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From the author: Together with Evgeniy Naydenov. Published as a book of the same name by the publishing house "Golden Section", 2008. The author's method of short-term analytical work (8 sessions) is described in line with Analytical Psychology (C.G. Jung), Archetypal Psychology (J. Hillman) and Archetypal Technologies (V. Lebedko) Vladislav Lebedko Evgeniy Naydenov Archetypal therapy St. Petersburg 2008 Abstract Often we do not realize to what extent our inner world consists of people and relationships with them. Inside us are projections of relatives, loved ones, friends, classmates, teachers, casual acquaintances, strangers, movie and book characters, historical figures and rock stars, salesmen, policemen, prostitutes, drivers, parties, sects, religions, bandits and housewives... And to We have the most subtle emotional relationships with all of them; from their images and projections come our assessments of ourselves, our perception of ourselves through the Other. Among the millions of images, there are several dozen of those that most harshly determine our behavior, our experiences... In this book we tell you how to work with images of the real world in the same way as with the images of dreams - to look for associations, conflicts and archetypes that link the images of our reality into the very pattern that we call our life. By going through the process of such searches to the level of archetypes, we can interact with the control structures that create our life, we can free ourselves from conditioning and become free. In addition to theoretical and methodological calculations, the book provides a recording of 7 therapeutic sessions that reveal, sometimes like in a detective story, the subtlest relationships between “external” life and the world of archetypes and gods; healing occurs during these sessions. Contents: 1. Preface. 2. Review of the method. 3. Justification of the “Seven Self” coordinate system. 4. Description of the diagnostic procedure. Rationale for the use of the fourfold cross and other alchemical symbols when working with the system of seven “I”. 5. Cultural-Information Matrix of Personality. 6. Archetypal therapy: definition. 7. Mythological consciousness. 8. Methodological notes. 9. Working with images. a) On 2 chairs. b) Getting used to the character. c) With an active imagination. 10. Archetypes in experiences. 11. Archetypes and soul. 12. Analysis of therapeutic sessions. a) First visit: anamnesis. b) First therapeutic session. c) Second therapeutic session. d) Third therapeutic session. e) Fourth therapeutic session. f) Fifth therapeutic session. g) Sixth therapeutic session. h) Seventh therapeutic session. 13. Afterword. 1.Preface. The idea to create this book was born from the idea to materialize and manifest in life such an ephemeral, seemingly, phenomenon as an archetype, to comprehend the nature and meaning of the prototype as such and its role, or more precisely, roles in life. We wanted to understand and learn how to use the power of archetypes to solve cognitive, developmental and healing problems. I wanted to understand my own soul and spirit, to understand their relationship, I wanted to find out and experience what kind of collective unconscious this is, how collective it is, and is it really unconscious... Many questions came together and gave impetus and thread to this work, which lasted several years. Authors express deep gratitude to Alice Libertas for her participation in the work on the book. 2.Overview of the method. The main content of mental activity is images. Here, by image we mean not only and not so much a visual form, but rather the essence, essential units of sensation, feeling and meaning, including those having a visible form perceptible to the creative imagination. Ideally, they are perceived visually, tactilely, auditorily and even smelling. They also have their own inherent atmosphere for each image. They are the exponents of the will of that deep essence from which we come and from which we are, the essence of what we live. The word Archetype can be translated as a prototype, that is, the original deep image, source. Consequently, our imagination and consciousness inis filled to a large extent with archetypes, and it is even possible that all images, if we trace their origins, will turn out to be archetypal. In the space of origins, in the mythical space, live gods, daimons, spirits, demons and other creatures. Where the gods are, our deep memory is located, the memory of ourselves, the memory of the original world order. Archetypes come from the “outside” to archetypes that are “inside.” Archetypes visit us more willingly and more often and speak to us when something is upset in our soul and a free space or question appears. Very often, the first thing that happens in the process of making contact with archetypal entities through activating the imagination is the “emergence” of our deeply rooted problems and all sorts of painful dark spots of the soul. To take the path of immersion into oneself, into the archetypes, courage and a sense of responsibility are needed. This is not at all a game of abstract fantasy and invention. And this work leads to the discovery of the archetypal source of situations. Archetypal therapy is, first of all, work with states, with states of the soul and spirit, states that are consolidated, crystallized, frozen as a persistent image, having a form and a more or less constant quality. With states that, one way or another, are parts of a person’s inner world and determine his life. Let us dare to suggest here that reaching the archetypal or mythological level of perception of the world and oneself is a kind of quintessence of work on knowing one’s soul and other methods and techniques voluntarily and involuntarily, consciously and unconsciously, they work with this level or lead a person to perceive it. Be it religious, motor, respiratory, psychocorrective, astrological and other systems, they all interact with archetypes in one way or another, even if those who practice these methods themselves do not suspect it. We, on the other hand, have taken a rather long and complex path to consciously and purposefully work with the origins, discarding pseudoscientific and pseudo-esoteric tinsel. In fact, the practice of any system or way of life leads or is intended to lead a person to a certain state. And also, if this is a good practice, consolidate this state and teach how to use it. A desired and useful state, one in which it is possible to solve any problems. A condition that has been tested and proven by many generations of people. However, this is the way from outside to inside. He is good in his own way, and in his own way he builds a sequence of steps and states for contact with prototypes. The desired state is identified and connected, and sometimes tightly tied to the need to perform certain actions, sometimes lengthy and labor-intensive. Here, of course, practice is useful for building a stable system of states of a person’s worldview - everything down to physiological indicators, depending, for example, on the fitness of the body for certain actions. This is often good and necessary, sometimes necessary, and sometimes cumbersomely useless and ineffective. Especially in our turbulent times. Often people simply do not have time to practice leading to a goal - a certain state. And therefore, now the speed and depth of the method is especially relevant, allowing, through the transfer of states, through the ability to simply “infect” a person with a certain worldview, to endow a person with opportunities and abilities. When you come into contact with archetypes, it turns out that you don’t need to go to states - they come on their own, you just need to have the necessary receptivity and openness. In turn, receptivity is usually “transmitted”, that is, a person who has once experienced in a group or in personal communication with a “carrier” the experience of contact with an archetype will never forget it and will be open to subsequent experiences. This is apparently explained by the affinity of archetypal states to man, their recognition by the human soul. Of course, the practice of various systems and certain ways of life is useful and sometimes simply necessary, because restructuring is sometimes necessaryinternal rhythm and supports of the soul and personality of a person to achieve the desired state. It’s not for nothing that they say that the state of health or the creative state, or the state of affairs, depend on the state of the soul. States are supported by peculiar supports - decisions made by a person, to be such and such and not to be such and such, to correspond to such and such, in essence - on his choice - “what is good and what is bad” and so on... The process of mastering states , making a choice, going through forks, a person’s entry into the world and interaction with its laws begins in deep childhood and, in essence, never ends, it simply has its own certain stages and phases. But that's a separate conversation. 3. Justification of the “Seven Self” coordinate system. For self-knowledge, and to the same extent for knowledge of the world, and to the same extent for solving practical problems, it is important to be able to find points of view, positions from which this or that sphere of life, this or that slice of reality, is visibly fresh and unexpectedly revealed. For each task, such a point (or several points - a coordinate system) is unique. It is the point of view that allows you to look into the essence of what is being revealed and comprehended with the greatest accuracy, clarity and, perhaps, proportionality to what is currently comprehended - that is most adequate to the context of the task. The choice of coordinate system largely depends on the relationship of the comprehended with the cultural layer human society, with its role in the play of life and the personal perspective of the researcher on the subject of study. For example, having some external resemblance to the system presented here, the system of chakras, or energy centers, was completely unsuitable for studying the world of archetypes, just like many similar ones. To penetrate into the space of archetypes, subtle and unsteady, little studied, a rather coordinate system was chosen an unconventional, rare system - the so-called “seven selves”. The system was suitable for this task precisely because, due to its rarity, it has in the minds of people (including in ours, the consciousness of the author-researchers) a minimal amount of impurities and traditional conditioning, strict rules and expectations and habitual “calluses” in the mind - fixations associated with them. It provided the appropriate freedom and ease in research, and a minimum of “samples” to which materials and information coming from medium-guides can even be unconsciously adjusted. As a system of self-research and self-knowledge, the “seven selves” have been familiar to us for several years and, we have developed the impression that she was simply waiting on the “shelf” for her time. We studied it and practiced it conscientiously, putting it aside after interest naturally faded. And here she, rested and strengthened, turned out to be very useful. To begin with, we personally found out what these very “I”s are, what their functions are and in what areas they manifest themselves and how they are interconnected and interdependent with each other. To do this, we ourselves immersed ourselves in each from the “I” and conducted immersions in a training group of practitioners, observing the process. It gradually became clear that, in essence, the “seven selves” presented here are the basic basic semantic reflections of the needs or systems of needs of different spheres of the soul and spirit, created as temporary supports, dominants, and serving as personification, figurative reflection of the vital and deep supports and foundations of the soul, by the way , moreover, having a certain evolutionary coloring and sequence. So, the “Seven Selves” represent the following coordinates: 1. “Lower Self” is the space of consciousness, which can be defined as the consciousness of the body, but not only in terms of the tissues that we we see, but also all the processes that occur in him and those instincts, unconscious automatisms that are needed to maintain his life. That is, by “Lower Self” we mean the most condensed energy of consciousness.2. "Middle Self" The next most subtle layer of energy is emotions, uncontrollable feelings, everything that concerns not only survival. This is the energy of emotional, sensual lifeperson.3. “Higher Self” is a conscious part of the psyche, mental processes; our ideas, attitudes towards something, towards someone. In this “I” the structures of our interaction with the world, with different forces are built, that is, the settings that determine what message we will give to the world and how we will perceive what comes from the world to us.4. “Angelic presence” is something like formed ideals, for some people continuously renewed, for others stable. These are values, ideals, the vertical that we build within ourselves, in our own world. There is no single and universal vertical for all humanity. That is, every person, when uttering a word, means something different. Humanity in this sense is a confusion and vacillation of different ideals and values ​​directed in different directions. This is neither good nor bad, it is how it is. It is important for an individual to be aware of his ideals and where they direct him, since where the intention is built, and what a person has determined for himself as good (it is good to get to this point, it is ideal to be such and such), that is where he will go , and will line up in this way and will definitely get something.5. The “stellar super-ego” is a picture of the world and a reflection of the world order, all ideas about the world. Already at this level, people have greater rapprochement, since in each era they agree on how to see the world. The world is round or flat, the Earth revolves around the Sun or the Sun around the Earth. Therefore, at the level of general ideas about the world order, people of the same era are almost identical, the same, with the exception of some eccentrics and abnormal ones. And there are not many individual characteristics observed. Even if we think that we are original, our originality still corresponds to the era in which we live. The task of cleansing this layer is to reach the primordially human level, realizing the influence of the era and, if possible and out of necessity, clearing oneself of something and accepting something.6. The “Holy-Self of Christ” is a subtle level of interaction, representation of the divine, attunement with the divine. This is not the spark of God in man, but already its container. All knowledge, ideas, religious-mystical experience - all this comes from the “Holy-I-Christ”. All this is analyzed and accumulated. Such an accumulator of divine grace and emanations. This is a fairly pure level, but it is also layered with the dogmas of religions and philosophical teachings.7. “I-Am-Presence” is the “observer” level. However, even this, the purest level, can be conditioned by certain ideal models and universal human dominants of perception, which can not so much distort as obscure this level of being from a person’s consciousness. 4.Cultural-Information Matrix of Personality. States and mechanisms of their transmission and fixation in the mythological space of consciousness. Each person, as an integral part of all humanity, potentially contains the totality of all human relationships. At the same time, certain attitudes towards individual people or groups of people are more often manifested in attention (both through real contacts and through internal contacts - memories, internal dialogues, etc.). Some of these relationships are realized, while most remain a kind of unconscious background. The system of relationships that forms a certain framework in the inner world of a person can be called the cultural-information matrix of his personality. These can be relationships to real and ideal people (idols, gods, characters, fetishes, living or long dead), personifying an entire cultural and information layer - a set of people who have common ideals and values. In a person’s external environment - his reference group - all this is reflected directly - for him, people representing the same cultural and information world are important. At the same time, the frequency and duration of external contacts does not mean anything. So, for example, parents, whom a person sees every day for several hours, may not have much significance for him and be on the periphery of his attention, but in the center of his attention,for example, there is some other figure, sometimes not even realized, with which this person actually contacts only a few minutes a week or contacts exclusively in his inner world, while this figure is not really present (died, is far away, is historical or literary character). In other words, there is a fairly rigid “system” that keeps a person dependent on a certain picture of the world, etc. No special typology of cultural-informational worlds has yet been developed, although attempts have been made in this direction. It is important to understand that the transition to a new life plot, picture of the world, recovery from an illness or liberation from problems without a person leaving the cultural-informational world familiar to him - impossible. Internally, this exit is accompanied by a transformation of personality; externally, the consequence will be a change in behavior, a change in the circle of acquaintances and relationships with close people. Entering another cultural and information world is extremely difficult, since the old world “holds” a person unusually tightly with a large number of interconnections and relationships. One of the keys to realizing and transforming one’s personality is the method of “revising” one’s cultural and information world, completing “unfinished” things in it gestalts" and bringing into the dominant position qualitatively new relationships with new people and a qualitatively new level of relationships with the previous environment. A brief description of the practice of revising the cultural and information world: a list is made where, according to the degree of frequency of contacts (real and mental), people appearing in the outside world are located of a person and reflected in his inner world. The list is not made in one day, but over a fairly long period of time. It includes more and more new (forgotten and newly realized) people and categories of people, more and more new levels and the order of their significance are realized. If at first a person remembers a dozen or two significant people, then as self-awareness develops, categories of people such as, for example, former classmates, neighbors, distant relatives, passers-by, passengers, girls, boys, and old people begin to enter his cultural and information world. These categories are increasingly differentiated, and a certain attitude is realized towards all these people and categories. Sometimes, in this way, repressed conflicts, sharp hostility and, conversely, affection appear absolutely unexpectedly. The personality is enriched. Ideally, it comes to the point that a person begins to realize his involvement with all of humanity (of course, not personally to each person, but at least to a certain social stratum, prominent representatives of social strata, idols, gods, characters in books and films, political and religious figures and groups , scientists and cultural figures, historical heroes... This is further differentiated as much as possible). A person begins to realize himself as a complex set of countless relationships. At this point, the manifestation of CIML in a person’s consciousness becomes very multi-level and multi-connected. Some of the connections and relationships with some people/categories of people turn out to be quite flexible and free, while the other part of the relationships is determined by more rigid connections, which determine the dominant of the individual’s inner world. It is interesting that with a detailed analysis of the cultural-information matrix of each person, one way or another , almost all categories of people will be included, but each will have their own order of priorities, their own palette of emotional relationships and their own hard connections. People with a similar KIML structure belong to the same “cultural-informational world.” It is the rigid connections in the resulting scheme that present us with a picture of the cultural-informational world. With these relationships, transformative work is built with the help of various techniques, as a result of which unfinished gestalts are completed, conflicts and attachments are worked out. Based on such work, a platform appears for the emergence of a completely new personality structure (transition to a new, more highly organized cultural and informationalworld). Let us repeat a thesis that is quite important for further understanding: The cultural-informational matrix of the individual is inscribed in the cultural-informational matrix of the family, clan, ethnic group, humanity, that is, in the circumstances and prerequisites according to which universal human subjects of a given era develop. Thus, the personal plot of each person is one of the projections of the universal plot, and the personal plot is based, first of all, on the basis of the culture in which a given person lives. Variations of universal plots are captured in works of culture. The more ancient of them form the basis of myths and fairy tales. But time passes and with each new generation, universal human stories become more complex and enriched. They are presented in crystallized form in those works of culture that are recognized as classical (they are recognized as classical because they reveal some universal human problems). It is clear that, on the one hand, such a cultural layer in consciousness is, as it were, an additional (and increasingly increasing over time) obstacle to the movement of awareness to its depths (archetypes and pure “I”) - no matter how much we want to pretend, that it does not exist (which, by the way, is the sin of many esotericists who try to immediately, bypassing this layer, get to the “essence of things” and using for this the same methods as, for example, ancient yogis or adherents of other ancient Traditions - forgetting that that the ancient yogi’s cultural layer of consciousness was immeasurably “thinner” and he did not require special efforts to pass through this layer), he will drag his tail. On the other hand, it is the presence of this layer that makes it possible for each person to go through an increasingly unique and inimitable development trajectory, as there are more and more variations and forks over time. And each person who goes through a truly unique path (read - the Path of individuation), thereby contributes to the universal treasury, creating an even greater range of opportunities for subsequent generations. In other words, life is becoming more and more difficult, but more interesting. So, being an additional load, the cultural layer of consciousness increases negentropy, which actually provides the necessary conditions for development. (There are, of course, methods of erasing individual and cultural differences, but this is the path of increasing entropy, simplification and, ultimately, degradation. In this way, you can probably get to the Whole, dissolve in it and fall asleep forever.) Immersion in your The cultural information matrix with the help of archetypes usually occurs layer by layer, that is, what emerges from within is what is currently ready for awareness and comprehension, and is ripe for change. The soul of each person has a certain capacity at the moment. It depends, of course, on many factors, but at a given period of life it has some limit. And life is structured in such a way that it allows only some part of the energy to be allocated for the needs of self-change. This, in its own way, is wise, because due to a sharp change in course and balance, you can suffer. In the first round of therapy, as a rule, the most obvious, hard, but mostly superficial layers of conditioning emerge. The superficial rigid frame, the external guise, the most recent personal layers are transformed, become more flexible and alive, or are completely removed as unnecessary. The process goes quite easily. On the second and subsequent circles, things become more difficult, since here more painful and important supports already appear. What a person does not realize and has quite thoroughly “forgotten”, has repressed, is what actually controls his behavior. Resistance to work may appear and a certain rhythm and frequency of processes that is optimal and feasible for a particular person will emerge. This is sometimes very significant, since deep processes have their own speed and it is impossible to artificially speed them up, otherwise harm is possible in that a person can reflexively block his experiences and cut off the channel of communication and trust in the therapist. The work here is very individual. Fundamentalthere is also a point of view based on the principle of reflection by other people, and in general by the course of surrounding events, a symbolic “other” of me through their behavior and attitude towards me. If you look in this way, then a lot of opportunities open up for knowledge and self-knowledge through the other and others. By trusting the world in this sense, we receive a universal mirror, and the work is to decipher and reveal the reflections that constantly appear, arising in the course of life events, thoughts and actions of the people around us. Why does the work focus on the personalities that determine certain “I”s? Why don’t we, especially at first, simply work with qualities and general states? Because this is how a person is designed, that the most vivid and deep trace in feelings and consciousness is left by someone’s personality, persona, someone’s unique glow, behavior and individual personal “taste”, “aroma”. This is what penetrates inside, one way or another falls on the soul and subsequently often involuntarily controls the behavior and life of a person, no matter in a positive or negative outline. Even if a person has a negative fixation deep down on someone, say on his parents, it is still brightly individually colored and, accordingly, in some context, rules the person, his choices and actions. So, at the first step of therapy, we need to build a coordinate system from the “seven selves”, create intuitive access to each of the “selves”, and, further, find out, trusting intuition, which “external” figures, in other words, which layers of the CIML are most rigid determine this or that “I”. Then, based on the data obtained (3-5 people or groups of people who determine this or that “I”), we consider these people or groups of people as images that have roots in certain prototypes - archetypes with which the human soul came into existence. the force of various factors (upbringing, psychotrauma) into the conflict. Having identified primary conflicts in this way, we move on to working at the level of archetypes in order to remove or reduce these conflicts. 