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Hello friends! Today I want to share with you interesting information about cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) is a modern approach to psychotherapy based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs determine our emotional state and behavior. It helps people understand how their thinking affects their emotions and actions, and learn to replace negative and dysfunctional thoughts with more positive and constructive ones. CBT is effective in treating a variety of problems, such as generalized anxiety disorder and other different types of anxiety disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. and some others, depression, fears and phobias, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress syndrome and much more. It helps people develop self-regulation skills, recognize and change irrational and dysfunctional thoughts and behavioral patterns, ultimately leading to improved quality of life and well-being. For the process to be fully effective, it is necessary to pay attention to the automatic thoughts that prevent us from achieving the results we desire. Automatic thoughts are negative, often unconscious beliefs that underlie our reactions and behavior. They can arise in certain situations and influence our emotions and decisions. Deep beliefs, in turn, are the basis for the formation of automatic thoughts. They arise in early childhood and determine our worldview and attitude towards ourselves, other people and the world around us. It is important to note that automatic thoughts and deep-seated beliefs can carry incorrect ideas about reality, limit us and prevent us from living fully and enjoying life. The process of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is usually based on active interaction between the therapist and the client. It includes analyzing thoughts (automatic and then intermediate, as well as identifying deep-seated beliefs) and setting goals, training new skills and their practical application in real life. This is not a quick process, on average it can take up to 10 meetings as part of a short-term course, but the results and positive changes are worth it! Don’t forget that awareness and rethinking of your thoughts and beliefs is the first step to freeing yourself from their influence and achieving harmony within yourself . Friends, have you heard about cognitive behavioral psychotherapy? I wonder if there are anyone among you who have already practiced CBT and would share their impressions? Have you encountered automatic thoughts and deep-seated beliefs? How do you deal with them? Be in harmony with your thoughts and emotions! Clinical psychologist, CBT, schema therapy, EMDR+7 906 236 24 07 Telegram, WhatsApp
