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If you often feel insecure in various situations, you can start practicing self-confidence, for example, speaking statements in the mirror about your strengths or achievements. If you have difficulty setting boundaries , you can start with small steps, such as saying “no” to minor requests and gradually move on to more significant ones. Overall, assertive behavior is an important skill for achieving personal and professional effectiveness, as well as for establishing healthy and productive relationships with others. Developing assertive behavior can be done through practice and application of the various techniques that I discussed in the previous article. In general, the practice of various techniques can help you become a more assertive and confident person, establish healthy relationships with people around you and achieve greater success in your life. life. Some additional tips for practicing assertive behavior in various situations may include: In business: Ask management for feedback and find out how you can improve your communication skills. Try setting boundaries at work, such as setting times when you won't be available for calls or email. Express your opinions in meetings and discussions using “I messages” and a constructive tone. In your personal life: Learn to say “no” to unwanted requests, set boundaries in relationships with loved ones, express your opinions and desires. Communicate openly and sincerely with your partner using "I messages" and active listening. In social situations: Learn to open up and talk about your interests and hobbies. Avoid compromises that may lead to violation of your boundaries and rights. Express your opinions and desires using "I messages" and a respectful tone. In conflict situations: Respect other people's opinions and avoid aggressive language or behavior. Use “I messages” and a constructive tone to express your needs and desires. Look for compromises and try to find a win-win solution. In general, assertive behavior can help you achieve better results in various areas of your life, establish healthy relationships with people around you, and increase self-confidence. Don't be afraid to practice assertive behavior, and remember that it is a skill. which can be developed and improved through practice and effort. Start with small steps and gradually move up to more complex situations using the techniques that suit you best. Seek help and support if you have difficulties, do not be afraid to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes. Over time, the practice of assertive behavior will become more natural and intuitive for you, and you will be able to achieve more in life while maintaining healthy relationships with people around you. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution, then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online)
