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An unexpected, especially positive event is sometimes accompanied by the phrase “What a trick!” and not the way the unconscious reads it. Our speech is filled with so many words, many of which are written differently, but sound the same, carry several meanings. And if the consciousness guesses that the “key flows” because it is about water, then the unconscious may perceive this phrase differently and wow, time flowed on the canvases of Salvador Dali, or porridge ran in the hostess’s kitchen: Porridge Porridge ran away from the hostess Her name was maybe Masha, Maybe Lena, or maybe Ira, It doesn’t matter to us, but the apartment is a mess - There is a house in a porridge in the middle of summer And the soul is warmed by the rays, And dragonflies flutter between the stars, You, my friend, live in two worlds. We really exist in two worlds - in the world created by consciousness and in the world of the unconscious. Both have speech, but each has its own code, interpreting (transcribing) the sign system in its own way. The same word image may have different meanings for the system of consciousness and for the system of the unconscious. And Russian, as great and powerful , perhaps, like no other language, it introduces so much confusion. Slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, and jokes are not random elements of speech, but information about what we desire. The unconscious is the place where our desires live, and there are also the keys to our capabilities. But in order to get the key, you need to learn how to read these codes. Russian fairy tales (and the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin) are replete with symbolic codes that carry information about how to defeat Koshcheya, get half the kingdom, a horse and a princess in addition, and much more about what they can tell. Today, the speeches of scientists and cultural experts about the meaning of the Russian language for Russian people do not stop. Of course! After all, all these signs, symbols in the form of fairy-tale characters, proverbs and sayings are literally stitched into our unconscious. The imagery of the Russian language, its uniqueness, is the very thing which makes us unique, creating, on the one hand, “difficulties in translation”, and on the other, protecting us from weakness of spirit and loss of soul. Modern children are different, they are the generation of numbers, while the previous generation could be called the generation of letters. But also in children In the digital age, epic heroes live, albeit dressed in a modern way, and blacksmithing has been replaced by nanotechnology. Baba Yaga now evokes a smile rather than fear, and the serpent Gorynych is no longer impressive in a picture in a book, but in three/four-D format on the big screen. The world is changing, and over the past ten years we have found ourselves in completely different conditions than those in which we grew up when we were children, but our Russian features give us away in any country in the world and, as before, the “Russian soul” remains a mystery to everyone who comes to the expanses of Russia. It’s an amazing thing, but our Russian field is wide and endless, and therefore limitless. This is where it’s worth stopping and taking a closer look at the field of the Russian soul. What kind of field is this? The field is between two worlds - between the world of reality and the world of fairy tales. And with all the love for space, only sensing a threat, the Russian soul shifts exactly to where “clouds move gloomily.” The fairy tale built into the Russian soul tells about two worlds (the world of Revealed and Navi in ​​the pagan tradition), and the Russian spirit, only only the one who was here in the obvious world is already “smelling” somewhere on the border of the worlds, going in search of a lost soul. Freud’s famous patient Sergei Pankeev, aka the Wolf Man, whose neurosis the father of psychoanalysis described in the work “From the history of a childhood neurosis “had an illness that did not allow him to live a full life. A disease familiar to many Russian souls who are losing meaning and themselves. In other countries they don’t go “to places I don’t know where” in the hope of bringing “something I don’t know what” because this expression itself sounds contradictory to the non-Russian ear. But “what is good for a Russian is for a German - death,” and with all the breadth of the soul and love for life, no, no, the Russian soul turns to the topic!
