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Chatting with the woman you like. Dear men, this article is for you. Here I will outline a few simple techniques and the general structure of how to meet a girl. This article will have 2 parts. The first part of dating is in real life, and the second is on dating sites (hereinafter referred to as SZ). Part 1: Meeting a girl in real life. There is one big rule for any successful dating - you have to stand out. Very few men approach girls on the street to meet them. If they come up, they ask one question: “girl, can I meet you?” 95% of guys are like this. If you are in the remaining 5%, then you will already stand out. The simplest script is to start communication in an original way: “Hi, I understand that it looks a little awkward, but you seemed nice to me. What is your name...”. Then just say that you need to run to work and ask for their number/Instagram*/VKontakte/Telegram. But it’s better, of course, to write your phone number in messenger. What this approach will show a girl: It will show that you are confident in yourself, that you are open-minded enough, and follow your desires to do what you want, but respect personal boundaries and think about the other person, and not just about yourself. What kind of girl would be interested in a man who comes up and asks permission to meet? If a person is open, polite and clearly indicates what he wants, then he always meets with a positive and adequate response. Yes, they can refuse you and tell you that there is a girl/boyfriend. But, this is part of the experience, fortunately! Why fortunately? Because without failures we cannot become stronger, without difficulties there is no sweet taste of victories. Imagine if all the girls agreed to meet all the guys. The bed repair and assembly industry would be the most profitable in the world. And even more so, remember that the girl really may already have someone. If you are rejected 10 or more times, then this is a reason to think that you are doing something wrong. Your voice may tremble, you may smell bad (breath, body, clothes), you may be dressed strangely and inappropriately. Remember, to make a good impression, you just need to be a little more confident than you really are. Again, what kind of men do girls mostly want to see next to them? - Confident, right. Guys, chest in a wheel, take a deep breath, let your knees shake, you can’t see it, but your voice should be velvety, loud, but calm, like that of a night DJ on the radio. Already when you take the contact, you can catch your breath around the corner, I did this many times during my first acquaintances. Remember also that everything in you should be beautiful, as Chekhov said. So, if you are going to meet someone on the street, you should have stylish clothes, a hairstyle that suits you, and a good smell. I'm not saying that everything should be branded and expensive, but it should look fashionable. There are sites on the Internet where you can create a combination of “more fashionable” clothes. And lastly and most importantly: How do you approach, with what inner intention. The fact is that girls read non-verbal movements very well. You and I are unlucky; social evolution will lead them to this. But nonetheless. You must approach with the intention of good. Any approach is an offer to communicate with your personality. What kind of people should you gravitate towards? To the angry, insecure and who want to offend, or to the kind, whose eyes say “I found my princess”? The answer is obvious. Therefore, when approaching a girl, it is important: to tune in inside to the fact that you are a kind person, that you really sincerely like a particular girl and that you want to communicate with her. Such easy tips to start meeting girls on the street/bus stop/shops. There are many ways, I don’t have enough finger strength to describe everything, but nevertheless, I gave you the basis and basis. The main thing I want to convey to you in my articles is: It doesn’t matter where you meet: real or SZ. It's important to love girls and not be misogynistic and be kind to them. And then the girls will read it through non-verbal.
