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From the author: Health is not at all the absence of disease. This is a set of psychological, mental and physical factors and reasons that allow a person to live his life quality. And in this quality our perception of the world rests. ILLNESS AND UNHEALTH Health and naturalness are now out of fashion, For the cult of illness has been erected in the temple of death. It’s time to understand human nature, So much so as to deprive it of its useless whirlwind. How often today do we hear the commonly used: “ I’m sick”, “I’m sick” instead of almost repressed statements like: “I’m not feeling well”, “I’m not healthy”? It would seem there’s no difference and the essence is the same. However, if you think a little about the meaning, you will see a completely different background. A disease - as medical science defines it - is a violation of the normal functioning / performance of a person and the ability of his body to adapt. It would seem that there is nothing “criminal”. However, in practice, everything is quite the opposite. Those who are supposed to dispel the threats and doubts of patients / clients - the army of medical workers, for the most part, intimidate and crystallize the state of ill health with a diagnosis / sentence that requires execution of punishment forced prescription of drugs that are known to harm you. And the fact that the price sometimes significantly exceeds the powers of “medical judges”, because it significantly destroys not only the dynamic manifestation of the human body - its health, but also the body itself, is not taken into account. The basis of such therapeutic tactics lies a model of manipulation that veils fear, not only as an emotion of restraint, but above all the energy of control and “managing the situation.” For for many modern guardians of the Aesculapian, illness is a cult of the enemy, which must be struck with therapeutic fire and a surgical sword. Rough attitude towards the body , as an instrument of medical experiments, was born in the laboratories of the pharmacoindustry, and instilled from infancy in the literal and figurative sense. Of course, not all guardians of health are mistaken. There are also those who deliberately use the ignorance of the population for their own selfish purposes. I would like to believe that such people are in the minority. DISEASE AS CRYSTALLIZATION OF FEAR Unfortunately, many medical workers do not even suspect that using the mechanism of intimidation, more often called “consequence prevention,” they not only unbalance the human endocrine system, blocking its normal ability to adapt and regeneration. They also unconsciously contribute to the attraction of astral parasites from the invisible worlds into the energy field of the patient who seeks help, to the radiation of fear, horror, and suffering they “emit.” In fact, the entire orthodox alma mater is built on programming / intimidation with fear, which shapes the mind of an ignorant person persistent engrams or destructive (emotional-mental) programs stored in the cellular memory of the physical body. This situation is aggravated by the fact that the disease “seems” to an ordinary person ignorant of the intricacies of his own body as a monster that must be gotten rid of at any cost. But the monster, in this case, is not the disease itself, but its astral illusion. And this monster is all the more dangerous, the more nightmarish its image, drawn by the fearful imagination. This creates a vicious circle, where fear supposedly helps a person turn his attention to his deteriorating or failing health. Partially yes. But in fact, emotional-physical dependence is formed. Any slight discomfort, indicating not only disharmony, but also the inclusion of adaptive and regenerative properties of the biosystem for self-purification and restoration, is extinguished in the bud by a countless arsenal of synthetic pharmacological agents, gradually disabling the immune system. REASONABLE ORGANISM Unfortunately, the health care system does not bother to explain to a person his capabilities / “rights” in relation to himself and his health, which includes: The natural and amazing ability of the biosystemof a person to self-healing / regeneration. A cyclical and rhythmic pattern, including cellular renewal of organs and systems. The presence of its own army of “doctors” - the immune system - diagnosticians - suppressor cells, therapists - helper cells, and surgeons - killer cells. The body’s use of “disease” as a cleansing mechanism. An expanding range of healing areas that exclude gross interference in the subtle structure of the human body. Even if we consider ourselves through the body, from the point of view of ancient sciences, we will find that it is a divine instrument with its own hierarchical control structure and levels of consciousness. What can we say about modern research in the field of genetic engineering, quantum microbiology, wave genetics. Our body with its vital needs is a whole conglomerate with all kinds of functions and devices capable of restoration, renewal and