5. Description of the diagnostic procedure. Rationale for the use of the fourfold cross and other alchemical symbols when working with the “Seven Self” system. So, after the patient, after some time (about) a week, has compiled a list of people, groups and categories of people who “consist” of his inner world, a diagnostic procedure is carried out, the purpose of which is to find out which people, groups or categories of people most severely condition one or another of his “I”. How to access this information? Undoubtedly - intuitively. But, in order for the distorting signals of discursive thinking and other personality structures not to interfere with the work of intuition, it is necessary to ensure the purity of information using certain symbols. These symbols have alchemical origins, and we can take them from Christian Hermeticism, using a more psychological interpretation given by Carl Gustav Jung in his Misterium coniunctionis: this is the archetype of the Archangel Michael and the symbol of the fourfold cross. Unlike the traditional Christian cross (“in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”), Jung emphasizes the importance of the quaternity in this symbol, as well as the role of the female component played by Sophia. The fourfold cross in consciousness serves to obtain reliable information. The fourfold cross “in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Sophia” is applied as in baptism with the fingers or mentally before each action or question. If any answer is in doubt, the quadruple cross is applied four times. The procedure begins with the invocation of Archangel Michael. The patient is unlikely to have the skill of direct contact with archetypes, so he should repeat the following formula three times: Archangel Michael - in front Archangel Michael - behind Archangel Michael - on the right Archangel Michael - on the left Archangel Michael - above Archangel Michael - below Archangel Michael - wherever I am I am his protecting love I am his protecting loveI am his protecting love This formula provides access to the necessarycharacter register. Next, we need to form (identify as a kind of coordinate grid) the “Seven Self” system. This is achieved by the following formulas (repeated out loud): Cross. I ask my “Lower Self” to manifest in me. Cross. I ask my “Middle Self” to manifest in me. Cross. I ask my “Higher Self” to manifest in me. Cross. I ask to manifest in me. in me is my “Angelic Presence” Cross. I ask my “Stellar-Super-I” Cross to manifest in me. I ask my “Holy-I-Christ” to manifest in me Cross. “I ask my “I-Am” to manifest in me -Presence"Cross. After slowly pronouncing these formulas, the patient is immersed in a meditative state and, if his sensory function is sufficiently developed, he can experience each of the seven “I”s as a kind of experience, figurative, bodily, sensory, combined. Next, the patient turns to each of his “I”s in turn with the question: Cross. My “Lower Self” - I ask you to name or show me three or four people, groups or categories of people who most harshly condition your world - the world of my “Lower Self”. I". After pronouncing this formula, either images appear without difficulty, or an inner voice (not an external stranger, but your own inner one, which at this moment you can completely trust) will name three or four (sometimes only two or five, but as a rule no more and no less) people and categories of people. The result is recorded, then the next “I” is addressed, sequentially, up to the “I-Am-Presence”. Among people or groups of people, sometimes there are completely unexpected images, which, when deciphered during a session, turn out to be completely natural. Whoever appears in various “I”s - relatives, friends, heroes of books and films, celebrities, organizations (church, party, enterprises, groups), historical characters, long-forgotten acquaintances, categories such as: prostitutes, police officers, doctors, artists, pirates, politicians, etc. If in doubt, the information can be checked using the same formula with a cross placed four times. Once the information is collected and recorded, the patient and therapist agree on a meeting schedule (usually once a week). At each meeting, information received from one “I” is processed - a total of seven sessions. In their process, as will be shown in the example, the rigid conditioning of each “I” is removed (and each “I” is an exponent of one or another group of needs and motivations, as mentioned above), the person becomes freer. In this way, the first - the toughest - layer of conditioning. It is clear that thousands of other images condition each “I”, but this conditioning is already much weaker. Therefore, in some cases (depending on the patient’s request for the depth of transformation), one circle of therapy out of seven main sessions is sufficient, and in some cases it is possible to carry out further circles of therapy, identifying new figures and working through them and the archetypal connection that lies behind them. You can repeat the procedure many times, but after every three circles take a break from therapy for two to three months. You should not turn therapy into an endlessly lasting one, since issues of transference and countertransference will inevitably arise, which will require additional time to work out and, moreover, the patient may get used to shifting the main work to the therapist, while after 5-7 rounds therapy, he himself is able to do the same work in writing and in meditation, which is another indicator of maturation and individuation. 6.Archetypotherapy: definition. Archetypal therapy is the healing of the soul at the archetypal level... What do we heal, and why, by turning to archetypes? That part of a person’s mental and spiritual life that intersects is associated with prototypes. That is, we heal the figurative world of man, his soul as the image of God and his spirit as the spirit of God. A soul that has lost itself in our diverse world, that has lost something in itself, that has lost its purity, that has received unnecessary, unjustified impurities and inclusions in the process of life, and that has gotten lost in its ideas and desires. It can be said thatthe worldview is healed. The idea of ​​​​the work is as follows: the spirit, soul and personality of a person manifest themselves as states or through states of consciousness, (expressions: state of soul, state of spirit, etc. of a person manifest as states or through states ()personality). For a full life, a person requires a certain minimum set of states in which the necessary events occur. The greater the choice and variety of states, the richer (the root is “god”, a possible interpretation as more divine) the person, the richer his soul and, accordingly, the greater the opportunity for his manifestation in the world, both external and internal, and the realization of desires and possibilities. It happens by various reasons that a person does not have the proper state for life in his piggy bank, or it is closed by another stronger one and cannot manifest itself in an adequate way. He undoubtedly experiences various inconveniences because of this, from mild dissatisfaction to reluctance to live. There is a need to initiate a person into the necessary state or to discover what is in him. For this, exemplary ideal initial states are taken, taken from the mythological space, the space of prototypes and gods. That is, archetypes. Let us determine that there is a prototype or archetype here. Let us dare to assert that every archetype is a living being that has consciousness, self-awareness and, so to speak, consists of visual images, sensations, feelings, thoughts and emotions, that is, this is a phenomenon of the sensory world and is experienced in this way - in the senses. Each archetype prototype is a reflection of one of the faces of the One Creator. Each archetype is animated and spiritualized, that is, it has a sensual and essential meaning. Living in the flow of power the essence of one or another archetype, a person accepts, contains, perceives the essence of the corresponding state necessary for him to solve a question, problem, task. He absorbs the corresponding vibrations and images, those facets of the world and life that he lacked for completeness and integrity. In fact, so many images and states are concentrated in a person that, probably, there is no exact count. Therefore, the possibilities in the manifestation of archetype therapy are almost endless. For every condition, its absence or distortion, there is an archetype that is able to correct the matter and give the soul the necessary vibrations, images of sensations and feelings, a point of view, a vision of the world from the side that is necessary. There are basic needs and spheres of manifestation of a person regarding the world of himself and himself similar. The main archetypes were concentrated around them. Power, strength, dexterity, skill, beauty, masculinity, fatherhood, femininity, motherhood, sensuality, mind, consciousness, perfection, good and evil, ... It happens that by the will of a person who has power over these processes, a clash of forces of prototypes occurs within him, they are not there is not enough space or their essence is mixed and interferes with each other. In this case, a three-sided, and sometimes more, conversation is needed, a disassembly and redistribution of influence, realized by the customer himself, that is, the person. There is also a separate article in this process, when the gods speak to each other through a person or a community of people. This can include everything from war to philosophical discussion. Accordingly, one must also be able to see whose need is being satisfied in this case - man or God, that at first the development of self-awareness and the range of tasks being solved are completely different, and then, as self-awareness and growth gradually merge . From which we see a certain interdependence between man and archetype; in order to live and achieve his goals, a person needs a way of action, a way of life and a state - the archetype that is put into action is in a person his decision and will. And the archetype, as a self-aware entity, cannot manifest itself, be realized in the obvious world without incarnation by man. Let us attribute all impurities and congestions and impurities that must be eliminated, due to their own, to the action of the free will of the human soul, exploring, tasting and tasting the world and itself .Let's see what Archetypotherapydiffers from the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung. (More precisely, it is, in a sense, its continuation). Jung started from archetypal manifestations in the patients themselves, but what we get, at first glance, is a set of ready-made “archetypal modules” collected from various sources. And, besides, we (the authors of the book) have developed a certain ability that allows us to make sure that the patient not only gets to know a mythological character culturally, but also lives him, as they say, to the marrow of his bones, in feelings and sensations. It is the experience of the archetype that is healing. It is the presence of this ability (let’s say right away that it is not so difficult to learn) that makes the entire concept of Mythological Consciousness unusually effective from a practical point of view... Let’s talk in a little more detail about what this ability is. We believe that there are already thousands For years, society has been fencing people off from the opportunity to express many archetypes in themselves (which include gods, subtle beings, heroes, elements, spirits of people who lived a long time ago). And reconnection with archetypes leads to wholeness. By reuniting with the archetype, a person activates his own (well, in fact, universal) resource qualities. In ancient times, people lived in direct contact with archetypes and gods. This opportunity is now perceived as some kind of special siddha. And, in fact, this is the norm. For the person who is awake in the Spirit. In our time, we will have to come up with quasi-scientific explanations for this natural phenomenon. So, let’s try to explain our “extraordinary ability” using the conceptual apparatus of modern philosophy and, above all, the philosophy of language - semiotics. As Borges said through the mouth of Paracelsus in the story “The Rose of Paracelsus”: “I have not used anything in my lifetime. Now I only need what the Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth and the invisible Paradise, used. I mean the Word." The outstanding 20th century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein has a wonderful phrase: “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Modern philosophy, in particular semiotics, considers the world and man, and any phenomena, as a text. Everything is text. Our entire perception is a certain combination of pictures, sounds and sensations. This totality is also a kind of text. Both consciousness and the unconscious are structured like a language - this is also one of the fundamental theses of modern philosophy, the author of which is the founder of structuralism, Jacques Lacan. Based on these theses, we will make a short excursion into the history of the Middle Ages. The fact is that in European universities until the twelfth century, arithmetic was studied for four years. In the first year - addition, in the second - subtraction, in the third - multiplication and in the fourth - division. The question is, were they idiots or what? Now all this goes through in the first grade of school in a couple of months, and they spent four years fiddling around. And the whole point is in the language: then Roman numerals were used in calculations, and it is extremely difficult to operate with them. But after the twelfth century, Arabic numerals were introduced, and the same actions began to be studied in one to two months. That is, a more “compact” language has appeared, which makes it possible to significantly simplify complex actions. Let’s just say that we managed to find (in fact, remember) the level of language, that working state, where each word contains a huge set of meanings, experiences and sensations prayed for and imagined by millions of people around the axes - archetypes of the collective conscious and unconscious. Archetypes do not appear out of nowhere. They are some kind of “resonant spaces” in the single energy field of the Universe. And when we, being in a certain state, pronounce these words in a certain way, a huge number of meanings and sensations available for experience unfold. The archetype unfolds in us - as a set of universal human experience on a “resonant frequency”. This experience can be initiated in the patient using a special procedure. Next, energy processes occur, the work of the soul, as well asit becomes possible to ask questions to the archetype and receive answers as from an Oracle. We will not enter into a discussion of whether gods exist in “objective reality”, or only in our consciousness. Carl Jung, by introducing the concept of psychic space, freed us from the need to enter into disputes on these issues. Gods, the faces of the One, and He Himself, of course, exist in the space of the soul, and what follows is a matter of faith, but not research. Whether they are prayed to by people in the process of the multimillion-year evolution of humanity, whether they descend from heaven, or whether these two processes exist in parallel, remains a Mystery, which everyone discovers for himself by an act of faith or can remain a Mystery. It is important that in any case the gods bring colossal energy and opportunities for our growth. 7. Mythological consciousness. For mythological consciousness, everything that exists is animate. Mythological space is the space of the soul. Accordingly, further sketches will be presented on behalf of the soul. The earth is an animate living being that is in constant dynamics. Someone and something here and there is incarnated or disembodied. Let us assume that some or even several creatures have disincarnated, completing their cycle. The resulting living energy space can be seen as a notch - a lack of many qualities at once in a certain proportion. The attention of many “customers” - forces that possess these qualities - is immediately drawn to this recess. These are gods, daimons, creatures of the upper and lower worlds, natural spirits, ancestral forces, for whom it is important to pass on certain tasks to new generations... Having met at our recess, they form the space of the Aggregate Customer, who attracts one or another suitable for a given complex order, the disembodied spirit of a person awaiting embodiment. A multilateral “agreement” is concluded taking into account the interests of the Aggregate Customer and the spirit, according to which the spirit is embodied in certain circumstances (country, family with its many characteristics - psychological, “medical”, social, energy, genetic, ancestral, etc.). The human spirit is aimed at fulfilling the “contract” with the Aggregate Customer, and it is precisely this force that steadily attracts a person to fulfill the terms of the “contract” (no matter how they are perceived by the human ego - joyful or cruel). We can say that this “agreement” is a purpose, but this will be a simplified view, because there is not only a monistically oriented spirit, but also a polytheistically minded soul, which gives, depending on the development of the soul, a variety and multivariate forks in the initially unambiguous movement of the spirit. The soul is a space of living channels that connect, through feelings and images, the ego and spirit of a person with each of the “customers” that are part of the Aggregate Customer, as well as with the souls of other people and (with a developed soul) with their “customers”. One of the mechanisms by which the fate of many (practically most) people unfolds from the point of view of Mythological Consciousness can be described as follows: Separating from the unconscious space of the Soul initially, the Ego begins to claim to control reality. This is impossible in principle, but in some particular context it is doable (manipulation of people, for example). Often, for example, in childhood, the Ego is faced with a situation of impasse (probably it was “planned” in the primary agreement of the Forces) and cannot resolve it on its own. Then the Ego turns to various Forces of both the Lower and Upper worlds (gods), depending on the situation, and asks them for strength (this happens, as a rule, as a result of dreams and fantasies strongly colored by affect - for example, about revenge on someone and so on.). Power is given to the person asking - by one or another god (a contract is concluded), and the person breaks the deadlock and acquires a certain siddhi, for example, the ability to influence others in a certain way. But this agreement also has a downside, since, being unconscious, it replacespart of the Ego by a complex of acquired strength. Further, this can be experienced as a neurosis with corresponding defense mechanisms. Part of oneself is replaced by introjected force. In adulthood, this leads to many problems (considering that there were many similar situations in childhood and agreements with different gods, too, often forming a bizarre pattern in a person’s fate). Awareness of such contracts and attempts to terminate them and give away someone else's power, or rather, to digest the introject and return to oneself one's integrated part, can become the beginning of the individuation process. We can say that the gods want people to be aware of them (not necessarily personified and named, but precisely aware of the flows of experiences). For this purpose, an initial “contract” is drawn up at conception, taking into account the possibility of the beginning of individuation. But the Ego has freedom of choice, so each person moves at his own speed. In addition, the gods have a Shadow, and if we want to get closer and realize the World Soul, then we will have to face the Shadow of the gods (upper and lower). When a person realizes, the gods willingly meet halfway and willingly terminate contracts, which leads to integration. One more important conceptual note. If the Spirit can be described in the language of classical philosophy with its hierarchical “tree” structure, then the Soul goes beyond the scope of such a model. To describe the Soul (and, accordingly, to work), we need models of post-classical philosophy. We will turn to the concept of RHIZOME, which was introduced into postmodern philosophy by one of the founders of poststructuralism - Gilles Deleuze [1]Rhizome is an alternative to structure. The rhizome has its own creative potential. This is a self-organizing system. Apparent chaos actually conceals the potential for an infinite number of new transformations. And this ensures the unlimited plurality of the rhizome. In a rhizome, it is fundamentally impossible to identify any fixed points. Each of them in its development appears before the observer as a line drawn by it along the trajectory of its own movement. In turn, each such line escapes rigid fixation. The existence of a rhizomorphic environment can only be understood as endless dynamics, and this dynamics is determined by lines of flight. These lines turn out to be mobile in relation to the rhizome, but they also imply some kind of breaks, transitions of the rhizome to a state in which there is no rigid universal structure. In general, a rhizome, unlike a structure, is not afraid of rupture. The rhizome may be torn or broken in some place. Its lines can be rearranged one after another. They can constantly transform into each other. In principle, a rhizome does not and cannot have either a beginning or an end - only a middle from which it grows and goes beyond its limits. The process of rhizome deployment consists of the manifestation of more and more new possibilities, including linear ones. Such versions of the organization of the universe that were described by classical philosophy, where there was a center, a root cause and all that. But any of these options in the rhizome, in principle, cannot be considered complete. At any given time, any line of the rhizome can be connected in an unpredictable way to any other. And then, at the moment of this absolutely unstable, momentary connection, a certain pattern of the rhizome is formed... An unpredictably pulsating configuration appears. You can't grab her, you can't catch her. She is unpredictable and always new. This is almost beyond description... The most “tangible” image of the rhizome was given by Umberto Eco [2]: “Instead of the concept of a “picture of the world”, which is based on the principles of consistency, subordination, progress, the image of a labyrinth appears as a symbol of completeness and the Idea of ​​the world . It has branched corridors. But unlike the classical labyrinth, at the threshold of which Ariadne’s thread immediately falls into your hand, leading to the only exit (this is a kind of metaphor for the path of knowledge in traditional thought), there is none here. There is no center, no periphery. Paths are like a grid - it is a rhizome. It's designed like thisthat each path has the opportunity to intersect with another. The space of culture, spiritual forms of activity (art, philosophy, religion, science) is the space of the rhizome. Such a structure is potentially limitless, although in reality it is not fully completed. Our exploration of the world - a “labyrinth” is like traveling along the equivalent possibilities of the paths of a rhizome. Thus, the idea of ​​the unity of the world completes itself in the pluralism of forms, methods, principles, directions of its development, which now does not need the transcendentalism of absolute truths." A similar labyrinth - a rhizome - represents the space of the Soul, where each archetype and each image reflecting it can in an unpredictable way intersect with others, overlap one another, mutually transform and transform along completely unpredictable, nonlinear trajectories. Here everything is potentially connected to everything, there is no center and periphery, here we are presented with an ever-fluid, constantly reconfiguring labyrinth. And dream images lead us through this non-linear fluid labyrinth. It is very important to understand this, because all attempts to interpret dreams, from ancient times to Jung and his followers, were in line with classical structural models. We offer something fundamentally different. Intuitively, James Hillman came very close to this. But in our method, for the first time, we are trying not to interpret dreams, but to live with them, play and transform (both the dreamer and the therapist) together with images and archetypes, weaving into the bizarre and, at the same time, extremely filled with vital energy patterns of the universe. To rise to the crest of the wave of existence, plunging into the exploration and living of sleep and, at the same time, experience the mystery of alchemical transformation, holding on to this crest. This is a process consisting of an ongoing cascade of transformations. This is Life - in the most intimate sense of the word... 8. Methodological remarks. The actual basis of the method is active creative imagination. This is the ability to see and feel an image, which manifests itself to one degree or another in all people. To some extent, we find a similar approach in Mikhail Chekhov in his system of acting training [3]. Activation and disclosure of creative imagination is possible to varying degrees for each person. There is an undoubted connection between the form of the visual image, which appears from the depths of the soul into everyday consciousness, the feeling that comes from it, and its deep meaning. There are simply no random images or hallucinations in the mind; each image contains its own meaning and is charged with a certain force. Most often, obsessive images or those that appear during intentional work reflect precisely unlived, unaccepted, unfelt and unconscious feelings, thoughts, intentions and phenomena of life in the “ordinary” state of consciousness. What a person did not accept and what he did not agree with. And, therefore, they carry within themselves a certain charge of resistance and disagreement with life or misunderstanding of it. Accordingly, the entry into disclosure and awareness of the essence and meaning of a particular image leads to unification with life, to the return of the strength spent on the struggle, to the acquisition of more freedom of choice and expansion of consciousness. There are certain, and, in general, simple rules, with strict observance of which, a fairly complete experience of entering the image occurs.1. First person narration in the present tense.2. Displaying desire, intention and internal action, the atmosphere of the image.3. When general words like fear, panic, joy, strength, etc. appear in the description. it is necessary to present them as a visual image.4. Permission and trust. If events go in a direction that is undesirable from any point of view, allow them to happen and experience the transformations that they present. The solution may not appear immediately. The therapist’s task is to promote and help ensure that the following conditions are met, this is fundamental: 1. The patient always narrates in the first person in the present tense. It is essential to be in“now”, and in the image that is displayed at the moment.2. An attractive, mysterious and unclear image in the imagination needs to be asked: “Who or what are you and what do you mean in this vision and my life?” Then listen to the answer.3. If the answer is unsatisfactory, the therapist invites the patient to become this image, name himself (I, for example, am the cave from the vision of such and such) and narrate on behalf of the image, also in the first person and present tense. 