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The influence of fairy tales on children. How can they help solve problems? Ready-made models of behavior. Fairy tales have accompanied us since childhood and play an important role in the development and formation of our personality. Not only do they develop imagination and language skills, but they can also help children cope with problems and learn to adapt to challenges in life. One of the main functions of fairy tales is to convey values ​​and moral lessons. Through characters and plots, children learn to distinguish between good and evil, evaluate actions and realize the consequences of their actions. Fairy tales help develop moral principles, ethical standards, and ideas of justice in children. In addition, fairy tales offer ready-made models of behavior. The child can watch how the heroes cope with difficulties, overcome trials and find solutions to various problems. Fairy tales often feature heroes who possess essential qualities, such as courage, perseverance, kindness, or justice. A child can identify with such characters and find inspiration for his own actions. Fairy tales also help children develop emotional intelligence and empathy. They can experience emotions with the characters and understand their feelings. This helps develop social understanding and the ability to empathize with other people. In addition, fairy tales offer a safe space for children to explore and make sense of difficult life situations. Through characters and stories, children can consider problems they face and look for possible solutions. Fairy tales enable children to reason about moral dilemmas, make decisions, and understand the consequences of their actions. Appreciate what they have. However, it is important to note that the choice of fairy tales for children should be conscious and based on their age and individual characteristics. Fairy tales should be appropriate and understandable for children and meet their developmental needs. Fairy tales play an important role in children's development and help them cope with many problems. They convey values, offer ready-made models of behavior, develop emotional intelligence and the ability to empathize. However, it is necessary to choose suitable fairy tales that correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the children. If you want your requests, dreams and desires to come true! Contact us! I will help you implement them. Sign up for a consultation by phone. 8-918-019-68-24. Or pay - pay for a consultation! Start your journey today) don’t put it off until tomorrow!