coordination, like everything in nature, subject to the same laws of harmony and orderliness. Cellular consciousness has nothing in common with the usual mental and emotional “set” of a person. This bodily intelligence of DNA is just beginning to be revived, after many millennia, including the “forgotten” possibilities of self-healing. Very soon, in addition to the 12 known DNA helices, science will “discover” 24 more, which will be active in the incarnating crystal and rainbow children of light. And these revolutionary discoveries, I hope , will finally bury the barbaric attitude to health, both among specialists and ordinary people. DISEASE AS A HUMAN CONDITION Academician Neumyvakin, who for 30 years was responsible for the health of astronauts and restoring them without “conventional medicines,” once said: “there are no diseases, there are only states,” which in general is so. His use of a person’s own urine to resuscitate him by intravenous administration is akin to the methods of Paracelsus, when he successfully used cadaveric elements taken during the full moon and exposed to various elements in the healing process. In both cases, the spirit of research destroyed the usual stereotypes. The rigidity of medical traditions is in many ways similar to religious dogmatism. Fresh views are not welcome here, especially if they “threaten” the dilapidated edifice of conventional science, reminiscent of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. If we consider health and illness in the context of human attention to one’s nature, we can trace in the first case states of consciousness or conscious control of one’s body and habits, and in the second - unawareness or ignorant and consistent self-destruction. Mastery and control of the body is, first of all, a change in habits! And this is not only the so-called bad eating habits, smoking, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle. The main bad habit is to treat your body as a consumer, like a trash can, which just needs to be emptied periodically. Some representatives of homo sapiens there is such a “life preserver” in the form of drip infusions / rinses after the next alcohol-food race, which, in their opinion, takes them out of the troubled waters of life onto stable soil under their feet. This illusion of control has its pitfalls. For they hardly think about the fact that blood is vital energy and diluting it with medical means is akin to diluting the alcoholic drinks they so love and respect. It will turn out to be a surrogate in both cases. Another common view of the disease is to consider it (them) as a constantly present companion, as a natural component of human life. Here we observe an inverted truth, and, in fact, like much that is profaned and perverted in our life. For not illness, but health is a natural state. And it does not depend on the number of toasts pronounced, but on specific and targeted efforts to maintain it. There are no chronic diseases and conditions, no matter how long they talk about it and explain it to us, that so pester and aggravate a person’s life. So familiar to many,a constantly present state of illness, there is only chronic inattention to the call of the body and its needs. TEMPLE OF THE BODY The best temple created on earth by God is the temple of Nature, including the human kingdom, and by man the temple of his Soul. It is in the temple of the body that it is possible to “hear” the divine sounds, listening to the hidden music of his movements, cultivating the intuitive impulse of cellular feelings and conducting his lights. “When scientists D. Dzhimzewski and E. Pelling, research associates at the University of California at Los Angeles, mechanically influenced the cell, it vibrated and, thus , made sounds. E. Pelling said that what scientists heard during the experiments were “enchanting sounds.” Moreover, the scientist called the sounds produced by cells music.” The same phenomenon was experimentally confirmed by the Russian scientist P. Garyaev. By plunging into the cellular consciousness of the body, we will be able to observe not only the contrast in perception, but also feel the dance rhythm of the membrane-cellular orchestra with a kind of musical medley of familiar sounds and chords, harmonious and joyful in their infinity and fervor. And such bodily bliss can be fully felt, both during and after physical activity, and in meditative rest and proper relaxation, sexual tantric play of loving partners. THE ESSENCE OF THE DISEASE So what is the disease? Lack of health? Presence of painful symptoms / syndromes? “Disease is the result of suppression of the life of the soul” - Esoteric Healing. In other words, a person, as an individual, either ignores the program of the soul for a given life cycle, or is not aware of its existence. And in this sense, illness is not at all the wrath of God and not the punishment of the soul. But a set of factors that predetermine one or another course of its development/course. Illness is the level of our attitude towards ourselves - from the exploitation of health, to a carefully realized understanding