4. When general words appear in a story-description of an image, for example: fear, joy, resentment, panic, heaviness and others, you should immediately ask the client to see it in the form of a visual image. Fear can appear as a black cobweb, resentment as a swamp-colored cloud, etc. Then you need to become this image revealed in this way and speak out on its behalf. The basis of the therapist’s work is questions; he must contribute as much as possible to the disclosure and expression of the image, its deep essence and the desire contained in it. As soon as this is expressed, awareness and transformation occurs in some form and the image changes.5. If you find yourself in a semantic or plot impasse (the edge of a cliff, a dark cave, an approaching killer, deadly elements), the patient should be given the attitude to allow the worst to happen, not to resist and to observe their own feelings and images around them. This is how the most significant transformations occur.6. Periodically inquire about how the patient feels physically and mentally, about his condition, in order to keep the person aware of himself and his body. In some cases, when the therapist deems it necessary, he speaks to the patient about his feelings, sensations and associations. This often helps to move the process along if there is a freeze. Active creative imagination develops and trains. It is also a unique part of the soul. It also works for reception, that is, for the perception of images and, at the same time, is capable of creating its own images that have never before appeared to the world. In essence, this is a comprehensive eye that allows you to look into yourself and into the world, see yourself and it, and also show yourself and the world a certain image or state that is needed now. This is a kind of sacrament. Very difficult to describe. The mysterious center of visions or imagination, the place where images are formed. Each image is, to one degree or another, saturated with feelings, sensations and emotions. Often there is a hidden movement in it - the tension of some forces (which the waking mind tends not to notice), and which actualizes the appearance of this particular image on the surface of consciousness. This is one of the properties and needs of the soul - to respond to the world, to reflect events in it and to purify, to free oneself from the tension present and absorbed in the process of life, including through such imaginative creativity. The soul seems to express its needs, its pain in the form of bizarre images, visions and dreams. And visions and dreams happen to all people, only usually few people listen to this aspect of their life and pay attention to it. Even the most unreceptive people have the ability to associate, compare and connect, and for the initial development of the creative imagination of an adult there is nothing better, than to wander along the quaint paths of associations. This is how the ordinary rationally intelligent state of consciousness of an average adult person is revived and enriched, saturated with feelings. In a sense, feelings are the material from which images are formed, and they are often the reason for their creation (thoughts can be conditionally classified as a type of feelings, because we feel when and what thoughts we “think”). If a person is impoverished in feelings, “dried up” in his daily life, then, most likely, his imagination will work poorly, cloudy and weak. Association helps and allows you to go beyond the usual utilitarian image, reveal it and allow it to live and interact with the world precisely through joining itthrough accompanying images, saturate your state with the colors and aromas of experiences, awaken a current of feelings. The next degree of difficulty will be an attempt to become an image, enter inside it and speak from it. Here, oddly enough, language, rational language, turns out to be decisive for such an irrational activity. Behind every word of the language there is a complex of feelings, sensations and other things, which we get used to from childhood and are adapted to feel and perceive it as if automatically, even if often without realizing what exactly we are extracting along with the word from the depths of consciousness. That is, the very description of its state, properties and qualities brings consciousness into an image. This description begins with becoming an image. I am from the inner world of such and such. A name or denomination is a mysterious magical act. As soon as I called myself something, of course, with the sincere intention of becoming it, and subject to the presence of a certain state or atmosphere (M. Chekhov, about the atmosphere and its creation), the characteristic signs of what I gave my name. Tables from a dream, holes in the floor, the space of a stone yard, a tree road, etc. Let us recall that in our case the main images are people or groups of people from the Cultural-Informational Matrix of the Patient’s Personality, which rigidly determine one or another of his “seven selves” "(naturally, not the people themselves, but their projections, which gives us the keys to the inner world and archetypes). In each image, as already mentioned, there is an internal force contained in it and which actually brought it to life. It can be felt emotionally and somatically, or better yet, both ways. The most important condition is to live the image here and now, for which the narration by the living MUST be in the present tense and in the singular. As soon as the therapist notices the words in the narrative: he is she, etc., it is immediately necessary to return the patient to the image, reminding him of who he is. With a little skill, the image is held quite easily. And if one of the ultimate goals is liberation from a heavy or obsessive image that parasitically exists in the mind, then bodily living through action helps very well. It is possible to realize through physical movement the force contained in the image in order to finally release it and stop holding it back. Any movements are suitable for this, the nature of which is suggested by the image itself. The basic principle is that here you need to follow the lines of tension and move the body until the internal impulses dry up and until the release of bodily tension occurs. Often the power hidden in passive and seemingly weak images is enormous and significant bodily effort is required to allow it to be at least partially discharged. The same is with the feelings contained in the image, in order to free themselves from it they must be realized, allowed to go in their natural rhythm and in their own way. Scream, cry, etc. The next level of difficulty would be to have a conversation with the image, such as asking it questions about why it appeared and what it means in this vision and journey. Here there is an expansion of consciousness and a transition from the level of feelings and sensations to the level of meaning. There is a broader view of what is happening. The meaning of the image becomes visible as if through it. There is an awareness of what is happening on a larger scale. Moreover, sometimes this awareness can occur simultaneously with living in the body and in the feelings. The processes occurring in the soul and body are multi-layered and parallel. In the end, the worked out and discharged image disappears, the state of the “seven selves” with which work is being done in a given session changes, which is the criterion for moving on to the next layer of work. Dear to archetypes is the awareness of the essential quality and direction of the image. More precisely, an essential conflict with something deeper and more comprehensive than this image. It is through such images that archetypes appear. The simplest and most basic thing at first is the discovery and definition of an archetype, through awareness of the conflict and essencethe opposites of its components. For example: holding back, trying to stop something – conflict with time (Kronos, Saturn, Veles). Beautiful - ugly - Venus, Aphrodite, Lada... Scary, cramped, cold - Hades, Viy, Kashchei, etc. Each state of need or desire has its own power. The soul, striving to fulfill its irrational desires, often comes into conflict with the forces of the world, represented through divine archetypes. Thus, through interaction and struggle, experience and learning occur. Archetypes are precisely on the border of worlds - the inner world of a person and the outer world, with which the inner world has some kind of relationship. With a certain skill and experience, sometimes when traveling archetypes appear unexpectedly and unexpectedly. Possessing their own consciousness and will, they seem to be waiting until our consciousness is illuminated at a sufficient depth and we can hear what the gods are telling us. We will take a risk here, without, of course, claiming in any way to be finite or absolute , to imagine the composition of the human soul as a universal mirror capable of reflecting and displaying the whole world in all its manifestations. This is a model, a cross-section, and of course not comprehensive. To reflect the world, the soul has everything, in one quantity or another. The powers of all archetypes, all the gods that exist and even those that are not realized are represented in various proportions, and lie in the depths of very ancient or still unknown to science mythologies, waiting for their time to be understood. Here we see the law of resonance in action, or that like attracts like. That is why it is possible to communicate with the gods because they are within us. In a sense, they are us. Just the proportions are different. And no matter how strange it may seem, in a sense, the gods are more constrained than people. They are defined and “cannot depart from their functions.” A person can communicate with any of them, unless, of course, he is bound by a decision or obligation and is free to choose, then, of course, when his choice is free. Actually, if you look closely, then any image leads, through a chain of mental images, to some archetype. Simply because the whole world is permeated by them and everything that happens happens in one of their spaces, which in turn is subject to a very specific deity. Archetypal space is present everywhere, but the archetypes themselves purposefully appear to us infrequently. It gives the experience of a deep and strong transformation of the inner essence, in contrast to the smaller scale of conventional therapeutic sessions, limited to the level of images. To ensure an effective process, a special atmosphere or, in other words, a state of consciousness is required. Creating and maintaining it is a special art, the mastery of which largely determines the success of the process. In this case, the working basis of the state, precisely what allows one to soften the rigid images of everyday life and saturate the work space with the strength and mobility necessary for travel, is the very state of active imagination. Entering the space of active imagination, we find ourselves in its atmosphere, inhale and feel the state that exists there. The main task of the therapist is not to destroy this atmosphere with rationalism, and not to impose on the patient any moves and patterns of thought. The therapist's main tool is the question. It is a correctly asked question that allows the patient, in order to receive an answer, to move to where he needs to and feel and experience what he needs. The weapon is the question and the goal is the answer, that is, the discovery of the unknown, the unexpected. Therefore, the art of a therapist in active imagination consists of two main parts: the ability to create an atmosphere, a state and convey it to the patient, and the ability to see and feel what question is now most appropriate to reveal the essence of what is happening on the journey. 9.Working with images After we have powerfully pumped up the imagination with the help of free associations, we can penetrate even deeper into the meaning of images and deeper layers of the soul. For this we canenter into dialogue with the images. Working with images through dialogue is one of the main techniques of Gestalt therapy. It is quite effective in itself - Fritz Perls used it very skillfully, and some of his followers show extraordinary skill in applying this technique to images or subpersonalities of their patients. This is also a very important stage for our approach. But we use it after the technique of free association, when the imagination is already quite “warmed up”, and the road to archetypes is almost cleared. Gestalt therapists, as a rule, do not set goals to reach archetypal depths. They have another task - to complete, through this and other techniques, some unfinished gestalts, to express suppressed feelings, which in itself is a worthy task in psychotherapy. We want to penetrate into the secret of the soul, into the reasons and motivations, so we use the technique of dialogue with images at the second stage of work. At this time, even for the most “difficult” patients, the images appear as living beings with whom they can communicate and from whom they can receive additional clues. Images can experience vivid and intimate feelings and conceal precious meanings. Beyond this stage, it is already possible to begin to see the gods. There are several main types of communication with images. In the first stages, it is advisable to use the technique of working with two chairs. It makes it easier to get used to a particular image. Patients with a well-developed imagination can use a more complex version of this technique that does not require moving from chair to chair. If you are starting with the basics and have never worked with images before, we recommend not skipping this stage and using the two-chair technique for a while. Although sometimes even experienced practitioners who master faster techniques for communicating with images are forced to use the two-chairs method if they are faced with “hard nuts to crack.” In such cases, it is useful for the therapist to have the skills of Gestalt therapy in order to use other Gestalt techniques during a dialogue on two chairs to help get out of possible dead ends or situations when the patient is faced with his defenses and fear of penetrating into the depths of the image. So here are three techniques that we use in the second stage, right after free association. a) On 2 chairs The technique of communicating with images using two chairs is simple and, if a person does not have resistance or other defensive reactions, it does not require special skills from the therapist. The fact is that in the process of free associations we have already significantly undermined the resistance of the mind, its fears and defenses, and warmed up the imagination well. However, if the therapist is familiar with Gestalt therapy or, in the course of working with dreams, becomes familiar with it through books, videos, participation in Gestalt training, or special training, this will only be an additional plus for more powerful and deep work. The very essence of the technique of communicating with images on two chairs is revealed in the description of the work where we specifically used it. But for greater clarity, we will give some details of this technique. The therapist asks to imagine an image of a person or group (category) of people in an empty chair that stands in front of the patient. After free associations it will not be difficult - he already sees the image as a living being. The therapist asks to describe the image in detail: his clothes, pose, details. All this is done to make the image appear as vibrant and vibrant as possible. Achieve maximum detail. During the dialogue, the image can be transformed into another image - this should not be interfered with either. After the patient describes the image on the chair opposite in sufficient detail, the therapist suggests asking him questions that reveal its essence. These could be questions about the meaning of the image in the patient’s life, about its relationship with other images, clarifying questions... The therapist and the patient at this stage can trust their imagination and ask the image questions that arise spontaneously. Further, when the question is formulated,a person asks it out loud, referring to an imaginary image located on a chair. Then he takes a deep breath, stands up as he exhales, and then sits on the chair where the image is. Here the imagination helps him to embody this image. Transformation occurs, as in the theater. And the patient answers his own question while in the image. Having answered the question, he again takes a deep breath and exhales and returns to his seat, continuing to hold in his imagination the image left on the empty chair. Then the next question arises out loud. Transplantation. Answer out loud. Thus, a dialogue occurs. This happens until both the therapist and the patient decide that the questions have been exhausted. Sometimes during such a dialogue, violent emotional reactions may occur that should not be restrained, but on the contrary, it is advisable to express them as clearly as possible (laughter, tears, sadness, resentment, anger, joy...). The therapist encourages the person to express feelings, empathizing with him. Sometimes the therapist can use a loud voice, even shout, to encourage the patient if he is embarrassed and afraid to express feelings: “Come on! Well, tell him! Give! Shout! Louder! Even louder! More!!! ..."When the dialogue is exhausted, the patient, as a rule, has a deeper understanding of the meaning of the image or the archetypes that stand behind it. Then the therapist suggests moving on to the next image. And so on until all the images chosen to work with this “I” have been worked out. As experience is gained, the therapist and patient may feel that it is not necessary to work in detail with all the images and can limit one or two key images. Or work in detail with one image, and ask the rest only one or two questions. This intuitive vision comes with experience. At first, try to work out each image in detail. The time you spend on this will not be in vain. By the way, if we are talking about time, we note that working in one dive can take from several minutes to two to three hours. The average duration of a full procedure using all techniques is about one and a half hours. b) Getting used to the image After you have learned to work with images using the two-chairs technique, you can move on to faster techniques. Here the patient no longer needs to change from chair to chair. His imagination is already so free that it is enough to simply call himself one way or another and, having already had experience of getting used to the image on an empty chair, get used to it without leaving his place. And then work according to the same scheme - with questions and answers, expression of feelings, transformation of images, etc. c) With an active imagination The technique of speaking on behalf of an image can be combined with the simplest option - asking a question to the image directly in the imagination. You simply ask the image a question and wait for an answer. Experienced therapists use this technique in combination with the previous one, seeing which image can simply be asked a question, and which image it is desirable to embody and live it. Naturally, this simple technique works effectively already with a “warmed up” imagination and with some experience with previous techniques. 10. Archetypes in experiences So, we have actively stirred up the imagination using the method of free associations and dialogues with images. Now we are ready to meet with the deep forces, with the source of visions - the archetypes. A meeting with an archetype is always an extraordinary event. The archetype also appears as an image, or rather, as an experience, since this image is endowed with enormous transformative energy. Unlike simple images, an archetype is experienced at the bodily level as a powerful experience, an energy flow. Touching this energy is transformative. The soulful and spiritual being is filled with the power of the archetype and changes its state. After communicating with an archetype, you will no longer remain the same, but you will change somehow. The world of archetypes is already the world of the gods. It is the gods who are behind most of the images of our visions and states. Moreover, of any condition. Every state isarchetypal, if you open it up. It is the gods who order visions that bring us messages from their world. Learning to receive these messages while being transformed is not a worthy task! In the chapter on Mythological Consciousness, we introduced the concept of the Aggregate Customer - a collective of gods, tribal structures, etc., which determine our destiny. We can say that we ourselves determine it by concluding unconscious agreements with each of the gods, but this will simply be an unfounded slogan until we realize these agreements and receive the key to complete them, that is, liberation. By untying each such agreement, we are gradually approaching complete liberation from any conditioning in order to live further and create this world on equal terms with the gods, to be with the creator of our destiny and this world. And every dream gives us a chance to meet the gods. It was not by chance that we concluded, at one time - in most cases unconsciously - various agreements with the gods. The fulfillment of each contract brings not only suffering and neurosis, but also rich lessons that cannot be learned in any other way. There is a common idea of ​​“good and evil”, “dark and light” gods. But this is a very primitive view, based on narrowness of consciousness and superstitions. All gods form a single system and work for the common goal of evolution. Some of them are creative, others destructive, but both functions are necessary. No god acts dishonestly. The destroyer gods are just as willing to share knowledge and rejoice at our liberation as the creator gods. The gods of heaven, as well as the gods of the underworld, are excellent healers. They are equally worthy of respect, and they are equally respectful of our sincere desires. We will not enter into a discussion of whether gods exist in “objective reality” or only in our consciousness. Carl Jung, by introducing the concept of psychic space, freed us from the need to enter into disputes on these issues. Gods, the faces of the One, and He Himself, of course, exist in the space of the soul, and what follows is a matter of faith, but not research. Whether they are prayed to by people in the process of the multimillion-year evolution of humanity, whether they descend from heaven, or whether these two processes exist in parallel, remains a Mystery, which everyone discovers for himself by an act of faith or can remain a Mystery. It is important that in any case the gods bring colossal energy and opportunities for our growth. And working with images is one of the main roads to this energy and possibilities. In the veins of the majority of people inhabiting Eurasia flows the blood of many peoples who have mixed over tens and hundreds of thousands of years. We live at the crossroads of many cultural traditions, therefore the gods who live in our souls are gods of different pantheons. They get along well with each other, each manifesting itself in a specific context of life. Therefore, the customers of our dreams can be equally: Zeus and Aphrodite, Osiris and Isis, Veles, Dajbog, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Ra and Mokosh, Jesus and Yahweh, Lucifer and Shiva, Krishna and Odin, Proserpina and Pluto... In order to be able to recognize their energies, it is advisable to deepen your knowledge in the field of world mythology. To begin with, this may be an introduction to the mythological dictionary, but you should not stop there. There is a rich literature on mythology, which makes sense to get acquainted with as you deepen your work. It is also a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of the basic concepts of Jungian psychology. You can also glean a lot of useful information for working with dreams from the books of Jung’s students: Maria Louise von France, James Hillman, Erich Neumann, Erwin Edinger, Jean Shinoda Bohlen and others. In the cases of dream research we have cited[4], you have already encountered the appearance of gods as they dive into the world of dreams. In the following examples we will give more and more vivid manifestations of the gods. By examining your visions according to the proposed scheme, warming up your imagination more and more, you will not be mistaken when you encounter the gods. This is a recognizable energy that carries strong experiences. MaybePerhaps you will not immediately recognize the name of this or that god who stands behind the images - this experience comes with the course of practice - but you will undoubtedly feel it. In our practice, we often use a special technique of “focusing the archetype.” This is a rather complex technique, we have not seen anything like it in the literature and we consider our capabilities as a kind of siddha that appeared to us several years ago. “Focusing the archetype” helps to greatly enhance the effect of the presence of a particular god. We wrote about how this happens in our books “Gods and Ages. Conversations with the gods like adults." St. Petersburg “All” 2007 and “Gods and Ages -2. Archetypal journeys." This technique is useful in a number of healing and research applications. 