. In those articles, I wrote that you can simply acknowledge the existence of another point of view of another person. Just admit it. And if there is nothing really threatening or dangerous in this other point of view, then simply allow it to be. Allow it within yourself. That is, you can simply admit your disagreement internally, without advertising it. This is how we simply admit that there are a variety of natural areas on our planet. We like some, we don’t like some, but they just exist. So on our, relatively speaking, psychological “planet”, consisting of the worldviews of very different people, there is a lot of everything. In general, how many people, so many opinions :)) Some people like the taiga, some like the ocean, some like the mountains .And some people like the desert. Anything can happen. :) But you can like it in the abstract. Well, that is, I like it (in principle), but I don’t want to go there. :) Well, we went somewhere once and that’s enough. We tried it. It’s the same with other people’s opinions. Well, they are. The variety of human characteristics, characters, and beliefs is simply immeasurable. Some things attract us, some don't. This is fine. I repeat, if this other person’s opinion does not contain some completely unacceptable attempt to somehow influence us, we can simply accept its existence. And don’t worry about it. :)) I’m just kidding :) But what if we just don’t like someone else’s opinion? Simply because it doesn’t coincide with ours. So what’s wrong with that? Can we get any benefit from this? After all, what does not coincide with ours often simply does not fit into our mental space to which we are accustomed. Unusual is usually uncomfortable. At least at first. Well, imagine how uncomfortable it is to put on high-heeled shoes for the first time. :) Well, uncomfortable, yes. But it opens up a new facet of positioning yourself in society, doesn’t it, dear girls? :) In some situations, comfortable shoes without heels are more suitable. And in some cases, high-heeled shoes add a certain charm to our image. Sometimes, even the very necessary charm. :) It adds subtle sophistication. In what situations what we need is, of course, up to us to decide. But the field for positioning yourself in various social roles without heels would be somewhat narrower. :) Sometimes high heels are very appropriate! If we hadn’t known about such “unusual” shoes? Well, maybe we wouldn’t have shown ourselves in some ways. Although, they probably would have shown it differently. :) There are a lot of variations! But each new variation opens up potential new opportunities for us. Do we want to take advantage of these opportunities? Or do we not want to? Well, this is a matter of personal choice. But at least we will learn about these possibilities. This means that our understanding of what happens and what does not happen will expand. And the broader our understanding, the more fully we can express ourselves! Realize some of our meanings! Therefore, I personally found for myself, friends, such a way to understand my attitude towards something new. Even something that at first glance my heart doesn’t belong to. Now I’ll share :) When something that we don’t like (I repeat, non-threatening) appears in front of us, there is a reason not to immediately meet it with hostility. And gently press on the brakes in your own automatic, aggressively non-accepting reaction, take an internal pause and think. Don’t throw around your “no, no, no, this is absolutely not good for me,” but soak in this new thing and think. Perhaps, after some time after the first rejection, we will begin to see something beautiful and interesting for ourselves:)