of its importance and value. From the point of view of Duetics, illness is a divine treatment with signs sent by signals indicating a violation of harmony. And let these the signs are often not so personable, or contain the energy of pain and suffering, and it is difficult not to notice them. But, unfortunately, the emphasis is not always placed correctly. Moreover, the desire to get rid of a disease at any cost, without insight into the essence and cause that caused it, often does not lead to the desired result - awareness and change of oneself. This is especially pronounced in the case of the so-called “incurable” or serious diseases and the conditions that accompany them - cancer, heart attack, stroke, along with other psychosomatic diseases. Illness is not a station on the path of life, intermediate or final. This is a thorny path from health to health. Illness is the path to harmony or the key to self-awareness and changing the body’s habitual automatism to conscious control of eating behavior, emotional reactions and mental purity. In the case of an advanced illness, when death breathes in the face, it is important to shift the vector from personality and the desire to blame oneself, the world, one’s life for the inability to change the current situation. But, more often than not, the voice of reason is silent, shackled by fear, and the thirst for life at any cost rules the person’s personality at its own discretion. Self-pity and any negative polarization - in fear, anger, hatred, only aggravates the disease, clouds the mind and does not allow one to establish contact with oneself. soul. I know many cases when even young and inexperienced people in everyday life passed away with dignity, setting an example to their own parents in love, forgiveness and acceptance, as if trying to say: “life in the body is not the only one and its value is determined not by the number of years lived, but by their quality.” But this spiritual signal of theirs, for the most part, was not recognized entirely correctly by the remaining parents, because they went to extremes - religion, self-pity, were rooted in feelings of guilt and / or overprotection over their other children or loved ones. In many ways, this occurred due to a person’s lack of faith inanother existence, postmortem. Although somewhere deep in the soul every person has knowledge about this. But a too pragmatic and concrete mind neutralizes this knowledge with the common statement: “no one has returned from there, or no one knows for sure what is there!?” Those who experienced clinical death have a completely different opinion, but their voice is also from beyond the threshold death is too weak to reach all those to whom he will be a beacon of hope. THE ORIGINS OF DISEASE “The labels that your medical establishment offers as names for diseases are very relative. They are simply an acknowledgment of how these imbalances manifest themselves in the bodies of your personalities.” - Telos. Revelations of the new Lemuria. If we compare modern medical diagnostics with that of the shamans of the tribes of South America, then the difference will certainly be significant. However, material science does not have such an impeccable reputation. Because the physical body is not the main factor in the occurrence of any ailments. The attitude of wild tribes towards the body is more natural and less consumerist. At the same time, their ability to heal the etheric and astral body often far exceeds the capabilities of a modern psychotherapist who is not familiar with esoteric healing. On the other hand, the abilities of modern genetics, microbiology, biochemistry and other sciences related to medicine make it possible to detect hidden parasites of the human body : fungi and viruses, bacteria and protozoa, along with a wide range of worms/worms. Therefore, etiological medical science today is as essential as integrative medicine, embracing the empirical knowledge of the present with a huge and incompletely explored layer of knowledge of the past. PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES DISEASESesoteric Healing considers the internal or physical causes of diseases leading to death and the psychological or internal causes that upset various physical vehicles of a person: the etheric, astral and mental bodies. The physical causes of diseases and deaths are most often due to their group and mass consciousness, and their inherent world illusion and obsession with the ensuing consequences. “1. Accidents, which may be either the result of personal negligence, group events or the carelessness of others, or the result of collisions, such as during strikes or wars. In addition, these can be the results of attacks by animals or snakes, accidental poisoning and many other reasons. “Truly, even an accident is only possible when balance is lost.” –Emerald tablets of Hermes.2. Infections that affect a person from the outside, and are not caused by the specific condition of his blood. These are various so-called infectious and contagious diseases, as well as epidemics. They can strike a person