11. Archetypes and soul. Activating the imagination is a flexible technique, it can be used simply to create a “waking dream”, consisting of images of daily life, in which you can also come into contact with archetypes, live them and transform yourself and your world. To do this, you need to do almost the same as when working with dreams - relax, free your mind and dive inside yourself. Now there is no need to restore the dream picture - just allow the images to appear to your inner gaze. In most cases, you will not be able to immediately meet any character or archetype. Most likely, you will see some simple image, such as a butterfly in flight. Don't let your gaze wander, otherwise it will simply go through images, from butterfly to grass from grass to sky from sky to clouds and so on. Do not let go of the image of the butterfly until you understand why it appeared and what it means. With frequent practice of activating your imagination, you will gradually begin to receive more and more complex and vivid impressions, you will meet archetypes that appear in dreams and will be able to talk with them. Thus, you will have a chance to face your deepest problems and their origins. The psyche is not the “unconscious” at all. The soul is very intelligent, independent, active and, moreover, very interested in manifesting itself in a person. She is constantly in the process of interacting with the world, creating dreams and states, symptoms, fantasies and moods, she is extremely purposeful in her desire to feel the world and thereby live. Imagination, that is, the ability to perceive and create images, is the main tool and need of the human soul. It is through imagination that a person can encounter deep images, and the therapist’s task is to create conditions for the perception of mental material and ensure clear living of the richest and most important meaning inherent in the images. Therapy in this approach is, first of all, awakening the imagination in a person, or healing attitudes to imagination. As a result of work, a person develops a spiritual, creative sense of imagination. Imagination in being. Here, the spiritual is such a quality of fantasy that generates only those images that really resonate with the depths and do not close the soul from further imagination. It should be noted that immersion in such images is not an easy task. If a person really lets himself go, and imagines, travels through images and states, then he often gets scared of his fantasies and is ashamed of them, because he doesn’t want to see “that” in himself. This is possible only in the most intimate moments, in prayer, in confession, between lovers and friends, in creative self-expression. And if the first significant step here is taken together with the founders of the genre, both Freud after 1900 and later Jung already recognized the importance of images, their all-penetration and fundamental significance in mental processes, then further there is a fork in the road. James Hillman, many of whose ideas we share, dares not to translate images into crystallized symbolic meanings, not to assign permanent meanings to them, not to interpret the dream as an Oedipal situation or penis envy, thereby depriving it of vitality. Instead, he preserves the quality of life in the image,fundamentally unknowable through intellectual interpretation. Considering images to be independent phenomena, Hillman passionately resists turning them, and therefore the entire miracle of human life, with all its absurdity, surrealism, and saturated energy images, “into the dead, stupid, very serious, very unimaginative.” Both the therapist and the patient have the opportunity to find a solution, following the wisdom of the soul, its original structure and aspiration, traveling through the images that it offers for awareness and living. If the therapist is able, after completing the mentioned destructuring procedure, to unclench the grip of conceptual dogma, release and protect the power of active imagination, then the scientific word, conceptualism in the form of a kind of mosaic hermeneutics, can sparkle, clarifying and displaying individual facets of the image. By and large, one thing is required from the conceptual approach, namely: to stop claiming the totality of your control over the soul. The therapy system often projects the "unconscious" onto the patient's psyche, then because of the polarity it is implied that the analyst must be conscious, it is he who must "understand". But the problem is that consciousness floats; psychic fluids, as Mesmer might have called them, move around and through the analytic session. They are not owned by any party. Sometimes the patient experiences insight, is more conscious, and other times the analyst is conscious, and the next moment consciousness is really in the image. The priority of images over the patient and the analyst’s interpretations is for us directly related to the question, what is human existence? The images force us to accept that both analyst and patient are only relatively real. Images are what really matter, and they take up so little space in our world, so my job is to let them speak and speak to us. If we recognize that mental reality has the same concreteness and givenness as the objects of the material world, then this gives a special mood. A person can become attentive, restrained, receptive. The therapist, as a person, must step back so that the images can come forward. The analyst must get out of the way. The analyst does not know as much as the soul knows. Unlike many psychological theories that emphasize the conditionality of what is happening in the internal (and not only) reality of a person by external factors: family, social, biological, Jung also suggested that these events are self-generating, although they include all these historical, biological patterns. In fact, it is stated that the soul is not only an active, but also a creative force. This means that it is necessary to approach it and the products of its activities with aesthetic criteria. Although the conditioned coexists in it with the creative and spontaneous. The conditioned is one of the raw materials, the old that gives rise to the new when handled creatively. And this is exactly what the psyche can do, despite all the sophistication of a person’s ego-constructs. However, creative doesn't always mean romantic. And this also comes from Jung, who said “creative means destructive and constructive together.” So there is no need to give a happy assessment to the word “creative”.... I listen to the rhetoric and observe the behavior, of course. But using myth or mythical figures as labels does not help at all. Therapy is not a demonstration of the Gods. It must be intimate: it must come to the surface and surprise us. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the most sacred, deep quality of the image may not immediately appear on the surface. Just because it's hairy, shaggy, red and has a tail doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing... The first face may be a mask; the second one too. These images change. And the image works just like a container: a container for thoughts, events, reflections, memory. Thus, thanks to patient peering into the fantasy space, felt expectation and knowledge of archetypes, the formation ofopen relationship between a person and his psyche. A person can become an equal partner of the gods in matters of his life’s creativity, and find the desired dynamic balance of his own mental processes. 12Analysis of therapeutic sessions. a) First visit: anamnesis. Next, we will illustrate the method of archetypotherapy using a specific case example. This is a tape recording of therapy, supplemented by our comments. Yulia (24 years old) came to the appointment with complaints of insomnia and anxiety. At night, the client could not sleep for a long time; sometimes insomnia could last until the morning. The next morning, the girl felt tired, experienced an inexplicable feeling of anxiety, which led to a feeling of nausea and decreased appetite. Upon further conversation, it turned out that she developed anxiety after marriage. Her husband, in her words, an infantile young man, overly dependent on his mother, did not give Yulia a feeling of security: “All his actions convinced me that he could not be relied upon; on the contrary, he looked for support in me.” At the beginning of her family life, the patient was happy with this situation, although she felt irritated because her chosen one did not correspond to stereotypical ideas of masculinity, which sometimes resulted in small family scenes that ended in reconciliation and finding a compromise. When asked why she decided to start a family with him, Julia replied that they studied together in an esoteric group and decided to start living together in order to do practices together and grow spiritually. Before the wedding, they communicated for three months. The real conflicts began when Julia became pregnant and the feeling of insecurity worsened. Her husband, according to descriptions - undisciplined, disorganized, dispensable - began to not correspond not only to the girl’s ideas about masculinity, but also to the ideas of what a real father should be. The quarrels became more frequent and worse, and in the end the young people separated, very hostile towards each other, when Julia was five months pregnant. The girl was having a hard time with the divorce, and she began to have sleep and appetite problems. Reactive symptoms - periods of apathy, depressed mood, hysterical behavior - which also appeared during this period, disappeared after childbirth. At the first appointment (four months after giving birth), Yulia was calm, reasoned soberly and adequately, and allowed a critical look at her life attitudes and the scenarios she was playing out. The consultant noticed a slight tremor of the hands and general tension, possibly due to anxiety in an unfamiliar environment. Outwardly, Yulia looked younger than her age. Broad, even shoulders, narrow hips, and large, strong hands gave her a resemblance to a boy. She was dressed in a shirt, tie and jeans, and maintained a unisex style on subsequent visits. When the consultant drew attention to her appearance, she said with a smile that she was very proud when she was considered a boy as a child, and despite her long hair and large bust, she is still sometimes mistaken for a boy in gay clubs where she goes walks “so that no one will pester you.” The family history contains elements of psychological trauma. A strong, domineering grandmother who suppressed her husband, her daughter and subsequently her granddaughters was a constant source of conflict in the family. Two marriages that ended in divorce for the mother, after which she did not remarry. The elder sister from her mother’s first marriage did not hide her hostility towards Yulia and the fact that she perceived the birth of her sister as a betrayal on the part of her mother. Julia's mother, raising two daughters alone, showed in every possible way that children are a heavy burden, thankless work. Julia grew up without a father almost from birth. And despite the fact that the mother had unconditional love for her children, Yulia did not experience maternal feelings for her child, focusing on the mother’s meta-messages that children, no matter how much you put into them, will not get love and gratitude. Consultant after the first treatment, a number of obvious and possible psychological and somatic problems were identified,requiring further development: - Anxiety; - Sleep disturbances; - Appetite disturbances; - Rejection, denial of one’s femininity; - Infantility, immaturity of the individual; - Fear of strong men, which causes a tendency to choose a partner who seems weak and safe; - Hostile attitude towards the mother, perhaps as a consequence of a neurotic attachment to her; - Coldness towards the child, muted maternal instinct. a) First therapeutic session. Comment: During the work, a method was chosen, so to speak, of search reflection. That is, the concept and, accordingly, the method of work, which consists in the fact that the knowledge of what and how to do is contained directly in the client’s soul. The soul has deep inner wisdom; you just need to be able to find a way to realize and display it; you need a little patience and its soul itself will tell you about its needs. In the created atmosphere of trust, first of all, in the client, her words, needs, spiritual mood, it is easy to manifest and put into words what is inside and what constitutes the deep inner knowledge inherent in every person. People who manifest themselves here in this layer of consciousness have certain qualities that have conditioning power for our client. All of them are male, which indicates characteristic conditioning, behavior that gravitates towards the male type. Access to the awareness of this force can be simply and effectively achieved through association and work with images through speaking and feeling. Enlivened by associations, they become less rigid and are much simpler and easier to feel and understand. After realizing the qualities to be corrected, as a rule, the time automatically comes for a meeting with archetypes, which often themselves manifest themselves in the consciousness of a person who wants to undergo such a procedure with the help of a therapist, through whose consciousness and the state of the archetype is transferred. So, the work: We omit the description of the beginning of the session, establishing contact, initial questions of how the patient is feeling, etc., which are traditional and take five minutes, and move on to the main part of the work. Question (from the therapist, hereinafter simply B): Ask your “I-Am-Presence” if we can start with the lower Self. Comment (hereinafter simply K): after the standard, reminiscent of a ritual and in this case necessary (entering the image connection is performed with it the anchoring of attention) of the procedure for entering one’s “I”, the method of confidential question-search is immediately applied, triggering the natural confessional mental mechanism, so to speak. The need to confess one’s thoughts and feelings is natural for a person, and to give this process the right direction, only the attitude and orientation that corresponds to the tasks of the work is important. Answer (of the patient, then simply O): Yes, you can. Q: Please ask your “Lower Self” - who, what people, groups or categories of people condition it most harshly? K: After the client’s consciousness merged with her “Lower Self,” she automatically acquired the ability to see, feel and voice images and persons in contact with the functions of the corresponding “I.” This ability, to one degree or another, is inherent in any person; without special attention it languishes, and for many people it reveals itself quite quickly, after several sessions devoted to this issue. All methods of working with images used here are described above. A: Friends and comrades Leonid, Alexander and paternal brother Kirill... That's it. Q: So, Leonid, Alexander and paternal brother Kirill. Tell us a little about these people and the associations you have with them. First, tell us what unites them, and then tell us about each one. K: Free conversation, association is one of the best ways to revive feelings and images in the soul, to be filled with the power of those people and events that are imprinted in the corresponding part of the consciousness and soul, to live again what was unlived and unsaid, as well aswhen viewed from the outside, identify significant structural and semantic details. A: These three people were very authoritative for me at one time. Leonid and Alexander were my friends, Alexander was even a mentor in some ways, Kirill is my older brother, very beloved, but with him we have all sorts of conflicts, disagreements - well, we just didn’t have a well-built relationship. And all these people dictated to me some idea of ​​what, in their understanding, a woman should be, externally, in her habits. Moreover, they gave pictures that were contradictory in many ways, but I tried to combine all their ideas within myself. To get together and somehow complete what didn’t exist due to the fact that I didn’t grow up with my father. Roughly speaking, I received feedback from them about my behavior, about the way I dress, about the way I move, talk, about everything related to appearance and habits. And having received this feedback, I drew conclusions, agreed with some things, and argued with others. All three of them gave me sometimes shocking and traumatic information that I could not accept. Q: Tune in to Leonid and tell me what associations and images come to mind. A: Leonid himself sailed the seas for a long time. I associate it with the sea, with a seagull, with the cry of a seagull. This is a bird that flies, inhales the damp sea wind, can swoop down on fish, does not go far into the sea, and lives on the shore. But here is some kind of freedom and, at the same time, a habitat limited by a natural halo. And the sea, an element, uncontrollable, dangerous, fascinating. Q: How does this sea now seem to you, stormy or calm, a storm... K: here the therapist made a generalizing and deepening awareness translation of the associative chain into a coherent image that has a characteristic of the state. This made it possible to move to a deeper, generally archetypal level or layer of feeling and living. This made it possible to move on to deep interaction with the archetype itself and at the same time bypass the defense mechanisms associated with the personality of the person manifested in the “Lower Self”. The latter effect manifests itself every time you move to the archetypal level of consciousness and is convenient in practical work. A: It looks more or less calm, wavy, but it appears precisely at its depth. This sea seems to be calm now, but in its depths it hides danger. It is unpredictable, it is not clear what will happen to it then, in the next moment. It will take you from point A to point B, or insidiously drown you. Q: Is there anything else being asked or can we move on to the next one? K: Primary diagnostics and adjustments have been made. A: You can move on to the next one. Q: Then the associations associated with Alexander. A: Some kind of fussiness has appeared among the people of fire, who talk a lot, make a lot of noise around themselves, and do little. Make an impression. They make a strong impression. This is a theater, some kind of performance, some kind of shamanic performance. Alexander shaman. Very loud, pompous, but hides little about himself; there is vulnerability in the depths. Alexander is associated with acting, with theater, but not at the level of pure divine play, but at the level of an attempt to hide your inner vulnerability behind images that deceive others, images of what you are not, behind those images when you want to appear bigger, what you really are. Q: Can we move on to the next one? Then what associations are associated with brother Kirill? A: I associate Kirill with cruelty, because my attempts to interact with him cordially were met with this cruelty. What cannot be taken away from him is that he is a person who has real power at his level, he has his own business. He really can, his words match his deeds. If he says he can, he can. He is sober, he has a clear mind, he sees everything, understands everything, but at the same time he is cruel, harsh and cuts into the world around him. This is power with an element of violence, clarity with an element of cruelty. He is like a knife, a blade, a scorpion. Uncompromising, brutal power. Q: Enough. Then let's move on to the next stage - the stage of getting used to the image. First image of Leonid. Picture himfirst from the outside, as if he were sitting on a chair opposite you, how he is dressed, how he looks, in what position he is sitting. Accordingly, take the same pose, feel these clothes on you, feel like Leonid. On his behalf, deliver a monologue that will tell about him, Leonid. I will ask some questions and generally talk not with you, but with Leonid. K: getting used to the image is again necessary to revive the powers of feelings and sensations associated with a given person, in order to experience in the flow of associations his individual taste and aroma, which in the normal state is most likely distorted or obscured by something. Which again, in turn, gives a new impetus to filling the soul with feelings and images and movement in them, a rich, complete, non-judgmental experience, which will undoubtedly become life-giving for the forbidden and hidden corners of the soul. A: I am Leonid. Q: Tell me about yourself, what you want to tell me now. A: All women are bitches, they don’t understand me, but I’m beautiful. In general, you can do without them, they are not needed. Q: Calling them that, what feelings do you have for them? A: They attract me. Attraction tinged with contempt and fear. I'm afraid of them. Q: You said earlier that you can live without them, now you are talking about attraction - how do these two contradictory relationships coexist in you? O: Well, that's it. A real strong man can do without women, but they attract me, I don’t know what it is about them, why they attract me, I think I can do without them. But maybe it's fun to look at them. K: there is also a unique opportunity to speak on behalf of the images and subpersonalities contained in the soul and consciousness, and even find out and voice their attitude towards oneself, consider a kind of state within a state and find out the semantic and structural charges present in it that influence behavior in one way or another patient. B: Okay. Tell us about your attitude towards Yulia and your vision of Yulia: how you see her, how you feel about her, what emotions you experience. A: I treat her warmly and with interest. Q: But she's a woman. O: Well... she doesn’t have some kind of complex of qualities that usually irritate me in women. Q: More information about this complex. What is this? K: Here perhaps lies one of the seeds of the patient’s soul’s fixation on a certain behavior, apparently in order to meet Leonid’s expectations. A: Now it’s difficult for me to say exactly how this manifests itself in women, but it comes from the desire to please a man, for which methods are used from fashion to deceit and playing along. All this is done in order to use a man, drink his blood, ride him. They are all somehow the same, they gather in flocks, eat ice cream, walk and talk the same. They are talking about something incomprehensible. I do not like them. I have some kind of pain for them. Julia is not sugar for me either, but she looks like something more familiar to me - something freer and more spontaneous. I'd rather drown in the sea than be killed by some stupid machine. Those girls are like dumb machines, very cruel. Q: What does Julia mean to you in your life? A: I can’t say that it has any special meaning. It's just nice. Like many of my friends, some unusual ones, I enjoy communicating with her, it’s a pleasure to watch what happens to her, it’s a pleasure to interact. I don’t live on a desert island, I need some contacts. I love to go to sea, I love to communicate with my friends. Q: Is that the end of the line? Thank you. Then relax, inhale and exhale. Give your name and answer the following questions yourself (in associations): how do you see him, how do you feel about him, what does he mean to you? K: when moving from image to image, the vision of oneself and the situation becomes voluminous and one realizes such meanings and nuances of behavior and relationships that one cannot see with an ordinary “flat” view. A: On the one hand, as a person who interacts with the elements, I like him and command respect. That is, how he feels life, how he flows through it, how energetic he is, how brave he is. This is all great, of course. On the other side,when it comes to relationships with people, he looks funny. Perhaps due to the fact that he sailed a lot, and somehow his perception shifted because of this, he was in closed groups on ships - this also has a strong influence, he became asocial. Sometimes he doesn't even try to play social. When a person is asocial, this is even good, since he is interesting, spontaneous, and interesting to be with. But he can casually offend a person, hurt him and at the same time not feel it, not consider it necessary to pay attention to it. There are two main forms of Leonid. Firstly, stupid “sailor shit”, which includes cynicism, rudeness, and disregard for other people. Secondly, a magical sailor who admires the sea, feels the sea in the hearts of other people, sees some kind of magic in life. There are two qualities that stick out in him, one I like and the other I don’t. This is such an ambivalent attitude. Sometimes it’s just unpleasant and boring to communicate with him, and you think, what an idiot. And sometimes you notice for yourself some of his human qualities, for example, how he acted in life, how much he did, what he achieved and what he did not achieve - you take all this into account, you respect this in him. Some of his courage, endurance, recklessness, freedom - you understand that a person lives like this and you can live the same way. Before your eyes, a person does something, and you can find something similar in your world and boldly do it. Q: What does he mean to you? A: For me, he acted as a kind of turning point to the processes that I am experiencing now. That is, at some point, when after the birth of the child I sat at home and thought that I would sit with the child for another year, live only with this child. Such a narrowed consciousness and I did not see my prospects and possibilities. He appeared in my life at exactly this time. I knew him before, but once again he emerged from some kind of voyage and we met by chance. We talked, resumed communication, and he, by his example, such energy of adventure and freedom, pushed me towards my adventures and my freedom. This is positive. If we talk about his negative influence, at some points he hurt me and wounded me with his sailor cynicism and attitude towards women. Moreover, he may not have said this out of malice, but out of some kind of internal pain, but this caused pain to me. Q: Let's now work with the image of Alexander. Imagine his image, how he sits, how he looks, how he is dressed. Enter this image and on behalf of this image, tell us about yourself, Alexander, and about your relationship with Yulia. A: I am Alexander. The first thing that appears is that I am grateful to Yulia. She led me to something important to me. But I, in turn, cannot understand why she does not communicate with me. After all, I quite sincerely want to help her, give her some tools to interact with the world, make her better and stronger. Q: How do you feel about her? A: I feel warm towards her now, but I feel some kind of resentment between us. I sincerely wished her well, but she did not want to take this goodness. What is she telling me? Q: Say a few more words about how you see her. A: I have two perceptions of it. When we first started communicating, she was on very high vibrations, she was constantly climbing up, into some kind of spirituality, she wanted to go to some shamans, she came up with something... I know another life, I showed it to her that this is how much women at her age managed to do. I wanted to give her this, what I collected from other women: what they know how to be, how they know how to please men, how they know how to achieve their goals. She pushed it all away, didn’t accept it, it offended me very much. They say, here she is such a saint and here she is - there, and after that we go where? I treated this part of her with slight bewilderment; on the one hand, yes, it was interesting to listen to, but on the other hand, it made her look incomprehensible, socially unhappy. That is, the girl, she has nothing, she’s talking about something. This is not clear. If she had a man, drove her in a car, gave her money... It would be understandable, but it’s not clear. He also dresses somehow... That isa woman should be different, should behave differently, but she went somewhere wrong. I felt very sorry for her in this regard. And then, when we didn’t communicate for a long time, she appeared again, it was very strange. On the one hand, she looked better, I liked her more. On the other hand, she looked like a prickly bitch. Yes, something external has appeared, but you can’t approach it, ten blades fly out and cut. Then I just pulled away. On the one hand, she has developed in the direction in which I advised her to work, but now this makes me feel worse. Q: What does she mean in your life? A: She changed my life in some ways. I met her during a very difficult period for myself and she revealed something new to me. She held her beliefs so steadfastly that I decided that this was the way to live. In general, I don’t have much sympathy for women, so logic tells me that with her I had to recognize the right of women to spirituality. I haven't done this and won't do it. They are all unpleasant to me. B: Okay. Inhale and exhale. Give your name. Please tell us about your feelings, what you feel for Alexander, what he means to you. A: Alexander meant a lot to me. Probably, just as I didn’t please him and didn’t take what he really wanted to give me, he did the same with me. I liked his brightness, the way he dressed, played the drums, furnished his home, which looked like an esoteric shop. There was a lot of things there - all sorts of netsuke stood, bellows hung, there were a lot of ethnic instruments that he played masterfully... He also drew very beautifully, although he never studied anywhere, but he had amazing paintings that he painted in modified states of consciousness. I adopted this part of his art. At the same time, he wanted to tell me some wisdom, to invent something out of his head, but internally I was not interested. This is how I offended him. But he was uneducated. I read a book and a half in my life, and when I started speaking, it was something incredible. I kept repeating some nonsense, some nonsense that I read in my early teens. And at such moments, I naturally began to argue with him, thereby offending him. At the same time, he constantly told me what a woman should be like, how she should look, etc., and all my spiritual aspirations were nonsense and out of place. In fact, I should look for a rich man and use all my art to find this man, keep him, and fight off my rivals. And all my talk about the spiritual is what I don’t need in life. He stubbornly proved this to me, which, on the one hand, made him authoritative for me and this message knocked me out a little... But since I could not give up my spirituality, a conflict and resentment against Alexander arose. And then we quarreled with him. And when, a year later in his life, I showed up to look at him, I saw such an unfortunate man who was talking absolute nonsense, not to the point, very harshly and not listening to the world around him. He became uninteresting. Q: Let's move on to the 3rd character, brother Kirill. Also imagine him, sit down, feel yourself and tell a story about yourself and your relationship with Yulia. A: I am Yulia’s brother, Kirill. I