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From the author: Article. Author: Rustam S. Serebryakov. Training center “Master” Overheard in a large supermarket, an announcement on the “internal radio”: “Dear customers, we invite you to the confectionery department. Our fastidious sellers will tell you...” I didn’t hear any more, I laughed out loud. Yes, personnel decides everything, who can argue. Another case from the practice of working with radio announcers. We created a program for car enthusiasts with a specialized lawyer, a powerful specialist in his field. This is what he said: “... in the event of an accident, you need to fuck it up immediately...” It’s good that the program was broadcast off-line, a live broadcast would not have tolerated this. By the way, a live recording of this audio-legal precedent has been preserved: I demonstrate it at trainings, it is very revealing. As part of the training “Voice. Strength and Charisma” we call this phenomenon “vague thinking”. Surely, it has happened to many of you that during a conversation you began to confuse places with words (or, after all, words in places?), the ending of one word suddenly moved to the tail of another, interjections went crazy, and you yourself could not compose yourself with thoughts of finally stopping this circus. Common situation? This happens to almost everyone. I note that the listener will most likely not notice a number of logical inconsistencies in your speech (for example, “confusing places with words”) and the general meaning of what was said will reach his consciousness exactly in the form that you intend. However, this understanding has a serious side effect that directly affects the results of communication. Do you want to know which one? Read more about this in the article “Why those who listen get tired.” Let’s continue. Mikhail Lomonosov said: “He who thinks vaguely speaks vaguely.” Yes, chaotic thinking prevents you from conveying the key idea to your interlocutor. Clarification is required here - this applies to both the logic and mechanics of speech. And this is the reason for “vague thinking” No. 1 - a lot of thoughts that are not relevant to the point. Or, in psychological terms, “vague thinking” is the result of neurosis. This includes a general tendency to neuroses and fear of public speaking and basic unpreparedness for speaking. Reason No. 2 is incorrect functioning of the speech centers of the brain. Many strong neurophysiologists are working on this problem... or rather, “task”, and in our country, in particular, the laboratories of S.V. Medvedeva, V.A. Ilyukhina and others. Omitting specific information, I hasten to reassure you - it is possible to work with reason No. 2. To put it plainly, the brain can be “trained” to work in such a way that your speech becomes understandable. The third reason is banal to the point of disgrace, but also relevant to the point of trembling - this is fatigue, tiredness. When the entire resource of your body is spent on simply keeping you on your feet, then there is no time for strong and clear speeches. Once Sofia Rotara was asked (for the hundred thousandth time, apparently): “how do you manage to keep yourself in such excellent shape?”, she answered: “I never get tired.” What was meant was that she simply stops if she feels fatigue coming on. Yoga calls this “ahimsa,” the principle of non-violence. Beyond the border of fatigue, a period of severe wear and tear of your internal resources begins. And if you really want to do everything, you want to win, then... put everything off until tomorrow, and today - rest. So, here are the three main reasons for “vague thinking”, as the author of the article understands it. Of course, it would be disingenuous to promise that during voice training you will completely get rid of neurosis, chronic fatigue, and even more so problems in the functioning of the speech centers of the brain. But we can lay the foundation, “remove the top layer,” and give impetus to such work. And there are very concrete results of such work. The exercises that we use in trainings are selected in such a way as to combine purely technical work on developing voice skills with the fundamental idea of ​​clear thinking. And, finally, practical advice. Want to take a step towards clearer thinking? Re-read this short article right now. However, take your time.!
