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I want to start writing with emotions and feelings, because... all feelings are important and necessary for our psyche, any emotion is important and necessary. Emotions have their own goals and objectives, their own functions. I want to tell you what feelings and emotions we experience, what feelings we generally have. Psychologists divide emotions into basic and composite. To be honest, there are so many divisions into basic emotions that I myself managed to get confused; the authors identify 4, 5, 7, and 10 basic ones. The exact basic ones are Anger (anger), Fear, Sadness (dejection), Joy. Each emotion has its own goals and objectives. So they talk about something important to us, but do we always listen to our body? What are our emotions for and what do they do? Orient us in this world. Fear helps to avoid danger: when fear arises, we evaluate whether there is a threat to life or not , if there is, then you need to “fight or run”?2. They help to adapt. With certain feelings, the body prepares our body: adrenaline is released, the heart rate increases, breathing quickens - if this is necessary for survival, 3. Regulate behavior The emotions that arise in us make us act differently. In joy we are alone, but in fear or anger our behavior is completely different.4. They help us communicate. Not only do we broadcast emotions, but we also read them from those around us. We understand what mood a person is in, whether it’s worth starting a conversation with him or whether it’s better to pass by.5. Encourage action. It is emotions that make us act. When attraction appears, you want to establish contact with this person; when you feel angry, you want to wave your fists, etc. It is very important to understand that we have every right to our feelings and emotions. Feelings cannot be divided into good and bad, appropriate or inappropriate, wrong or beautiful - each has its own function. There is no need to make excuses to other people for our feelings, everything that arises for us is all important to us. We need to learn to stop and understand, what is happening to me now? What I feel? What happened, why did this particular feeling arise? And then it will be easier to answer the question, “What do I need now?”, “What can I do for myself?”, “How can I support myself now?” If you don’t know how to express your feelings, are afraid to show anger, resentment, don’t hear the needs of your body, often get irritated, tired, nothing makes you happy - I’m waiting for you for a consultation! We will look for a way out...