achieved everything I wanted to achieve in life. I know that I am strong, smart, purposeful, lucky. This is all within human capabilities. I did it all myself, you can say that no one helped me. I believe that everyone can do all this, you don’t need to tell me about the poor. I saw my possibilities, I realized them. Julia. Yulia-Yulia. Julia is my sister. It’s difficult for me to say a clear emotional and sensual attitude towards her. Where I have love for her as a sister, the moment is included that she is the daughter of another mother, that is, my father left my mother for this woman. I may not remember this moment, but it is in our relationship. That is, I see her as her family and I don’t like it. It’s still not clear to Yulia what she’s doing. That is, when you need to choose a goal and implement it, she constantly rushes from side to side, hangs out with someshamans. This is all nonsense. Things need to be done. But, moreover, without really understanding the means: you set a goal and go towards it, and everything outside of this is nonsense. That is, we can say that I like Yulia, but nothing evokes sympathy in me, least of all her. B: Give your name. Inhale and exhale. A few words about your attitude, feelings towards him and his significance in your life. A: I love him like a brother and am very upset that for various reasons our communication does not work out. On the one hand, I admire his determination and what he did in his life, on the other hand, I am very upset by what he did to himself with his life. Because it seems to me that what he received and what he achieved cost him too much as a person. That is, he is so beloved to me, so bright, my only brother, so similar to me, giving the same energy to the world. It’s just that my blood boils when I look at him, I really want everything to be fine with him. And there are two factors. On the one hand, I see that he is ruining himself with his money, his business, that he drinks and has a whole bunch of problems with his family. On the other hand, money became such a moment by which he isolated himself from life, from loved ones and received an indulgence not to experience normal family feelings. I don't want anything from him. Well, of course, I would like him to help me somehow, but if he cannot do this, then... Sometimes I want, for example, for him to call me and we would meet, he would hug me, show me love , and he transfers everything to money, to determination, to achieving something in life by any means. At the same time, he does not understand what I understand: by achieving something by any means, you achieve yourself. So, I love him, I sympathize with him, I don’t approve of many of his actions and I’m offended that he doesn’t want to accept my love and show me his love as a sister. B: Thank you. Tell me, how do you feel now after all this story? How is your emotional state in general? A: In general, the emotional state is somewhat confused, disorganized, nervous, somewhat similar to stage fright, excitement... Q: Please tell me what is happening to the body, whether any bodily sensations appeared during the conversation. K: experiences and awareness in the image were clearly reflected on the body and the therapist reflected on this event, which was an indicator of the work done and in progress. The relaxation in the soul affected the body. A: I feel that the tension at the level of the solar plexus is dissipating, at the same time that some kind of internal trembling from nervousness is becoming easier because I am beginning to understand something. I pronounce it and from large pieces it turns into one general mosaic. Q: Now let's go to the level of analysis and understanding. Three figures that determine the lower self, given what we said about the lower self, and all three figures are men. Let's analyze what this could mean. K: the presenters made a generalization necessary to deepen and expand the view of what was happening and move to an abstract understanding of the outline of images and events. A: Since childhood, there have been no men in my family. There was only one grandfather, whom I saw very rarely until I was 8 years old, and it was like a gift for me. He died when I was 8 years old, after which there were no family relationships with men. That is, boys sometimes came to see my sister, but they were her boys. Mom didn’t communicate with men at all and I felt an interest in men and a lack of masculinity in my life. Therefore, attempts are made to compensate for this deficit with anything - to be friends only with boys, because there are already enough girls (mother, grandmother, sister - there are only women around). That is, in order to be friends with them, you need to play their games, imitate them in order to earn their respect. Then there was just an age when boys and girls had divisions, different groups. For example, we are girls and this is good, our games are cool, and boys are fools and vice versa. It turned out that I couldn’t get together with the girls, because I really neededboys. I even agreed to admit that I was nonsense, because what girls do is nonsense. If only I could communicate with boys and get from them an idea of ​​what a boy is, an idea of ​​the male world and male energy. Q: At the energy level. What kind of energy is this that is caused only by male figures? K: the facilitator brings the process to awareness of the prevailing type of forces in the client’s life, one might say to the awareness of fateful, life-shaping decisions and details that are usually considered superficially. A: Based on 2 premises. Firstly, to be accepted into male society, you need to please a man. If they like you, then they will accept you. You need to be pretty, have external beauty. Secondly, in order to remain in this society at the level at which I wanted, I need to have, as far as possible, such traditionally masculine qualities as, for example, endurance and strength. Roughly speaking, in order to hunt with everyone, you need to keep up and be on an equal footing and also be competitive. Q: Turning to the analysis, I note that the body constitution itself has certain pronounced masculine features: broad shoulders, etc. The masculine is manifested in bodily energy. A: My mother had the same thing, one might say it was inherited. Grandmother, on the contrary, is quite feminine, and mother has broad shoulders and narrow hips. You could even say that I'm a little more feminine than she is. For my mother, this happened from the moment when she found more response from her father than from her mother. That is, her mother somehow rejected her and was more concerned with her own affairs, her career, and she received all the warmth and love from her father. Her father taught her to fight, taught her the strategies for surviving in this world, which he possessed, probably masculine. Since her mother did not deal with it, she could only copy it, but she did not receive a direct transmission from her. Naturally, raised by her father, she also tried to raise her daughters. I can draw this conclusion because I received absolutely incredible ideas from my mother about men, women, relationships between the sexes, what they should be, what they are, what is possible, what is not. It was so fantastic when I took it all apart, just incredible! To say that all these ideas are not working is to say nothing. B: Okay. Now, based on dialogues with images, associations and all the information that has now been received, draw a conclusion about the world of your lower self. Maybe the problems or requests or something else, the vision of this world, has somehow become more clearly outlined. Don't think, tell me what is asked. K: the leader first brings all semantic threads to the possibility of awareness and then, when the required amount of information has been collected about a given area of ​​work, stimulates a general understanding of the entire sphere of consciousness, in this case the “lower self,” which is a kind of intermediate result and support for further work. A: The problem is that at this level I do not rely on myself. At some point in my development, I found myself a reference group of survival experts and rely on it. On the one hand, this reference group should be pleased with me, that is, I should be a good girl, on the other hand, I should imitate it for safety net. That is, if I’m not a good girl, I have to learn a lot from them, so that I myself... Q: To turn out to be a good boy. A: We're not talking about boys here. Talk about survival. Here they survive in the world, without them there is no way. And if they don’t exist, then you need to have their qualities in order to survive. It’s impossible without them, but I don’t know why. To some extent, it is true to be a “good boy.” Partly because in my world the concept of a boy includes some additional things. I cannot fully accept the boy, since the complete set of a “good boy” contains too many annoying traits for me. But in terms of activity and survival - yes. Q: Let’s not focus on the traits that you like in male boys, because that’s not our task. What's not to like?K: supporting the process in the right direction. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out such actions in order to save time and when the outline and direction of movement towards awareness are generally clear. A: The first thing that immediately comes to mind. Boys are brought up with what is called a “winner” and, naturally, when you begin to communicate with a boy at this level, you risk ending up among the losers. It is unpleasant. Or start playing their game and be a “winner”, but then not be a “good girl”, because good girls don’t win and girls don’t win in general. It's not theirs. Q: Is it true that you are characterized by competitive struggle and, in your expression, measuring with penises? A: Well, I don’t know where you came to that conclusion. I never wanted to be superior to men in anything, I wanted to be similar in order to be accepted. Competitive, not in terms of beating someone, but in terms of being accepted into the general crowd. If I am OK, they take me into the group, if not, they don’t take me, I occupy a lower position there, or they throw me out altogether. And I always had a conflict of the following nature: when you communicate with a boy, he always needs to either win or be a winner, and I don’t fit into these roles. This hurt me. The fact that this did not fall on the girls' world, in all girl's games this point is not touched upon. If you win, you have to do it very gently: it’s better to lose than to make an enemy. The boys had different topics and they did not match. K: Another rigid support point in consciousness has been identified. Around this desire, the formation of a dominant behavior obviously took place. Q: Now, based on all this preparatory work, ask the lower self: in the course of this work with images and other information, living these images, have any changes already occurred at the level of the lower self and what exactly, maybe something it became clear, awareness, maybe something else. What happened? What is the intermediate result? K: “lower self”, like all other “selves”, appears as a living being with whom it is possible to communicate directly through the consciousness of the client, receive answers to questions and also, by the way, ask him for something, that is, to fully interact. With such communication, awareness of the causes of mental and personal distortions often occurs. The inner world itself tells about its affairs. A: The Lower Self says that the essence of the problem and the direction that requires work have been identified. This is a rejection of the archetype of femininity and the power of femininity and everything that is included in this archetype and an attempt to penetrate into the masculine archetype. Which, perhaps, was socially approved in different eras and many women did the same, but this is not good for my body, for me, for my happiness. Q: Maybe some organs and systems of the body are affected by this problem? K: The presenter tries to expand and give volume to the vision of the situation, in this case focusing on the bodily manifestations of the client. A: Yes, this manner of building relationships with the male archetype and men hit my heart and reproductive system very hard, because, roughly speaking, on such conditions and thus entering this world, I abandon myself and receive a strong blow in your energy, in your sexual sphere and in your feelings, cordiality. Because there are incomparable energies there, and all my life I tried to fit a square cube into a round hole. B: Okay. Let us now move on to the archetypal part of the work. Maybe you saw 2 archetypes that are already shining through in this work. See you? K: often, with sufficient familiarity with mythology, a person in this phase of work is able to see for himself a conflict with one or another archetype deity or see an archetypal plot repeating in his life. A: I haven’t seen any specific god yet. I understand that this is a conflict between the phallus archetype and the femininity archetype. Q: Is there any myth coming? A: A myth comes along, to which I reacted painfully when I read it from Golovin. Moreover, she reacted painfully to his approvalthis myth. I felt trauma behind this, and he pushed me there and said that it was good. This is a myth about a solar hero who goes to perform some kind of feat. At some stage of this path, a sunny woman appears to help him. And she goes with him along his path. At some point they both have to die, but she dies before him. The feat will be accomplished and everyone will thank her for helping the hero fulfill his bright mission. That is, I associate all this with this. Q: Now ask, please, the lower self, what archetype (or archetypes) are behind the images that determine this problematic? A: At first it came that this was Ra, the Hermetic god and, for some reason, Astarte. Q: Check with the I-am-presence for this information. K: “I am presence” is a kind of final authority in the hierarchy of “I”, the most subtle large-scale and omniscient, therefore, in cases when it is necessary to check or clarify something, they turn to it. A: The picture even opens from there. Here is Astarte, she can even be more precise - Cybele Rhea. At the level where they had to build me, that is, the energies of Cybele had to be balanced by the solar energies of Ra, so that everything would be beautiful and harmonious. But they got into some kind of conflict. Instead of accepting the energy of Cybele and illuminating her energy with the energy of Ra, I lined everything up in such a way, everything lined up in such a way that they entered into conflict, that is, the rejection of Cybele and an attempt to break out from under the power of Cybele and enter under the power of Ra. Moreover, all this is very unnatural. Q: Will we work with Astarte or Cybele? K: The principle of confidential conversation with the soul has found successful application here too. A: With Cybele, she is closer. Q: Then ask the I-am-presence which archetype to invite first, Ra or Cybele. O: Ra. B: Okay. Now we will work with the Ra archetype. I focus the archetype, after which Julia begins to communicate on behalf of this archetype. I focus, I do some specific energetic action that allows this archetype to manifest itself. Ra, are you here? K: For the specifics of focusing archetypes, see above. Oh yeah. B: Thank you for coming. Tell me, did we contact you on business? K: just like with the “I,” the conversation with the deity takes place in the client’s consciousness where the archetype was manifested through a special procedure. She is able to voice it, can see, hear and feel the essence of the archetype. Oh yeah. Q: Please tell us what happened to Yulia from your vision and what can be done about it. A: What happened is generally understandable. She believed in her socially promoted inferiority and decided to compensate for it. Q: And from an archetypal point of view? K: at the archetypal level of perception, events are visible from a completely different point of view, the essence and meaning of what is happening is revealed there. “Up there, there, in naked authenticity, our deeds are visible without embellishment...” A: Something like an agreement. K: the essence of a contract with a deity is, as a rule, the exchange of one or another human opportunity, in other words, freedom, for certain properties that seem necessary at that time. Q: With you? A: Including me. Q: Can you tell us more about this agreement, when it was concluded and under what conditions? A: I gave her some sunny qualities, which she showed in her relationships with men. That is, with men, she has built such relationships that she is her own guy. Moreover, I gave her such qualities that it did not take into account the fact that she was not a guy. That is, there is a conscious conflict, like, well, she’s a girl, but unconsciously there was an agreement, like, yes, she can. Q: Please tell me, these are the realizations that occurred today as a result of working with images, etc. Based on the work done, is it possible to revise this agreement, rewrite it, terminate it, or treat it differently? K: now, as in ancient times, a person can, in the sphere accessible to him, speak on equal terms with the gods, ask and receive an answer, of course realizing the full extent of responsibility and the fact that everything happens as much as we allow ourselves. There is a direct parallel here with the New Testament: “And it shall be done to you according to faithyours." A: You need to realize the sunshine of femininity. That is, what has already happened in her life, how she built herself, how her body was formed, many moments are already irreversible, but at some level something can be rebuilt. Q: What does Yulia need to do to change this situation? A: To not be afraid to go through the pain of all those moments when she believed in her inferiority as a person due to the fact that she was born a woman and to find sunshine in femininity. The sun is not only in a man. K: each person hears and understands the voice of the archetype differently, as far as he is capable and ready for perception, and the more developed his abstract thinking is and the more “cultured” the person is, that is, the more thoroughly he is familiar with what humanity has created and accumulated, the better. Q: Is it possible to do this now, under your guidance, so that she reconsiders these situations? A: I am now showing, revealing layers of pain. K: awareness, revelation of inertia, pain and the errors and distortions associated with the desire to protect ourselves from them is a necessary action to begin healing. Thus, Ra started this process. B: Thank you. Now a question for Yulia. What is happening to you now on all levels - bodily, emotional, awareness? A: Actually, the pain is going away now. At the level of the genital organs. This is subtle energetic pain. And in the chest, in the heart. And I go through different states, I see pictures, mostly children’s, books that I read, conflicts that I had with my peers... K: living, letting through restrained, suppressed pain opens up certain feelings, spheres of the soul and desires, and as well as abilities associated with them. The soul is revived. When coming into contact with archetypes, as a rule, one gets to a very deep level of the soul’s existence, where one can say the pain is summed up and the experiences associated with this area of ​​life are generalized. Q: Is there a picture of what is happening with this pain? A: It seems to evaporate, like liquid in the sun. Q: I am addressing Ra. Ra, please tell me what is happening at the energy level with Yulia now? A: Curses are lifted. K: Each archetype has its own unique vision of the universe, and, refracted through the personality of the guide or patient, in the original presentation each time it is an example of a living, non-standard approach to what is happening. Q: What do you call curses? A: When a person runs into some kind of impossibility. Let's say a girl decides that it is good to be a boy, but it is impossible to be a boy, she curses herself as a girl, as well as her life, which made her a girl. That is, this is a very big curse that reaches God, because it is a curse for God too. And, naturally, it ties everything up at that level. Q: Is it coming out now? A: On behalf of Yulia, I can say that there is a very strong feeling of the archetype and the swirling of energies in the body clockwise, it’s just a tornado or a whirlwind. Q: Is this a very strong feeling? A: Yes, it is a very strong feeling. The head is spinning, the whirlwinds are raging inside. K: in the soul and feelings, in the structures and content of consciousness, a powerful restructuring occurs, a cleansing energy vortex removes the pathological fixation, or in other words, the curse. Q: Let it happen, observe without interfering with this process and periodically describe what is happening. A: The feeling of the swirling vortex continues, but some kind of heartfelt attitude of this archetype changes a little. If Ra, when he first descended, he was a tough, masculine, domineering Ra, a phallic Ra, now he softens my heart, and he himself is so gentle, vital, warm. K: as a result of the work, the experience of the archetype itself changes, it becomes fuller and more alive. Q: What about pain in the genitals, in the heart? A: The genitals are already warm, now something is happening in the heart. Q: About 3 to 5 more minutes have passed, what else is changing? I see how some subtle, rather energetic folds on the face are slowly straightening out, and the face is brightening. A: Ra continues to work on reconfiguring my structures toa different type of energy. He says that later, when he finishes, he needs to change his relationship with Cybele. She says it’s her mother after all. Q: How much more time will Ra need? A: He says it won't last long and that he's almost finished. It will still stretch out in time for about 2 weeks of my life. Today's particular one is almost completed. He also shows me sunny femininity and explains in a soft, humorous manner why a woman shouldn’t meddle in a man’s world with a hint of masculinity. This is obviously a losing option. K: contact with the archetype can remain in a less manifested form for the time necessary to complete the work, from several hours to several days. This does not mean that the rest of the time there is no contact with this archetype, it is just that it is automatically carried out at a deep level, little realized due to the everyday bustle, like a huge number of all kinds of similar contacts with all kinds of forces that make up the essence and filling of human life. Q: Do you take it calmly, okay? A: Yes, calmly. I feel a little sorry for myself in terms of the fact that at the same time I simply see everything, only from the point of view of pure energies, whereas before everything was perceived as life moments, social troubles. I see that you enter alive and vulnerable into the porcupine’s thorns, into the bristling blades, and they cut you. This is roughly what I did with my energy. That is, everything can be completely different. The same force can be very soft, tame, and not hurt me. Q: It seemed to me that your attitude towards femininity has now changed, even on a conscious level. So? Oh yeah. Ra says that what happened is not my fault, but this is a lesson that I needed to go through, which I agreed to even after incarnation. That is, I had to go through this because I had a request for this information. K: The point of view expressed here is that a person himself chooses the tasks and lessons of his next incarnation in the body in the world of people. Q: Has Ra finished now? A: Yes Q: I remove the focus of the Ra archetype and ask the “I-am-presence” if it is possible to immediately invite Cybele. A: Yes Q: Thank you Ra. Hello Cybele. O: Hello. Q: Thank you for showing up, tell me, did we come to you at the right address? Oh yeah. Q: Please tell me what, in your opinion, is happening to Yulia now, what needs to be done? A: Yulia is going through a good process of accepting herself as a woman and entering into feminine archetypes. This will be reflected at all levels of her contracts with the gods. Q: On behalf of Yulia, tell us what is happening now in the Cybele archetype? A: The feeling of a crystal clear flow that fills the body. At first there was pain and compression in the uterus. Information comes that this is due to rejection and fear of Cybele. But I consciously relaxed and let this energy pass. Q: Maybe we should ask Cybele for forgiveness? A: Cybele says that she needs to ask for forgiveness from herself. K: again the archetype directs the process exactly in the right direction. Q: Ask your feminine side for forgiveness. A: I feel the pain blockages coming out. Pain comes out of the genital area, from the heart and a lump of pain in the throat, like some kind of resentment comes out. The sensation is subtle, it’s like some kind of crying is coming out. Even tears flowed. Q: How long does Cybele need to work now? A: Cybele says that I will work, and she will leave a channel of communication with her, to enter the female world, into female archetypes. K: the process of primary contact and interaction with the archetype in this case is similar to the process with Ra. During subsequent contacts, communication may be structured differently and relate to other areas of the patient’s life. Q: Can we say that this is some kind of special practice, which you need to allow yourself to tune in for some time, so that this work is consolidated in life, and not just in a session. A: Cybele says, and this can be seen as a continuation of the information that began to come from Ra, that this situation is stereotypical for the current time. It was requested by me, my spirit, in order to look for a way out of it. Everything that happens to me must be realizedspill the beans, as this could be a way out for someone else. I must realize what is happening, how it is happening, why, what led to it - these stereotypical problems, like everyone else. And how can you get out of this? Q: How can Yulia tell you what you feel now? A: The feeling of Cybele changes a little. She is still such a strict and domineering Great Mother, but she is becoming lighter and a little warmer. Q: A few more minutes passed. Is it possible to end the session? A: Now I’m trying to figure out what Cybele actually gives. Q: Cybele, tell me, what are you giving? A: Specifically for people, for women, I hold a women's space. Now, in this era. The attitude towards me and my functions in different eras changed, reconfigured, depending on what the single organism of the Earth needed. Q: How long is an era? A: A million years. What stages has humanity gone through? In a specifically social human sense, I hold the space of women, the space of femininity. The space in which all processes take place - childbirth, fertility. In general, now I am being forced out by other gods from human relationships, there are fewer and fewer of me, and because of this, many problems are manifesting in humanity. That is, I am space, I am a reflection of a certain law, principle, and they are trying to ignore me, treating me with hostility. And because of this, I am neither better nor worse, I am as I was and will be. And humanity, fencing itself off from my energy with ideological justifications, causes a global imbalance. Humanity can do anything. But a person who wants to be whole, holistic, healed must go through the path of awareness of my energies and revealing them in himself. They fear me as something chthonic, destructive - this, too, can be achieved if desired. It all depends on the person's intentions. There will be bright intentions, and I will give bright states. B: Thank you. We can let you go now. Like Julia, say something. A: I now have such a nostalgic feeling, like a person who is returning to his homeland. Cybele just said that