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Vacation is a time for relaxation, restoration and replenishment of mental resources. However, when the time comes to return to work after a long-awaited vacation, many of us experience difficulty adjusting to the working rhythm. In this article, we'll look at the psychological aspects of returning to work and offer exercises to help you navigate the transition more easily and enthusiastically. Coming to terms with reality: The first step towards a successful return to work is accepting the fact that your furlough is over and you have to return to work. daily duties. This moment can bring up feelings of disappointment and sadness, but it is important to accept it. Try the following exercise: Gratitude List Exercise: Write down all the positive moments from your vacation that made you happy. Then write a list of things you are grateful for in your job. Compare the two lists and find common elements. This will help you bring a sense of gratitude and see the positive aspects of returning to work. Gradually restore your routine: To avoid feeling stressed and overwhelmed in the first days after vacation, it is worth gradually returning to your normal work routine. Effective time management and planning can be your best allies. Try the following exercise: Daily Routine Exercise: Make a list of tasks that you have to complete at work. Distribute them by day, starting with the least difficult ones and gradually moving to the more important ones. This will allow you to gradually adapt to the work rhythm and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Inspiration and plans for the future One way to make returning to work more enjoyable is to set new goals and get inspired by the future. Work can be joyful and fulfilling if you find meaning and purpose in it. Consider the inspiration exercise: “I would like/would like my work to bring me more satisfaction and joy. To achieve this goal, I can take the following specific steps: First, I will begin by defining in detail what aspects of my work bring me joy and satisfaction, and which ones do not. This will help me understand what exactly I need to change. I will actively seek opportunities to learn and develop in my field. Increasing my skills and knowledge can make my work more exciting and interesting. I will deliver. I have specific goals that I want to achieve at work. This will help me focus on results and feel satisfaction from achieving them. I will maintain contact with colleagues, discuss my ideas and exchange opinions can lead to new opportunities for my development as a specialist. I will focus on work-life balance. This will help me maintain energy and a positive attitude towards work."Returning from vacation is a transition period that can be made less stressful and more productive if you take the psychological aspects of the process into account. Practice exercises that will help you come to terms with reality, restore routine, and find inspiration at work. Work can be a source of joy and satisfaction if you learn to see meaning and purpose in it. Don't be afraid of change and look at the future with optimism!
