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From the author: Continuation of the article about how different couples structure their lives together. STRUGGLE OR CREATION (continued) Let's now talk about the second important word in the title of this article. Co-creation. How does the ability to do it arise and develop? The initial basis for the development of co-creativity in a child is observation of parents, whose interaction is based on co-creation. The next important point is the co-creation of parents and child. Own creativity, creative interaction with the surrounding reality awakens in a child very early. The child dropped a cookie on the table - and lo and behold, it was a car that was moving across the table. A child spills milk and it instantly turns into a puddle or lake. And at this moment, the parent can join the game by taking the second cookie and “riding” along the table nearby. Co-creation between an adult and a child can be a game, a learning activity, or doing something. The main thing in this is the presence of a common space into which everyone can contribute their ideas. One introduces an idea, the other picks it up and adds something of his own in response. And the process continues. For children, the leading activity is play. By playing with other children, the child also learns co-creation every day. Children who do not know how to be friends with their peers usually do not grasp precisely this moment of togetherness. Often they strive to individually control the game process, everything that happens in it. And then other children simply don’t understand, but how can they play with him then? Departing slightly from the topic of the article about adult couples, I will say that children’s inability to be friends is completely corrected in the process of play therapy. Co-creation from the space of children's games gradually flows into the process of doing real things. Thus, by the time we reach adulthood, we all accumulate some experience of interacting with others, mainly through struggle or mainly through cooperation. What prevails? It depends precisely on the conditions and factors that I wrote about above. Let us now return to our client, who cannot imagine how else she can interact with her husband if not to be in an endless struggle. Here the therapeutic task arises of supplementing or replacing one interaction model with another. What's important here? It is important to work with a couple. It is important that both come. It is important that both understand how the contact is happening now. It is important that both accept the idea that things could be different. And that in this new model there is no place for boredom or alienation, there is a place for harmony and joy. What can be useful here? Exploring with the couple their experiences of interaction. There will still be seeds of co-creation in it, which need to be created conditions so that they can germinate. One of these conditions is equality. Equality of contributions. If one talks about his desires and needs, then there should be room for the desires and needs of the other. If one expresses his feelings, then there should be room for the other to express his feelings. If one expresses complaints, then the other should be able to express them. It's the same with space for opinions, ideas, solutions and actions in current situations. Everyone must learn to leave room for the other. But everyone must learn to accept their place and use their right to speak, offer, express their feelings, desires and needs. Another condition is the development of tolerance, tolerance for differences. As everyone develops the ability to more easily accept that overall decisions will often differ from the vision that everyone originally had. The third condition is the opportunity to spend time together. Conscious allocation of time and its harmonious distribution across different areas in which co-creation in pairs is possible. This is a time for joint creative activity, this is a time for joint pleasures, this is a time for talking and communicating, getting to know each other, this is a time for sexual relations, this is a time.