all the processes that occur in humanity do not affect her, since she was, is and will be a process. People's attitude towards her does not insult her, but simply cripples humanity. I now feel how her energies are opening up and for me this is like returning to my homeland, which I left for some reason. A sad feeling of being missed. I still feel a state of lightness throughout my body, but some kind of resentment still continues in my throat. Cybele says that I can do everything at once, but what’s the point if I don’t notice or understand anything. K: each immersion in the process of awareness of an archetype has a certain capacity, that is, a certain number of feelings, sensations and meanings can be realized and lived. There is no particular point in giving a load beyond this capacity, except for cases when the information comes in peculiar deep “packets” and then unfolds. Q: Thank you Cybele. I unfocus the archetype. How are you Give your name. A: Julia. Good condition. Q: What happened for you? A: For me, at the level of vision and awareness, an understanding of what happened to me came. That is, the distortion that is reflected in the body, in energy, in personality. The one that started from childhood has reached all levels. This is the experience of the fear that if I give up solar-phallic power, then I will lose my power altogether, since it seemed to me that there is no such thing as female power. I went through this fear, and it was very gentle, since Ra immediately showed another version of power, into which I smoothly and willingly flowed. Because this is also strength. In addition, information was received that each god has two entrances, one for male power and the other for female power. Each god can give different states, each god is androgynous and holistic, and you can change your relationship with each. The vision of what I did to myself and how guilty I am to myself, the feeling that there is strength in the feminine too, it’s just different. Second therapy session Comment: “The middle self” is associated withbehavior, including the manifestation of a person in society and all kinds of models and stereotypes of behavior as a movement of the soul undertaken to achieve some goals or ideals. It often turns out that a bright, frozen ideal distorts interaction with a living archetype, with a deity. Which gives rise, one might say, to a secondary layer or level of grievances, misunderstanding of oneself and the world around us. Question: A week has passed since the first session. Give feedback after the last session. What happened? Did you feel any changes, the results of this work? Answer: I feel changes. Now it is difficult to say what exactly has changed. I just feel different. I began to accept myself as a woman and the reaction of others to this. I already understand from those around me that something is changing in me. For me it may not be very noticeable, but by the way people look at me and how they react, it is noticeable. From their reactions it becomes clear that I am more feminine. And I myself feel more comfortable, calmer, more in a state of goodness. Q: Today we have the next “I”. I suggest going the linear route. Ask your I Am Presence if you can work with your Middle Self. A: The answer is yes. ... In the “Middle Self” there is the heroine of the film “Midshipmen”, Ekaterina Bestuzheva, the English queen, and the same Leonid who was in the “Lower Self” is present. Q: Please ask your “Middle Self” whether you now need to work on this figure, or its hypostases that were not touched upon in the “Lower Self,” or whether you can already do without it. A: He stands in a different form, since in the “Lower Self” Leonid manifested his other qualities. Q: Okay, let's start with Ekaterina Bestuzheva. Tell us who she is in general and what she means to you, what she is associated with and further the flow of associations. A: Ekaterina Bestuzheva is a Russian aristocrat who is going through a difficult situation of deprivation of certain benefits and high status. There is heroism and romance in this. Catherine is shrouded in mystery. Her father is a state criminal. This is an image of dignity, courage and inner spiritual strength, the ability not to give up under the pressure of life circumstances, to preserve oneself and one’s inner status, spiritual nobility. In all the events that happened to her in the film, what is surprising is her courage and the fact that even in such conditions, she not only did not break, but also found the strength in herself in the midst of adventures to love a young man - passionately, openly, sincerely. This is an amazing woman, in my opinion. Q: What associations do you have in connection with the image of Bestuzheva and the world of your “Middle Self”, with your emotional world? A: Loyalty, devotion to ideals, aristocracy, compliance with the concepts of aristocracy. Behave and manifest yourself the way you are supposed to manifest yourself in a given caste, at a given level of society. This is noble blood and its requirement of certain behavior. Bestuzheva is associated with such manifestations as self-esteem, you need to be brave, strong, you need to be devoted to your ideals, to your homeland, to be uncompromising in something. Q: Is there anything illogical? Let your thoughts flow freely. A: I remember another episode. She was constantly driving, she was on the move throughout the entire film. Movement as escape from persecution and movement as freedom and movement. Q: Give free rein to the manifestation of the irrational, seemingly unconnected. O: Another such moment. She lives with this Frenchman, but when she fell in love (I don’t remember what kind of relationship they had in the film, it seems he laid claim to her, despite the fact that he saved her and could provide a decent standard of living abroad), she cunningly deceives him, refuses him and goes according to the dictates of her heart to be with the midshipman she likes, young, has nothing, it is unknown whether he can even have anything at all, perhaps even inferior to her in purity of family... Such is the uncompromisingness before oneself, selflessness. And in this regard, too, courage. It seems that the Frenchman has done so much for her, and it seems that she should be grateful to him, she finds the strength in herself to follow the movement of her love.Q: Are you ready to switch to the next figure? Oh yeah. Q: How does Leonid appear here in the context of the middle self, in the context of the emotional sphere? A: Sometimes Leonid jokingly called me “Decembrist” and noted certain qualities that manifested themselves in me - aristocracy, restraint, modesty, sincerity. He considered these qualities to belong to noble girls and Decembrists. In turn, he himself tried to show similar qualities - those that should correspond to a noble and aristocratic person. He himself, in addition to the fact that he is a captain and they have a whole theory of the honor of a naval officer, he also comes from a noble family and the knowledge of these qualities was instilled into him from childhood. This is a channel of acceptance and giving of oneself to the world, a channel that seems pleasant, but it is somewhat ridiculous because it is outdated and is not always supported by this world. It's funny to be an aristocrat when we no longer have any financial justification. This is what my family generally tried to support, such programs as “remember your origins”, etc. This is what caused me a conflict with my internal and external: inside I feel that this is right and beautiful, I can do this, but outside, when it all begins to manifest itself in the world and I receive feedback from the world, I understand that all this is outdated and not supported socially. We do not have permission, the right, the opportunity to manifest ourselves in this way. Those structures that provided the opportunity for our ancestors to manifest themselves in this way no longer exist, and this situation can be expressed in such a way that the circus left, but the clowns remained. Q: Are there any other associations? A: Outdated structures that seem correct and beautiful, but are limiting, non-functional, lifeless. I remember the movie "Roman Holiday". There the princess escapes from the palace for a short time and in a few days she experiences an extraordinary adventure that expands her consciousness. But then she returns to the concept of honor, duty, to living not for herself, but for some idea. By the way, aristocracy is characterized by the fact that a person does not live by himself. He lives by some idea, the ideas of authoritative others about what he should be. This all fits well with preliminary constructions in consciousness, such as “This is how it should be.” If you are a nobleman, you owe “for the faith, for the Tsar, for the Fatherland.” Thus, with the help of special structures that make it possible to manipulate a group of people with the help of two or three words, entire generations were brought up. There is infantilism in this - both mine personally and the whole caste. It lies in the fact that you rely not on yourself, not on your desire, but on your compliance with the expectations of others. You either fit in or you don't. Q: I see. Manipulation is really just two or three words: “You’re an officer! Stop the hysteria.” And that's it, a person is like a robot. Strictly speaking, a duty of honor, gentlemen... A: At this level, there are some organs left, some structures through which you can manipulate, having first, of course, loaded some kind of ideology into them. Because these structures require manipulation. When society collapsed, the ideology changed, but the mechanism remained. Q: Can I move on to the next figure? Oh yeah. In: The Queen of England. A: I remember a joke. An Englishman makes love to an Englishwoman and suddenly asks anxiously: “Mrs., are you in pain?” She replies negatively, “Wow, thank God! Otherwise you’ve moved...” English restraint, coldness and masculinity immediately come to mind. Personality in the sense that you cannot show real feelings, but only show socially acceptable, role-playing ones. Replacement of manifestations coming from within with guises of correspondences, masks, so that everything is beautiful, intelligent, aristocratic, on the one hand, and in other cases one cannot lose one’s dignity, kneel, etc. In order to prevent consciousness from plunging into a world that can be perceived as humiliation, you can strangle yourself, limit yourself, lie to yourself. In order to remain a queen, an aristocrat, a winner, you can strangle everything inside yourself, and at the exit hang a mask of well-being.Win in terms of active manipulation (i.e. doing something with the world to get what I need) or in terms of passive manipulation (i.e. being a good girl who corresponds to the ideas that her relatives first claim about her , and then other people). Social acceptability and pleasing to society in order to receive benefits from society from this level, like an intelligent person. Q: We have stirred up this layer of consciousness, so I now suggest that you incarnate in each of these images in turn and, on their behalf, tell about yourself as an image and about your interaction with Yulia. First imagine Bestuzhev, how she sits, how she moves, how she is dressed, where she is looking... Then enter her or let her in, sit the same way and start speaking in the style of free associations. A: She is a lively, active girl, she carries herself proudly, with dignity, and has an aristocratic bearing. Internally, one feels that she knows her worth, but the output shows goodwill, openness, and sincerity in communicating with others. She is an aristocrat, but she is alive, i.e. she does not coy, does not flirt, does not burn with cold - this is not ostentatious politeness, but real. A person feels comfortable communicating with her. Q: How does she sit, what does she look like? A: Straight posture, mobile. It looks beautiful, erotic, with slight carelessness. She's so alive... Q: Let her into you. A: I am Ekaterina Bestuzheva. I am a noble girl, and innately noble. I don't need to prove it to other people. It’s in me, it’s just there. Therefore, I can allow myself to behave naturally and at ease, without pretending to be anything. I don’t pretend to be anything, that’s who I am. I don’t need to assert myself at the expense of others, since society has already placed me at a very high level. Now a disaster has occurred in my life, in my family, and I have to save my life. But I perceive all this grief, everything that happened to us, as a test: can I remain human under such conditions, preserve myself? Q: Tell me, what are you doing in Yulia and how do you interact with her, what do you need from her and what does she need from you? A: Yulin's clan has never been as high as my clan, but by communicating with her, I will make sure that she will never feel it. There is something related in us. What happened to the Decembrists is very similar to what later happened to the White Guards. We can say that we have a common type of pain. The trauma that occurred in society was reflected in the genetics of an entire social stratum of people. What do I need from her? Keep it alive. Q: I am interested in why you are among the images that determine her “Middle Self.” How do you condition, limit? A: I limit it at the level of ideals. I show up beautifully and she knows it. When she manifests herself the way I do, she is confident that she manifests herself beautifully, and when she manifests differently, she understands that it is not beautiful. Q: It seemed to me that you were a little nervous when I asked how you condition. Is it just me or do you really feel something? A: I feel some pain in my body and immediately wanted to sympathize with Yulia. The fact is that in a situation of changing eras - revolutions, the collapse of the Soviet Union - there is also a mixing of social strata. Girls like Yulia and I found ourselves among men and boorish people. On the one hand, living with wolves is howling like a wolf, and maybe I’m really disturbing her, that is, maybe she really needs to manifest herself in different ways... Q: Do you feel pain now? A: Now it’s more like sympathy, i.e. there is no more pain. Q: What's going on in your body? A: Lightness, something relaxes at the level of the heart, chest. An old resentment emerges, one that has no logical basis. Q: Who is offended? A: On people, on the era and on the parents who raised them in such a way that they made them defenseless. Q: Be this resentment, speak on its behalf. First, describe how you see her. A: The little girl in a white dress and black shoes is a girl from an aristocratic family of the early twentieth century. The revolutionary sailors look at her and want to offend her, or have already offended her.She didn't know that such a thing even existed in the world. Q: Say “I am an offense...” A: I am an offense. I hate those who did this to me, who offended me. Q: Who exactly? A: I hate parents, people - I hate the discrepancy between the glasses they put on me and what is actually happening. I hate people who cause pain. “Well, what are you doing?” And when I start to think about why this happens, I begin to hate my parents: “Why did you make me like this? Why did you raise me like this? Why didn’t you give me protection from this?” Q: What happens in the body? A: On the one hand, I sit in this resentment, my shoulders are slumped, but my body somehow relaxes. The feeling that something warm is plopping into your body, this makes you come to your senses. There is a lump of resentment and bitterness in the throat. Q: Become bitter or a ball of resentment. A: I am bitterness. I am the personification of the law “increasing knowledge increases sorrow”, I am the result of life experience. Q: What happens to you while speaking? A: There is still a vague understanding and letting go of something whose time has already passed. Time has passed, but something hurts. And time has passed, and no one is to blame, and this is just life experience... Q: Name yourself, Yulia. A: Julia. Q: What's happening to you, Julia? A: I feel the same bitterness, but my heart grows warmer, the tension loosens. The courage to open up appears, because an understanding of the world comes, why what seemed to me to be the senseless cruelty of the world happened. Q: Be Leonid in the context of the emotional world and what you said about it just now. A: I'm Leonid. I am a noble, aristocratic, intelligent person. I have the strength to be like this. I'm a gentleman and I don't give a fuck. I understand Yulia, she is close to me in these properties. But she doesn’t have such a “gentleman and don’t give a fuck” attitude; she cannot defend herself and her right, opportunity, desire to manifest herself as a noble person should. Let him draw conclusions. I don't have enough strength. Q: What are you doing in the world of her “Middle Self”. How do you condition it? A: In some ways I duplicate her parents, but with a way out. That is, if her parents did not give her a way out of how to live in this world, manifesting herself in such and such a way, then I provide this way out, I give her strength. That's why she grabs me. “A gentleman and don’t give a fuck” is the strength to insist on one’s own and an attempt to reconcile the generic program of “appearing as a noble person” with the realities of the world. Not to revise the program, disassemble it and free yourself, but to put a patch on it in the image of me... I will manifest myself as my parents said, but now I will have more strength for it. B: Give your name. A: Julia. Q: Now imagine the Queen of England. A: Elizabeth II from the films. A dress with a narrow corset and a wide skirt, made of brocade, proud posture, arrogant look. She looks down on people. When she walks, everyone in front of her crouches, bows, and curtsies. She is domineering, cold, unpredictable, no one knows what is on her mind, and somewhat of a tyrant. Q: Enter this image. A: I am the Queen of England. I am domineering, cold, somewhat hypocritical, ruthless. I’m not like this on my own, I have a high idea. I was made, raised to be like this. My goal is to rule the people who have been entrusted to me. Q: How did you end up among the figures who determine Yulia? What are you doing here? A: I create the illusion of a great idea, exclusivity and high purpose. Everyone knows that being a queen is hard. To be a queen means not to be yourself. It's hard not to be yourself. How can you justify not being yourself? Because you are a queen, because you are fulfilling a high mission, because you are irreplaceable. Therefore, you can continue to ruin yourself, not be yourself - there is an indulgence. B: Thank you. Give your name. A: Julia. Q: How do you feel? A: I was amused by the queen’s words. I feel an understanding of what is happening, the meaninglessness of my game. Q: Which game exactly? Learn more about the conclusion that can be drawn based on all three characters. A: This is the conclusion. I was raised as a noble girl, which included a whole range of permissions and prohibitions. These permissions and prohibitions became unbearable for me at some point, becauseshowing up in the world like that was very painful. The world gave very harsh feedback, for example, I had constant conflicts with my peers. I was hurt by the software package my parents gave me. When I realized that living with this package was impossible, difficult and painful, instead of dismantling this package at a conscious level, removing something, giving up something, leaving something, I started putting patches on it. That is, how can you accept that you live not by yourself, but by your parent’s program? For example, this can be presented as a means to a higher goal, as an illusion of a higher purpose, that is, if you don’t do this, everything will fall apart, the world will collapse. This illusion makes it possible to continue to exist with the program that is traumatic for me, but now, as a superstructure, it gives as compensation a feeling of my own exclusivity. Q: Was what you said today something new for you, some kind of discovery, a new perspective? A: Yes, but I don’t know yet how it will manifest itself in life. There is already a feeling of deep relief, just feeling better. I don’t yet know what exact steps I will take in this regard, but I already know for sure that I can do something about it. Q: Let's now look at the archetypal images, let's see who is behind it. Do you already have any visions or realizations? A: Astarte is the first name that comes up. Dionysus. Apollo. Q: Let's check the information. Ask the “Middle Self” what archetype these characters represent - Ekaterina Bestuzheva, Leonid in this context and the Queen of England. A: A completely unexpected answer, Gore. Q: If there is hesitation, let’s check with the “I-Am-Presence.” A: The answer comes that all the named gods are present on the surface, and in the depths - Apollo and Lucifer. K: The therapist focuses the archetype. Q: Apollo are you here? Oh yeah. Q: Hello Apollo. O: Hello. Q: Please tell me, what is your relationship with Yulia and with this whole situation that we just talked about? A: I see this interaction at the level of slave relationships. Q: Who with whom? A: Her with me. Q: Is this a contract, an agreement, getting into a situation, someone’s offense? A: This is fanaticism. Q: More details. A: This is very good for any force that wants to manifest itself in the world - to create strong, charismatic, in some ways limited, fanatics. Any force wants to create people through whom it can manifest itself, who can lead. I gave it attractiveness as a bait and at the same time limited it from the inside with some structures. Q: What is your participation in this and Yulia’s participation in this? That is, was it a bilateral agreement, a desire, did she sign up for it? How do you participate? A: I know I do. This is not a contract, but a need to learn a lesson and work for the good of the fatherland. Q: What lesson are you teaching her this way? A: Now, looking at her life, I see that this is a cruel lesson. But the soul showed up for such reincarnation. It was clear to the gods that to allow her to go through such an experience and have some level of power subsequently, so that it would not be too karmic, the soul should not gain anything extra. It was necessary to give her this nobility, but in such a way that it would be painful, so that she would remember what it was like, so that excess arrogance would be removed. Q: Please tell me, has Julia learned this lesson by now or not yet? A: Since he already realizes it, he will get rid of it. No one is forcing her into this. This situation has been set in motion, this situation is like a labyrinth. Now Yulia understands this - that she is in a labyrinth and how to find a way out. Q: Tell me, what can Julia do right now to fully understand this lesson, and can you help her live it deeply and intensely? If yes, what needs to be done for this? A: The most important thing I can give now is to understand that everything is in her hands. No evil demon is holding her, and no demons have punished her. Q: What does she need to do in order to complete this lesson as completely as possible? A: Realize everything that has just been said and generally reconsiderkey moments when she came across these rigid structures in life, when she cursed everything. Well, just become more humane. Change direction - so that it is not the structures that have her, but she has these structures. Q: Apollo, tell me, can you now help the energy side of the process so that access to the corresponding layers of consciousness, energy flows, etc. opens up? A: This is happening now. B: Thank you. While this is happening, Julia, tell me what’s happening. A: A strong vortex spins in the body, clockwise, from the top of the head to the heels, this vortex passes through the entire body. There is a feeling in the solar plexus, a feeling that the distortion that was there is now being corrected and harmonized. According to my realizations, I should be like I was made from childhood, but without frills, without anything that will cause me pain, cause aggression from the world around me... Q: Stay in this process as long as necessary. Let me know when this process either unfolds or is completed so that we can move on to the next archetype. A: Apollo says that he has already done what is needed. He sets a period of 2-3 weeks, during which I will find a way to balance and harmonize everything in myself. Q: Apollo can already be carried out, defocused. Oh yeah. He said he would leave a channel to access it. Q: Thank you Apollo. Julia, how do you feel now? A: Pain appeared in the solar plexus. I don’t know what’s going on there at the vision level. At the level of sensation, there was a distortion that is being straightened out. Q: I see an intense cleansing process has begun. Can we invite the next archetype, Lucifer? K: The therapist focuses on the next archetype. Q: Lucifer are you here? O: Hello. Q: Lucifer, tell me how Julia is connected to you - what are the obligations, what is the situation? A: Connected as anyone who wanted to gain the experience of dark reincarnations and at the same time maintain the internal status quo. That is, you can roll around in the dirt and stay clean. Q: Are you teaching her something? A: Yes, we are in continuous contact. I teach her correctly balanced actions. Q: I see that part of her soul is, as it were, with you, in your possession. This is true? Oh yeah. Q: Can you tell me what happened, how and what the parts were? A: The result of the principle of equilibrium. That is, if a person wants to go through the darkness, gain strength, knowledge, wants to get what can be taken there, he goes through, if he is clean, then he comes out. But there are so many temptations there that people do not come out clean. Their errors accumulate, which do not allow them to leave this world until counterbalances are created, roughly speaking, until he atones for what he has done. Q: What exactly does Yulia need to atone for? A: You ask what actions or what structures close to the essence level need to be changed? Q: More on structures, because there are too many actions and they are probably in the same style. Oh good. We need to deal with pride, which is mainly in the realm of the spirit. Q: I have a feeling that in most cases, pride is a way to protect yourself from something. It is unnatural for an ordinary person; it arises as a reaction to a real or imaginary danger. Is it so? For example, a person wants to be known as great in order to compensate for his inferiority, when in childhood teachers and parents did not appreciate him and punished him. A: There is something like that, but if souls came to me for this compensation, then I would have the majority of gods. In human life this can be painful, but some gods live with it and it’s okay. The point is not whether you have this pride or not, but what you do based on it, where it pushes you. You can start a good movement out of pride, or you can shed rivers of blood and it won’t be enough. Q: What can Julia do right now (or start doing) to correct this structure and learn this lesson? A: There's a lot here. It’s difficult at one time, in one day... Q: That’s why I’m asking what Yulia can start doing now, and some recommendations for the future. A: Don't try to be something that she is not. Come to terms with your essence, with what it is. IN:Sorry, these words are streamlined and abstract. Does Yulia understand their essence, their meaning? A: It will gradually reach her. She is now looking everywhere - reading in books, asking people what kind of person she should be. But deep down she is not like that. And various injuries also occur from self-rejection. Let her accept for now that half of her soul is mine and that it’s not just like that. She is not light and fluffy and no one should be light and fluffy. This world is big and there is