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There are a lot of materials, opinions, and disputes on the Internet about what is happening now. I also wanted to formulate my opinion regarding the “period of new learning opportunities” and “time for self-development.” I have a different, not very positive, but rather realistic point of view on what we call self-isolation. But out of common sense, I decided to start with the “tail”, that is, with the answer to the question “What to do?” , that is, with recommendations. Because the question is “What is this?” and “who is to blame?” also good in their own way, but practically not useful in any way. Let's accept that we all live in a situation of the highest anxiety, extreme stress and mass traumatization. No, I’m not pushing...These are facts that we are not aware of right now, but rather some time after the situation ends. Now we are all, as they say, in the center of things. So, there can only be one universal recommendation - take care of yourself. And even more carefully... And even much more carefully! Imagine that you are a crystal vase. A Chinese vase from some dynasty... That's how you treat it. Now is not the time for time pressure, analysis, introspection and endless feelings of guilt on the topic: “I’m not home, I snapped at the children!” If you want something, do it, if you notice some strange things about yourself (general cleaning of the apartment for the fourth time, a refrigerator filled to capacity and then buying groceries, a desire for some kind of rituals when leaving the house and returning), then smile at them and accept. This is how the psyche is protected. Later, later, it’s not worth dealing with this now. Since the base has been destroyed - basic needs, for example - then you should also help yourself at the base level. Bodies, that is. Help consists in creating resources. - Any pleasant sensations will help you. Smells, soft clothes, water treatments, pleasant sounds, warmth - everything that for you is included in the concept of “pleasant sensations”. They have always been there, but now it is worth focusing on them and creating them for yourself in large quantities. - Any breathing and relaxation practices. Qigong and yoga are ideal. Every day what you like and as much as suits you. I am quite alert and balanced now due to half an hour of yoga in the morning. Yes, you have to drag yourself out of bed at seven in the morning, but it’s worth it! - Physical activity, movement. Regularly, every day. In any form and any volumes you need. The body must move, the muscles must work. It is important to understand that physical activity is also pleasure. - Sensations help greatly to keep yourself at the “here and now” level. This is an important level. Particularly important in situations of stress. What's happening now? How do I feel? What's around me? A return from panic, fear and worries about the future to the “here and now” could be, for example, like this: Concentration on bodily sensations; Breathing. Concentrate on your breathing, watch it. Practices of yoga and qigong will help you; Pay attention to the muscles, to possible muscle tensions and clamps. Relax your jaw, lower your shoulders, for example; If this is difficult and you have never done this, just name seven objects around you. “Now I see a sofa, a table, a book, a floor lamp, a carpet...” - something like this; Go to the window and say everything you see (in the same mode as the previous point); If you are busy with any activity, pay attention to your actions. Avoid automatic actions. About time. It needs to be structured. Plan your day, your affairs, include both physical and intellectual activity. Don't allow "flow". Do something in your profession, work remotely if you can and as much as you can. Plan for the future. Even if it’s very foggy right now – plan! It is important for people to continue the timeline into the future, even if only in general terms. All this helps a lot to remain stable. About people. Communicate as much as possible, but only with people who are pleasant and valuable to you. This is not the time for discussions on social networks. This is the time for friendly joint breakfasts - virtual, but!