during the performance of his duties, through his daily contacts or due to the widespread spread of the disease among others.3. Diseases caused by poor nutrition, especially in youth. Malnutrition predisposes the body to disease, reduces resistance and vitality, and weakens “defense forces,” leading to premature death.4. Heredity. Some types of hereditary weakness either predispose a person to certain diseases, and subsequently to death, or bring him to such a state in which he steadily loses the taste for life. In addition, certain tendencies sometimes take dangerous forms, developing into undesirable habits, which leads to immorality and poses a danger to the will of a person, depriving him of the ability to fight such a predisposition. Having succumbed to it, he pays with illness or death. Psychological causes of illness, according to the ascended Master Djwhal Khul: Rooted in the emotional nature, through: a) uncontrolled and poorly managed emotions; b) suppressed or uncontrollable desire; c) constant anxiety and irritation (author - irritation is the main enemy of spiritual aspiration,as Agni Yoga testifies);2. They arise in the etheric body through: a) blockage; b) lack of coordination and integration; c) excessive stimulation of centers; 3. Based on incorrect thinking: a) Erroneous / distorted mental attitudes; b) mental fanaticism; c) dominance of thought forms; d) deceived ideals. 4. They are specific ailments and problems inherent in students.” There is no point in dwelling on each of them in detail, because a whole treatise by A. A. Bailey is devoted to descriptions of these reasons, Esoteric Healing, which you can get acquainted with on your own if you wish. THE MAIN CAUSES OF DISHARMONY In any case , summing up all of the above, from the time of Hermes to today, there are only a few main factors in the occurrence of diseases. And these causal factors are determined, in many respects, by the degree to which the soul touches the person’s attire. The more highly developed the individual, who pays due attention to his physical body, psycho-emotional state and reasonable alternation of work and rest, the better the quality of life and the more natural health, which does not require extreme efforts, but daily, adequate attention. Thus, we can identify four main reasons for the occurrence of any diseases or, more precisely, states of disharmony, entailing corresponding suffering, in the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies of a person. An unhealthy lifestyle directly affects the development of diseases due to the direct “ infusion" into the body of dead or frequency-distorted energy that destroys the primary integrity of the cells of the body. The remaining causal "characteristics" are more indirect and depend on the degree of involvement in one or another destructive program. Thus, a distorted worldview includes the entire sum of superstitions, stereotypes, erroneous judgments and misconceptions regarding different spheres of life, but one way or another influencing the formation of the emotional and mental bodies, as well as the positive or negative direction of the interests of a particular individual. Astral and mental parasitism is not only an external aggressor, but often an internal mechanism of influence through distorted parental programs , supplemented by social egregors of false significance and substitute values. Karmic heritage on a micro scale forms a kind of unhealthy heredity, but more comprehensive than we can imagine, because it goes beyond the known historical boundaries of time. It is in it that the secret of cancer, tuberculosis and many infectious diseases, pandemics of which carried millions of people into the world of their ancestors, not so long ago, “rests.” The seemingly simplest way to always feel harmonious and comfortable is to lead a healthy lifestyle. But , as a rule, this ability comes either much later, when time has been lost, and returning the usual naturalness and health is not so easy, or even impossible, or when consciousness has risen above the bodily-emotional need for survival-consumption. In both cases, in many respects , the stimulating factor is ill health, illness or disease, which turns the imperfect personality towards the soul. This is the “truth of life” in the world of three-dimensional illusion of existence. It is the light of transformation, so long-awaited and valuable for each of us, that opens up for us the possibilities of divine healing according to the Laws of Harmony, Integrity and Unity with all things. HEALTH AS PREVENTION AND PREVENTION A worldview approach in which PREVENTION and PREVENTION OF DISEASES is not nonsense and not just a hackneyed Soviet slogan, but a systematic practice that bears fruit. In ancient China, the work of court doctors, who were philosophers, healers, astrologers, and magicians, was paid when the emperor and his family were NOT SICK! Thus, this fact confirms the theory of Cycles, a certain orderliness of systems and patterns of energy declines and rises, called in modern language as biorhythmology. Asclepius and Hippocrates,.