no place for many. What she does in this life, she must do well and it must be done. The fact that she is now doing bright work for what she pulled out from some past lives... Let her treat this as work and as atonement. Let her not rush to lighten up to states that are currently impossible for her. It will be a lie. Let him make his life well, and not strive for the unattainable. Q: If she learns this lesson, what you said, will you return part of her soul to her? A: I don’t, it’s just that everyone has their own home. Some souls are located there by vibration, they are comfortable there, there is no place for them anywhere else. From there she has a lot of deep sadness. If she gets out of this life... She needs to change her structure, smoothly flow from there to another place. I am the holder of space, but not the holder of those in it. Q: Is the situation so serious that it may take a lifetime to resolve? A: She can flow out of my space in a year if she sees it and wants to, and not when she is convinced that she needs to be different and be in another place... And when there is another place to flow into. Now if she sticks this part of her into another space, she will be driven out of there by three necks. Q: Thank you very much, Lucifer, you just said very important and useful information. Addressing Yulia, Yulia, how do you feel now? A: I feel a state from the archetype - sadness, loneliness and some kind of sympathy. This is a very familiar state when part of my soul constantly resides in this space. I know what he tells me. I saw a picture that part of my soul was there of its own free will, because it could not be anywhere else. This part of the soul needs to be restructured, changed in order to be able to move to another place. It is impossible to get through this from the head, it is a deep process. Q: Have you understood the specific things you will need to do to solve this problem, has a path emerged? A: The first thing is self-acceptance. Yes, I am like that. Stop beating yourself up. On the one hand, public opinion is understandable regarding what is present in the dark worlds; another thing is how I feel about myself in all this. If I agree with public opinion, then what am I doing to myself? This aggravates human conditions and life. Q: I would like to turn to Lucifer, tell me, maybe there are some keys that are located in the higher “I” and the archetypes that are associated with them? It’s all about starting this process, accepting yourself. A: She already wants to accept herself. All her lower structures are formed under the agreement in which her I-am-presence is located. Worldview, value system - everything is connected by the wrong sides: either the wrong side of this or that god, or the dark side, or with the dark gods... Q: So, is there any more information, or can I end the session with you? A: I'm going to say something that is unexpected for what people usually think about Lucifer, as he is presented. You need to love. You need to love yourself and the forces with which you are in alliance. You cannot say that I am bad, the gods are bad, cut off this seal and go for a walk into the light or into what she considers the light. Therefore, you need to love and respect your allies. If she wants to leave, she will rebuild herself. But slamming the door and throwing hysterics about how bad she is, how bad we are and how bad it is to be in an alliance with us will lead to nothing. In this way it will destroy itself and our misunderstanding will grow. That is, you need to communicate with love with strength. B: Thank you. This is very valuable. Can I finish? Oh yeah. Q: Julia, identify yourself. A: Julia. Q: How are you feeling now? A: When I was inarchetype, I felt love, something related. I realized that the path to changing yourself begins with accepting yourself. Just accept yourself and come to terms with it. The feeling is a little alarmed, but good. Q: Do you think it’s possible to end the session here? Oh yeah. There is food for thought. This needs to be digested. Now you can't get anything out of it. There is room for further work. Q: Specific energy processes have occurred, in particular in the third chakra, the resorption of resentment in the chest. Oh yeah. I feel very good in my body. And even in the seventh chakra one feels some kind of activity, liberation. It was as if a cap had been taken off my head. Q: As a comment, I’ll add that the sensations from you are softer, the glow is softer, and you are perceived subjectively more pleasant. If earlier there was some prickliness and spikiness felt, now it is softer, smoother. We still need to do one more procedure - ask the “Middle Self” what changes have occurred. A: Apollo let me go and Lucifer manifested himself more strongly. Apollo stood as a temporary filter to grow and educate those structures, to conduct those energies of mine that are in the space of Lucifer in exactly the way that the world now needs. Q: That is, adequacy, flexibility, constructiveness. A: Yes, exactly. That is, so that it is appropriate. B: Okay. Now, on your own behalf, consciously say what happened for you today. A: For me, there was an awareness of the parental program, the attitude that determined my behavior. How, in their understanding, an intelligent, noble person should behave. I saw it as a rigid structure, firstly, not always effective, that is, imperfect, and secondly, subject to me. She herself is good, beautiful and useful, but then she took advantage of me. And now I know that I can use it myself. And at a deep level, I saw my compensatory nature, the desire to seem better than I am, so that people would accept me in the world - there’s a whole bunch of my relationships with people. How much my desire to appear brighter, kinder than I am - how absurd all this is, does not work, is stupid and insults my deepest and allies of this deepest one. You must first accept yourself, look at what is, stop deceiving yourself and trying to deceive the world on the way out. B: Thank you. Among other things, a very clear indicator of the session - you can see how we moved from images, to energy processes, to deep structures. c) Third therapeutic session. Comment: “The Higher Self” turned out to be tightly conditioned by figures, one might say fictional, with a bright mythological overtones, and a general orientation towards freedom in one form or another, and serving to compensate for its lack. Question: Please tell us what happened and how you feel your changes after working with the first, “Lower” and “Middle Self”, before we move on to working with the “Higher Self”, what has changed and what it feels like. Answer: You can say that I feel good, but good is a loose concept. I found myself being more cheerful in simple things. Let’s say that before I felt sick from food and couldn’t eat - from a strong feeling of hunger, of course, I ate a little - I felt an aversion to food and explained this with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the liver, etc. Now I’m absolutely normal, healthy appetite, a lot of energy, I feel very good. Ideas about femininity have changed - how to feel like a woman. I want to be a woman, to do something with myself, to decorate myself somehow and to be even more of a woman. It started to get annoying. There was also the topic of accepting the dark part of oneself, realizing what the archetype of Lucifer told me. Perhaps every person has a part of the soul - dark, unconscious, Qliphotic. I will not theorize about this now. There was greater self-acceptance and I noticed how some kind of internal rapist, internal killer diminishes, exhausts itself, leaves. The attitude towards the world has become calmer, there is less aggression, less desire to torture someone, to show violence,to quarrel with someone - a calm, friendly attitude towards the world, towards the people around you simply appears. You deeply feel that this exists, because you interact with people and even in a conflict situation you understand that you absolutely don’t want to do anything bad to this person, or say anything bad - your internal state is calm and blissful. Not quite yet, of course, but compared to what it was, it’s much better. B: Okay. Are you ready? Oh yeah. Q: Then we consider the "Higher Self." Please ask your I-Am-Presence if you can work with your Higher Self today. Oh yeah. Can. The “Higher Self” is determined by the following figures: Timur from Gaidar’s book “Timur and His Team”, Robin Hood and the heroes of Jack London. Q: So, Timur. Associations on the topic of Timur and everything that is connected with him. A: Timur is a magical pioneer who helps grandmothers and takes them across the road, delivers food rations to veterans, draws stars on their houses, saves some girl... I don’t remember his exploits well, but he is such a serious figure from childhood, such a brave hero, for whom the law is not written in some ways, because Timur is a hooligan boy, but constructively hooligan. He directs his freedom for the benefit of others. For some reason it just happened now - I don’t remember that according to the book he had parents who controlled him. That is, he is in himself and his actions are very free and controlled by his personal ideas about what is good, what is true, what is worth directing his life towards. He helps people. Q: Your feelings for him. A: Respect, sympathy, admiration. I would be glad to be the girl that Timur likes. If you don’t like her as a girl, then be on his team with such young noble robbers. Q: Everything has its opposite, as the ancients and the same Jung said. The same Gaidar in another place has the antipode of Timur - Malchish-Plokhish. Doesn't he evoke any feelings in you? A: As a child, initially he evoked only negative feelings: Kibalchish Boy is cool, Bad Boy is bad. And then at some point in the revision of values, at the moment of youthful protest against imposed attitudes, including the remaking of negative characters into positive ones, Malchish the Bad was for me a symbol of someone who settled well and got his bearings in time. A basket of cookies, a barrel of jam - everything is as it should be, and some kind of crazy Kibalchish... At this time, Plokhish is perceived as cool. Bad guy... At some time I even thought about leaving my homeland, going abroad, to America or wherever I could. And I thought, it seemed to me that it would be better to live there, life would be good there, everything would be there. At these moments, the figure of Bad Boy appeared and I then wrote in a verse something like “I will exchange my homeland for a basket of cookies and a barrel of jam.” Then I abandoned these plans and decided to stay here for now. And some illusions, ideas that it was better there, abroad, were destroyed. The bad guy is the one who has settled well and managed to take advantage of the situation. That is, on the one hand, this is not a bad figure and there is something to learn from him; at a certain time I lacked his properties. In short, Plokhish is freer than Kibalchish. Q: Well, Robin Hood also has an opponent. This is the Duke of Nottingham, who tried to catch him, hang him and was the embodiment of evil. How are you doing with him? A: To be honest, I don’t know much about the stories about Gobin Hood. Q: Is the Duke clearly evil or can this be treated as a joke? A: This can be taken as a joke. For me, the Duke is a greater evil than the Bad Guy, because the Duke is law, order, the inviolability of structure. That is, you were born a beggar, you will die a beggar; you can't jump over your head. This is a rigid structure of the universe, in which what exists, that is, this structure cannot be deceived, cannot be bypassed. Here I immediately imagine the figures of two Sumerian gods - Enlil and Enki. Enlil personifies the laws of the universe, in which man is inscribed as a dependent, weak and subordinate being to the gods and all kinds of forces. Enki gives man knowledge, magic,allows you to bypass restrictions and, thus, may not do something incredible, but brighten up existence, make life brighter, more unexpected, not so rigidly structured and prescribed by law, structures given from above, gods or society. Robin Hood, forest, freedom. Q: We will return to Robin Hood later. I asked this question to see how you are with accepting the shadow. Because in “The Higher Self” all your figures are positive, including Jack London, who wrote mainly about heroes - honest, truthful, courageous. The whole complex of what our society approves of. Therefore, returning to Timur and his team, we have determined that this is not the only pole for you. A: Well, yes, of course. Besides the fact that Timur is such a heroic boy, there are other opposite qualities that help him live. By the way, about Jack London. When his image appeared among the figures that determine the “Higher Self,” I imagined his cycle about the roads, where he described the life of vagabonds, and, well, he himself may have experienced this. I don't remember his exact biography. How they rode trains, dined in mission buildings, and made sure to listen to the required sermon. This is such a wandering life. And secondly, I remember his stories about hunters, prospectors who, overcoming serious obstacles, achieved what they needed, traveled, showed courage and love for life. They were not always positive, but they were tenacious. B: Okay. So, let's return to Timur. Some other associations, feelings for him, something similar in your life. A: When I read about him as a child, I couldn’t even imagine such a life, because there was a mother who let me out for a walk near the entrance, on a bench. A step to the left, a step to the right - execution. To run away somewhere into the neighboring yard was tantamount to a feat. And, of course, reading about Timur, who could comb the forest and nothing happened to him for it - this is some kind of magic, for me he seemed like a demigod - a boy (and his whole team) who can do all this, who, first of all, turn, parents do not control. I had a very anxious mother, who was worried and was sure that if I moved a few meters away from the bench at the entrance, something would definitely happen to me. Timur is a dream, a fantasy; sympathy for his story - an experience of what I lacked. This is if we talk about external things. And if we talk about ideals - honesty, freedom. It is difficult to find many similar qualities, these are rather the qualities that I have strived for, strive for, want to see these valuable qualities in myself. First of all, being Timur is good. He is free, noble. B: Okay. Robin Hood. Associations, feelings. Release your consciousness freely and let associations arise that are associated with Robin Hood, not necessarily directly, but perhaps indirectly. Maybe not even connected, but flashed through consciousness. A: Immediately, in addition to the same set of things about freedom, which was not available to me for a very long time, I see a man in green clothes and a forest as a place of solitude and communication with nature. And Robin Hood and “his team” are a secret cell of people who seem to be in society, but have a secret, a secret. This is something like a secret society, a secret organization. This organization has its own goals, not necessarily global ones. Robin Hood is the leader of this organization or its active participant. I also see that he is wise, brave, he knows how, and can organize. He is the leader of the elemental force. His gang of robbers is perceived as a force of nature, because they were probably brave guys. He knew how to organize them in such a way that they would not be intimidated and they would remain free, on the one hand, and on the other, so that they would be organized to carry out their task. Q: Have you seen the Soviet film about Robin Hood? Vysotsky's ballad: "Figure out who you are - a coward or the chosen one of fate and taste the taste of real struggle." Disastrous romance... A: Yes, they are doomed. Robin Hood's group is doomed, they are outlaws, they do not listen to their parents, they ran away to another yard because they were interested, because they wanted to. And Robin Hood is like their heartgroups, he can unite them. He's like the core. He first built this in himself, so that later he would be able to give it to others, so that they would have it all together, so that they would receive it all. In general, this is a person who dared and stepped over some structure and also gave others a chance, gave passage to dare and step over. He showed by his example that this is possible. And he holds this space with himself, as he is. It shows that if I could do it, you can too. There is a doom in this, because the Matrix of this Law is immortal. Robin Hood and others like him will not change anything, but in all of this there is hope and joy. The hope and joy is that, having been born into this rigidly structured world, we are not obliged to live in it in the same rigidly structured way. That is, we can create an island for ourselves in which a little more is allowed. Q: Does the romance of free life, freedom, mean something to you? A: Yes, free life, freedom - this, on the one hand, delights, and on the other hand, you experience fear - this is a place where you are yourself, where no one will help you, no one will interfere. Man is left to himself and governs himself. Will, first of all, lies in the fact that you can be free, in the taiga, in an open field, but the figure of an internal slave appears who is not used to being responsible for himself. The slave shrinks and is afraid. It's like in the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune": "It's dinner in prison." At these moments we need to remember Robin Hood, who could be responsible for himself and, therefore, be free. Q: So Robin Hood is a part for you. You're not Robin Hood at all. A: Yes, that's right. Once upon a time the gap was simply enormous. For example, I could get lost in 3 pines in one city and did not know all the metro lines in my home city. Q: So Robin Hood is more of a dream than a reality. A: Yes, it’s a dream, but a bright, violent, aggressive dream. Because it seems very vivid, it draws you into this image and life changes according to this dream. Every year, one might say, I am getting closer to her, closer to the image of Robin Hood, more and more there. Starting from the moment when he was the complete opposite of my life, my capabilities, to the present moment, when I can already do something myself. At least, when meeting the unknown, I won’t be as scared as I was a few years ago. Q: Usually, when people start yawning during a consultation, this is evidence that we have approached something significant, a transformation. I started to yawn. This yawning is not from boredom, but from the activation of parasympathetics, the combustion of some processes. Fine. Let's move on to Jack London. A: The Jack London that I remember is the Jack London that describes strong heroes, men and women who lived in very difficult conditions of continuous struggle with the elements, confrontation with the elements, struggle for life every day. Q: This is emphasized by him as “real men” and “real women.” Even if he’s a villain, he’s still a “real man.” And if there is a “woman in a man’s guise,” then Jack London quite harshly ridicules and condemns it. A: Not so much censure as a struggle for life. If you are not strong, you will die. A clear structure is built from Timur to Jack London through Robin Hood. It’s just that if you are not a strong, free, adult person, then you will die, nature will swallow you up. In my world, the very feeling of mortality and the fact that you can live your whole life as an infantile girl, sitting in an apartment, going to work from bell to bell, listening to her mother - for me all this causes the same feeling of horror as when I read Jack London. Like, for example, the hero is overwhelmed by an avalanche and, like a brat, he cannot cope, panics and dies. These are approximately equivalent things - the death of a hero in a novel and the death of unrealized opportunities, when you ruin your life without having become an adult. Q: Can we take a closer look at this chain from Timur to Robin Hood and Jack London? A certain evolution is visible here, on the one hand, and on the other hand, a certain complementarystructure, different aspects of one phenomenon. They organically complement each other, apparently there is one deity behind them, there are no gaps here. These are the faces of one crystal. How does this represent the associative field for you? A: Timur is freedom from a parent, you are not sitting in a child, but at the same time you are doing something good, from somewhere you take this concept of good. In Timur it is not yet clear where this concept of good comes from - someone (society) told him that he needs to be good, or he gets it from within. This is a good character, free primarily from his parents. Robin Hood is also a good character, but again it is not clear where the idea of ​​goodness came from in him. It is only clear that it is not from society. He feels a spiritual impulse, and he is free from social structures. That is, the first is a departure from parental conditioning, the second is from social conditioning. In the third case, the person is already an adult, has dealt with the city demons and is faced with biological conditioning; he is trying to accept her and learn how to interact with her correctly. Moreover, this is truly the most uncompromising and serious force. Parents can punish, society can put them in prison, but in the face of the elements - an avalanche, a storm, wolves, hunger - a person is defenseless. The only thing that can be opposed to the elements is sufficient fortitude to accept and learn to live with it. This hero cannot be called kind, good or acting at will - he is anyone. He always acts from himself, from his vision. He wants to live, and he survives, he is already living. His actions are dictated not by bright, sublime considerations, but by the awareness of his life, he lives. Because he had a vision at the biological level. Q: I suggest moving on to character experiences. Recreate the image of Timur, talk a little about how you see him, enter this image and start speaking from this image. A: Timur is a teenage boy, about 14-15 years old, wearing shorts below the knee, tanned, wearing a shirt with a pioneer tie, active, polite. Conducts himself with dignity. This is a free boy, but a good one. Q: Enter the image of Timur. A: I am Timur from Yulia’s inner world. I would like to say about myself that I am free and brave. Now I feel some kind of sadness and understanding, for some reason I felt very sad. Or am I always sad... Q: Why are you sad? A: This is not a personal insult, pain, but an existential experience. I'm sad that the world is like this. Besides the fact that there is a lot of good in the world, there is also a lot that causes sadness. It may not be bad either, but it makes me sad. Q: Please tell me, Timur, how do you feel about Yulia - how do you feel about her, what do you think about her? A: Like Timur, I help people and I help her. I have warm feelings for her. Q: How do you help her? A: This sadness. I am who I am, how she liked me in the image, I am not because I want to seem somehow good. All this comes from that awareness and understanding of what being is like. With this sadness I help, I let you feel it, I encourage you. Q: From the perspective of your life, are you satisfied with the way Yulia lives? A: I can say that I approve of her changes. I can’t say that I can generally be dissatisfied with any of the people. With sympathy, I wish everyone a better life. I can’t say that my life is somehow better than the life of a home girl, but it’s still better to live with my sadness than later with the sadness of disappointment and unfulfillment. Therefore, I am pleased that she hears these impulses and follows them. If I didn’t follow, I wouldn’t take any punitive sanctions, because I’m not like that. I can only advise and remind. Now she is just approaching my level, she is already on it. It's good, I like it. Q: What does she mean to you and how do you see her? A: In some ways she is my opposite, which is why she attracts me. I also like her courage and determination. By the way, she said that she doesn’t know what qualities we have in common, but I see this courage and determination in her. It's easy to be Timur when you don't have strict parents, you express yourself freely, no oneI didn’t tie it, but try to untie it when kilogram chains are wrapped around you. I like her. I think she's brave. Like any image, I can say that I live thanks to the presence in the consciousness of people, but she is not the only one thanks to whose consciousness I live. B: Okay. Please take a deep breath and exhale, and as you exhale, leave the image of Timur and identify yourself. A: I'm Julia. Q: Now let's switch to Robin Hood. The same. Imagine his image as if he were here in this room and speak on his behalf. A: A young man my age, maybe a little older, about my age. He is in a medieval English hunting costume. This costume is clearly not rich, worn, faded, sun-bleached, brownish-greenish in color to blend in with the foliage. The hair is a little tangled and reaches to the shoulders. There is a cap on his head and a quiver of arrows behind his back. He has a flask and a dagger. B: Okay. Get into character. A: I am Robin Hood from Julia's inner world. Apart from my qualities as an archetypal hero, which are already known, I can say what I feel now. I feel admiration for the world, love for people, such, with sadness, with sadness, something similar to tenderness. That is, the feeling is bright, but with tears. That is, I don’t feel doomed, but there is hope and I live in this hope, in this opportunity, I am the exit to this opportunity. I am the holder of the space of this opportunity. There is a lot of love in my heart, a lot of compassion for people. Compassion is the experience of people's suffering, so this sadness is present in me. Q: I see sadness and sadness in you. There was sadness in Timur too. A: It’s like a continuation - his sadness is the sadness of awareness of existence and the sadness of hopelessness, that is, the world is like this and everyone can, having realized that the world is like this, live differently. So Timur chose his way of life. If I am mortal, and the world is like that, then I will be free. I, having realized this and become free, saw a little further. I accepted the world, seeing it this way, and then I realized that I also love the world and its people. And having freed myself, I decided to give them the opportunity to free themselves in the same way. That is, I cannot free them, I can hold space and whoever wants to get into it. My sadness, there is more light in it and it is no longer with a tinge of doom, but with hope and love. B: Okay. Please tell me how you feel about Yulia, how you feel about her, how you see her, what she means to you. A: I see that she is still far from my liberation, but I see that she has this feeling of mine, a feeling of cordiality. I agree to help her in some way because she has the prerequisites to do what I once did, that is, to also open up opportunities for others. She has this feeling. Q: Are you happy with how she lives? A: Somewhat satisfied, mostly satisfied. Deeply and internally she has my feelings, and then during her life she became infected with some kind of infection, which tells her to row everything to herself. The infection looks like a dark coating, Yulia, of course, will not be able to do anything about it, because there is no energy from the infection. This infection interferes with her, slowing down her movements towards release. Now I show it to her very clearly. Q: How do you feel about her? A: Like most people who hear me, resonate with me, I feel compassion, love and sympathy for her. But there is a note of severity in me, there is no need to row under oneself. Robin Hood is Robin Hood. You