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How to overcome insomnia - 12 ways to relax. In order for our sleep to be sound, it is necessary that the hormone melatonin be synthesized by night. The production of this hormone reaches its peak at 21:00, subsequently it remains in the body for 10-12 hours. The production of melatonin by the body itself largely depends on the darkness. After this, the person’s body begins to relax, the body’s temperature drops slightly and he feels sleepy. This happens during the normal process of falling asleep.1. Melatonin. Each of us has peripheral and central clocks in our bodies, thanks to which biological processes are regulated in the body. With normal melatonin production, a normal person in this regard begins to want to sleep by the evening.2. Tryptophan. It is essentially an essential amino acid that is created in protein foods of plant and animal origin. The production of melatonin depends on how much it is present in the body. 3. Glycine. It is often recommended by psychiatrists because it has a nootropic effect, normalizes sleep and improves mood.4. Magnesium. A very important component for improving sleep, which essentially ensures communication and interaction between cells and energy production, and also controls sugar. In various vitamin supplements, it is best absorbed and interacts in combination with melatonin and zinc.5. Valerian. It probably doesn’t make sense to talk here, since everyone knows that valerian has the sedative compounds valepotriate and valeric acid. In this regard, it acts as a serious tranquilizer and does not cause side effects.6. Pasiflora. Contains a double effect, firstly it helps reduce the experience of stress and anxiety, and secondly it has a good effect on insulin.7. Melissa. Causes a sedative and antispasmodic effect. It contains several natural acids - oleanolic, ursolic and rosemary, the interaction of which gives a stable feeling of calm and improves mood. Previously, I somehow didn’t use herbs much, but over the past few years, I understand more and more their effectiveness and usefulness. A what do you use to improve your sleep? Do you agree with me?1. MY COURSE FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS “Psychotherapy of difficult clients and techniques for working with them” can be purchased here.2. MY COURSE FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS "Psychotherapy of codependency - a step-by-step process to the result" can be purchased here 3. When you are ready, I have three ways to help you cope with depression, anxiety and neurosis.a) Read my book Self-help for neurosis - 15 technician from fear anxiety. b) Write to me in PM if you want to receive a free guide “7 techniques for overcoming depression.” c) Sign up for a consultation for selection for my two-month “Course of overcoming depression and anxiety”".
