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Games based on psychological principles can help strengthen the relationship between lovers. One such play may be to use Jung's concept of the shadow. Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, proposed the concept of the shadow as an incredible force that resides within us, but which we usually do not see. The shadow can manifest itself in the form of negative emotions that we try to hide from others, but which can ultimately harm our relationships. Using Jung's shadow concept in a game can help lovers reveal their hidden sides and understand each other better. The game begins with each partner choosing a negative quality for themselves that they want to hide from the other. For example, it could be envy, anger, fear or jealousy. Then each partner writes his negative quality on a piece of paper and puts it on his half of the table. Next, each partner must choose for himself the quality that he wants to develop or strengthen in himself. It can be any quality, such as patience, generosity, hard work or love. Each partner writes their positive quality on a piece of paper and places it on their partner's half of the table. Then each partner takes a piece of paper with the other's negative quality on it and tries to imagine how they would feel if they had that quality. For example, if your partner chose envy, then you should try to imagine how you would feel if you were envious. After that, each partner takes a piece of paper with a positive quality of the other and tells their partner what quality they like about them and why . Each partner then tells their partner about their positive quality and explains how that quality helps them in the relationship. For example, if your partner chose patience, then he can explain that this quality helps him remain calm during conflicts. Next, each partner takes a piece of paper with a negative quality of his partner and tells him which quality he does not like and why. It is important to remember that this is not criticism, but rather an attempt to understand each other. Each partner then explains how they can help their partner develop or enhance the positive quality they have chosen. The game ends when each partner takes out a piece of paper with their partner's negative quality on it and tears it apart. This symbolizes the desire to let go of your negative emotions and start a new chapter in the relationship. Using Jung's shadow concept in this game can help lovers understand that each of them has their own flaws, but this does not mean that they cannot work together to improve their relationship . Separating positive and negative qualities can help you understand yourself and your partner, and strengthen the relationship in the long run..