should not think that you can be freed and acquire property at the same time. In this life you are either the Duke or Robin Hood. And Duke - he’s in the other direction, you won’t have time to get there. Q: Please tell me, Robin Hood, do you have anything else important to say or can we end the session? A: Apart from the fact that Yulia needs to make up her mind, to realize that she put her energy in the same place where I was going, and, moreover, most of it was already invested there, and trying to grab something else now will lead to nothing except to slow down its movement. That is, she will sort out her desires and go where she was preparing. There is no need to wish for too much. B: Thank you. Inhale and exhale. Give your name. A: Julia. IN:Let's move on to the third image, Jack London. Imagine him here, in this room next to us, what he looks like. And then identification with the image and speaking on its behalf. A: This is such a prospector, a hunter. He hunts, pans for gold in streams, dressed in skins and leather pants that he made himself. He is about 30 years old. He has piercing eyes, an inhuman look that has absorbed the sky, forests, elements - a very serious look. The gun is over my shoulder, in my backpack there is a bowler hat, a mug, cartridges, and gunpowder. Q: Enter the image and speak on its behalf. A: I am a collective hero of Jack London from the inner world of Yulia. I breathe very easily and every breath brings incredible pleasure. I am overwhelmed with various feelings - a feeling of the beating of life. This brings me to tears. Everything is there - love, joy, sadness, melancholy - but these are all human feelings, there is nothing hostile - fear, hatred - in me. I experience all the feelings of unity, those that arise not in division, but in unification. Q: What can you say about Yulia? A: Now I see the impulse, the desire in her and the opportunity to get into my state. And even a necessity, a destiny to get into my state. Not because it has such a special purpose, but because every person needs to feel what he was holding in his hands, Life. I see all sorts of plaques, dead structures - like a person who has a bunch of rusty pieces of iron wrapped around him. All this prevents you from moving in life and feeling life. And of course, there are a lot of sick feelings in her that come from these structures. In general, I feel a sense of acceptance towards her, just as I do towards all life: she exists. Q: Do you like the way she lives? A: Now I don’t like her life, but I like her intention, trajectory, inner impulse. That is, the intention is good, but now in her life there are many dead structures and sick feelings that I do not approve of. Feelings that are separated from life, fenced off, shared. Q: Anything else important you want to say about Yulia? A: The most important thing has already been said. B: Thank you. Give your name. A: Julia. Q: We work in a different technique, but I will risk making a small interpretation. A lot has been said and this interpretation will be quite narrow, but it can become a turning point at the stage of choosing a further job choice. It's up to you to choose. I see, based on what is present on the “Higher Self,” based on how I see you, observe you, and from what you say and your images say, I see a fairly strong ego. Strong, mature, strong ego. Perhaps even too strong an ego. If you look from Jung’s point of view, this is an excellent foundation for individuation, that is, the building of the ego, and in this direction you can move further - move towards Jung, Jungian development. If you look from the point of view of Hillman's archetypal psychology, then for Hillman it is only one of the pieces on the chessboard of life, where there are numerous other pieces and it should not overshadow the figures of the gods, the soul, but on the contrary, its function is to protect the space of the soul. This is not the main figure. This is food for thought about where we go next. What do you think about this, how do you feel about this? Jung or Hillman? A: What was shown to me in the last image - in addition to love for the world, there was also detachment. Perhaps those rusty structures represent growths on the ego that need to be cleaned so that it is more mobile, more fluid. On the one hand, I agree that without a strong ego, it is difficult to build individuation, and on the other hand, that the ego should not overshadow other figures. Q: Are your conscious sympathies with Jung or with Hillman? They are almost like-minded people, but the gap between this “almost” is very large. A: It’s hard for me to say. Can I say not about Jung or Hillman, but about what, from my point of view, the ego should be. I see the ego as a ship. The ship, firstly, should not be docked, loaded and tied with chains and anchors, so that casinos, discos, and tourists can be found there. The ship must be mobile, must float, perform its functionresearch, transportation of goods, passengers, etc. That is, this is a working structure, firstly. Secondly, this structure must be changeable. If, for example, there is a crack in the side or new sails have been installed, this should not be perceived by the ship itself as a disaster. It seems to me that it is not the ego that should have us, but we must have the ego and, at the same time, in a normal, functional, working quality - so that it travels, works. B: Okay. Interpretation will do its work and this fork is also like the sixth lasso “Choice”. Let's move on to the archetype. As the images unfolded, I saw the guardian of heroes, Pallas Athena. Maybe you have some other feeling, a suggestion? Odysseus is the prototype of a number of those who appear on your list. A: I think Athena seems to be more of a government structure. Q: Athena is the patroness of the tramp Odysseus. O: Well, in that case, go ahead. Q: Ask your I-Am-Presence if Athena is the archetype associated with your Higher Self. Oh yeah. Q: Observing you in different manifestations, in you precisely at the level of consciousness, at the level of the higher self, this is a woman-warrior, a woman-sage. Then I invite the archetype. Pallas Athena. Athena are you there? Oh yeah. Q: Hello, Athena. O: Hello. Q: Athena, can you tell us how you are connected with Yulia’s “Higher Self”, are there any agreements for mutual pleasure or, conversely, for displeasure, strong ties, particles of the soul that live in you and others like with him. What is your relationship with Yulia? A: I help her get through it, create the conditions for obtaining the necessary transformation for further life in this incarnation, for obtaining the experience that she wanted. Q: Is this help one-sided - help to a creature that is close to you, or do both sides participate in this help, that is, Yulia pays for it with something - part of her soul, some neurotic mechanisms, something else? A: Let's put it this way. In general, initially the help is not exactly one-sided, but no payment is required from it. Q: Was it requested or is it assistance on your part? A: It was necessary. This agreement was made before the implementation. Q: On Yulia’s part as well? Oh yeah. Request and agreement that I will be the one to do this work. Q: Supervise her? A: Yes, to supervise her period of life. Naturally, for her to go into this as an embodied person who does not remember herself, for her to enter these networks, a piece had to be taken out of her, so that she would then go after it. It was necessary to create this feeling of inferiority in order for all these, figuratively speaking, feats to be accomplished. Q: Is Yulia now ready to return this piece or should your supervision still continue? A: Yes, it is ripe. I have now identified this painful point and can return it. B: Okay. What then does Yulia need to do - do it, review it, reevaluate it. What is her fee? A: The thorn that I have just identified should be removed somehow, reconsidered, written out using any technique. The thorn, which causes a painful feeling of inferiority, needs to be removed and then the energy will flow normally. Q: Can Yulia begin this internal work right now, during the session? A: Now it begins. In addition to writing out and recapitulating this structure, you can add that it needs to be filled with such feelings as humility, acceptance, and detachment. Detachment is not from life, but detachment as allowing life to flow, and allowing oneself to live. Q: Thank you, Athena, stay with us. Question for Yulia. Julia, what is happening now and what are you doing? A: When the Athena archetype descended, I felt somewhere between the solar plexus and the middle of the chest, the area of ​​the xiphoid process sticks out like a thorn. This thorn is a feeling of one’s own inferiority, humiliation, and infringed dignity. Pain. This showed up very clearly. And at the moment there were no prerequisites for this, and no memories arose, and information came from Athena that this feeling of mine was something like a lever that launched me into work. He forced me to run away from this feeling through all sorts of adventures, feats, and actions that I performed. Do all thesethings so as not to feel my own inferiority, to prove to myself that I have the right not to feel it. In the Athena archetype, a simple and clear answer came that even without all these actions I may not feel this feeling. There is nothing about which this feeling needs to be felt. Indeed, this is an artificial inclusion that forced us to move in a certain direction. And now too much energy has been invested in this trajectory, this feeling, firstly, is no longer needed to push me, and secondly, it distracts energy. It's time to let him go. Q: Julia, describe what internal work you do and what happens at all levels - figurative, sensory, eventful, etc. What is the job of an archetype? A: In the feeling of the flow of clarity, the light that this archetype gives. At the same time, the flow gives support, I can look at this hole in the psyche, which I feel in the body like a thorn, a wound, and in luminosity I see it as a hole, a breakdown. In my normal state, I’m scared to look at my vulnerabilities and every person runs away from this. Q: What happens to this, relatively speaking, hole? Is it changing, is something happening or is this a long-term process that will continue to last and last and has just begun its launch? A: The answer comes that this is not a long process, because the main thing is to be aware of it and not support this hole, let it go, don’t hold it, let it resolve, heal. And now, I feel how the pain decreases and it is enveloped, filled with energies. Q: Question for Athena. Athena, please tell me your comment on what is happening now. A: I identified the problem and showed it to Yulia. Julia found the strength to look at her openly, as it is, to agree, because she sees it herself, and not someone tells her. This happens without deception: he just takes it and sees. Having seen it, you need to accept it in yourself, understand that she was driven to most of the actions and for the rest of her life there is no need to leave it in herself. If she wants to close it in herself, get rid of it, heal it, heal this part of her soul, make it healthy. Q: Tell me, Athena, how long will it take to close this gestalt, to complete the work that has now begun? A: Two weeks of conscious and semi-conscious actions, just pay attention to how the process will happen. Q: So in today's session we don't have to try to make it happen right now? A: Now the most important thing has already been done. It’s not someone telling her, but she herself sees this hole. It is not someone who tells her that all her actions are made from this feeling of her own inferiority, inferiority, but she herself sees this inferiority. Or rather, it is not even inferiority, but the illusion of inferiority. The hole simply melts and all that remains is to let it all go. This is not done instantly. Q: That is, we did what we wanted to do at this session. I observe a change in luminosity; the luminosity of the contour becomes more transparent. Thank you, Athena. K: The presenter will defocus the archetype. Q: What happened, Julia? A: I experienced a transformation of the feeling of exclusivity, destined for high deeds and exploits. The feeling may have melted by the time of the session, it was not as acute as a few years ago, but the hardest, half-conscious part was still there and it was impossible to pick it out. How to give up your exclusivity, what will remain besides it? Then I will be inferior. And when the archetype descended, I felt this inferiority, I felt it so acutely, and at the same time, in the clarity of the light of the archetype, I saw that there were no reasons for inferiority. Everything is built around this. The decision has come to let go of this inferiority and what was built on it, and a lot of things were built on top of it - exclusivity, the whole complex of fake feelings that attract us to do who knows what, not what we need and it seems to us that if we don’t do everything to do this, then we live pointlessly in this world. I just felt that I am, I amI’m full-fledged, and I don’t have to prove that I have the right to be, that I’m good. I simply exist, I have the right to be, I am the same person. All. Q: Congratulations, these experiences are beautiful. Turn to your Higher Self and ask for confirmation whether something has happened, and if so, what changes it is. A: The answer is that from the level of my “Higher Self”, the tendencies that destroy the soul, preventing it from breathing and living in this life, have disappeared. Life for myself has become closer to me. Life is like life. B: Thank you. Very optimistic. Now tell me your conclusion from today’s third session of archetype therapy. A: It’s becoming more and more pleasant for me to live, and it turns out that it’s so simple that in order to live pleasantly, not only do you not need to screw anything on top, but it’s even better to dismantle everything that’s been screwed up, what’s already built there. It turns out that when you remove the superfluous, life turns out to be as beautiful as only life itself can be. d) Fourth therapeutic session. Comment: Awareness penetrates into ever deeper layers, where sometimes the features of not only personality, but also essence appear. One of the main essential cores that determine interaction with the world appeared - perseverance and perseverance on the verge of life and death and the figures that carry and support this idea in this state. Question: So, we had a short break of 2 weeks, and I would like to ask you. We worked through three sessions dedicated to the “Lower”, “Middle” and “Higher Self”. What happened in your inner and outer life as a result? Are there any results and if so, what are they? Answer: Of course, there are changes. I went home and noticed that if previously conflicts occurred at every step, now they have all resolved somewhere, disappeared. Greater self-acceptance and adequate and pleasant feedback from others. People notice that I have changed, but those who do not tell me that I have changed give eloquent feedback, expressing more sympathy. Nice. The feeling that the filters of perception of the world have fallen asleep, and now the world is seen clearer. Besides, there was a lot going on. We can say that thanks to the purification of perception, I began to see energies better. In general, there is a feeling that information has begun to be received not only without filters at all, but that some filters are being removed from the information and it is being perceived more and more clearly. Q: Please decipher what “information filters” means. A: Such an observation that I began to understand people and the world better. It’s better in the sense that what they convey to me is what I perceive, that is, there are fewer distortions in my personal perception. Q: How do you know this, since most people think that they know as much as they are told? A: Due to the decreased number of misunderstandings and conflicts, this is, firstly, and secondly, when I react to some received signal, it turns out that I reacted to the topic. That is, in terms of its adequacy. People don’t have the desire to be offended by me, to tell me that I’m wrong. Sometimes, of course, this happens, but I just literally see thoughts and emotions flowing through a person. B: Okay. Please ask your “I-Am-Presence” if it is possible to work with the world of your “Angelic Presence” today. Oh yeah. The inner world of the “Angelic Presence” is determined by such figures as Ichthyander, the hero of Belyaev’s fantastic story “The Amphibian Man”, the Inquisition and the heroine of folk tales Marya, who burned the skin of her sworn husband. Q: Let's think a little about these images, what they mean to you, what they mean for your inner world. Ichthyander. A: Since childhood, Ichthyander has been a character with whom I sympathized. He was magical in the sense that he had the ability to communicate with the world of people and the world of elements. The fish man had access to areas closed to humanity. On the other hand, his vulnerability in this regard and my sympathies for the hero, when he completely lost the opportunity to contact the human world, when his lungs became very bad. Now I still remember that they wanted to use it for inhuman and criminalgoals, and he refused. I already forgot the text. Q: The yacht owner Pedro caught him and wanted Ichthyander to work for him. This was connected with the search for pearls, because Ichthyander could stay at the bottom for an unlimited time, and ordinary pearl fishers could only stay there for 2-3 minutes. Thus, Pedro wanted to make an enormous fortune, because pearls could be mined in huge clusters with the help of Ichthyander. A: In short, perseverance, persistent adherence to one’s principles and such a touching strength, because on the one hand, the strength is real, and on the other, it is vulnerable and evokes sympathy. That's all, probably. Another association comes that Ichthyander is the payment for going to another world, the payment for owning and possessing that power that an ordinary person does not possess. Firstly, others will seek to use your power for their own stupid or criminal purposes and secondly, you run the risk of losing the ability to communicate with people altogether. B: Okay. Interesting association. Let's pay attention to the fact that I was yawning a little. Good association. How are you already surrounded by these images? A: Yes, there is an image of Ichthyander. Q: Then let's move on to the Inquisition. What's in it for you? A: When you hear the word Inquisition, if you drive deep into it, a wave of horror passes through your body. On the one hand, it is incomprehensible, since now we do not have the Inquisition, but on the other hand, it is understandable, because in our cultural cross-section there are traces of this phenomenon and some inquisitorial subpersonalities are working in us. I immediately remember, if I leave all the information that is already known, that, for example, the Inquisition is bad, painful, scary, the Inquisition is the execution of dissidents, I remember that there is an Inquisition for me personally. For me, this was when I felt as if I had found myself in front of the inquisitors - conversations with people, very often priests or some who had gone into a “sort of light religion”, and a conversation in which a complete rejection of me, my soul, my path was demonstrated , of who I am. In such conversations, a deliberately alien path is imposed on me with the idea that this is the only right thing, otherwise you will not be saved. And such a deep look of killing light, like X-ray radiation into the soul, which simultaneously penetrates deeply and kills all living things along the way. I don’t know why this look affects me, what resonates in me and how to work with it later, but everything shrinks inside when the conversation starts from the perspective of “You are the Hellish Satan and your only path is through the church, otherwise, what you do, what you live, it all must die and you must be with our Christ.” And all this with such a caustic look, from which it becomes deeply painful. Either this comes from the fact that there is some part of me in my soul that agrees with this and therefore an internal conflict begins. Such a part should be present in me as a person of my time. The conflict occurs between a part of the soul that agrees with this, into which this construction is inserted by Christian culture, and a part of the soul, perhaps deeper, that does not agree with this, because it knows that it can be done differently. Q: When talking about the Inquisition, does any kind of imagery arise? This is in order to activate the imagination in the appropriate direction, so a little more from the figurative series, if it’s not difficult for you. A: Two series of images appear simultaneously. One is physical instruments of torture that cause pain to the body, such as fires, all sorts of terrible pieces of iron, the smell of burning, the cries of heretics, the rack... And on the other hand, behind all these terrible instruments there appears a half-mad, smiling face, burning with a sense of its own rightness the inquisitor, the father of the executor, who is sacredly infallible in his perception and stands so firmly on this that you can do whatever you want and you will not achieve any understanding or anything. He mocks you, torments you and physical pain is the least, and the most terrible pain is the wave that he transmits through himself, this is the wave that kills the soul, the wave that rises from the depthsvibrating particles showing their existence. I don’t know who can normally withstand this smile of the inquisitor, probably the one who doesn’t doubt himself for a second, just like him, and if there are doubts, it’s very painful. Q: Apparently, in the shadow side of each inquisitor there is a heretic, and the heretic has an inquisitor, so there could be such people. The Inquisition also has a shadow side. I also have many associations on the topic of the Inquisition when we are talking now. I remember that when I read something about this and watched films, in these places I was not only creepy, but also interested. It was somehow especially interesting to read the pages about executions, executions, and bonfires. This sparks some kind of healthy or unhealthy interest. A: There is something similar. At first, I immediately remember a postcard for dad on February 23rd, it’s one of those cartoons circulating on the Internet, like one drawn by a child’s hand. This postcard depicts some drunkard, a mother with a sobbing child, hiding in the corners, and the inscription “Dad, don’t drink, don’t hit, don’t swear, don’t make life miserable for mom and me! Be good or die." This phrase “be good or die” resonates very much in my soul. I also found its reflection in my natal chart. I have a lot of Pluto, which also manifests itself in such a heavy look and in declaring oneself to others, in such an X-ray search for shortcomings in others. Moreover, I very often turn out to be right. But at the same time, there remains a pressing heaviness and this message “be good or die.” The world needs to be cleansed by fire. This sits very deep, over the years it may smooth out a little, maximalism goes away. But if you look at my life, the inquisitor is very well manifested. I didn’t receive feedback that I was torturing a person with my message, but I know that I have such rigidity, I tracked it in myself. B: Great. Filled with images? Oh yeah. Q: Okay, let's move on to the third one then. This is a certain Marya, the wife of a man who was bewitched and wore some kind of skin. Marya burned this skin and thereby violated something there. A: Yes, the Bird whose feathers her husband burned, or the Frog Princess whose skin her husband burned. There was a similar tale about some enchanted prince, who also somehow fell into the hands of some young lady. As far as I understand, this is a reflection of the myth of Cupid and Psyche. Psyche did something similar, and then either lost Cupid, or had to look for him for a long time. That is, a violation of a person’s contract with some higher force with which he is connected by love, internal burning, fire. Violation of a contract based on trust. That is, at some point a person who seems to have power, knowledge or spirit, who has a connection with the gods, who has the power bestowed on him, breaks the contract. It seems that you live in this world, and the world gives you everything, but you suddenly begin to doubt, lose confidence in yourself, in the world. Not only is everything given to you and you already have everything and you are a welcome guest on this Earth, you were given this miracle that is with you and you want to outwit God, the gods and tie it tightly to yourself. Q: Please tell me what you associate with the prince’s enchantment. For example, in real life this is some man, your acquaintance or companion. What could be the enchantment, what could this skin be? A: For me it is a symbol of elusiveness, insubordination, mystery. It is not me who is bewitched, I do not have the key to the spell, and it seems that this person or this power is with me, that is, I have it, but this possession is not complete, because this power is enchanted. That which is above me and above him. There is no reproach for him. The problem begins with the desire to grab everything for yourself. Moreover, it seems like everything is there, but I want it tightly. I want to outwit this enchantment in order to completely possess this power or person. Q: What is your emotional attitude towards this Marya, what feelings does she evoke? Maybe these are different feelings? A: Marya is going through a certain transformation. At one point she looks funny when, wanting to keep this power that she got, she breaks the contract by forceyour mistrust, your greed, your internal violence against the world or something else. At first, she seems like a fool, it’s unclear how she could do this. She was trusted with such a miracle, and she... On the other hand, if she had not done this, there would be no fairy tale, there would be no adventures, there would be no path. She makes a mistake, and behind that mistake doors open and adventures begin. And further on in the fairy tale there is a theme that when her husband flies away, he says “ah-ya-ay, what have you done, you broke the contract, now look for me.” Either he gives her a hint of the path, or a hint of the time. “When I wore out seven iron bast shoes, I gnawed away seven stone prosphoras...” That is, a lot of time and effort passed. To wear out seven iron bast shoes, that’s wow. What was given to her out of trust now requires a lot of work, now she must go through serious trials. She must undergo serious tests, a transformation associated with time. Q: What are the feelings? A: Sympathy for her determination, respect for her courage, perseverance. Because she got through it and found her lover. She didn’t say, “Well, don’t.” She achieved what she wanted, she paved her own path. Q: Has this type been filled with imagery? Oh yeah. Q: Then let's go again to the first image, to Ichthyander. The way you see him, be him, embody him and talk a little on his behalf, tell him about yourself and then I will ask some questions. A: I am Ichthyander. It's hard for me to breathe, and it's a miracle I'm alive. It feels like in the human world my life is barely hanging on, by a thread. This is a deception or a magical trick that goes to the verge of breaking the laws. Therefore, I am constantly under the threat that my access to one of these worlds will be blocked, that I will have to choose. But I don’t want to choose, I want to live in both worlds. Because being a human in the human world or being a fish in the world of fish, there is nothing special about it. And the fact that you can get into both worlds is something important. Use the properties of both worlds. That is, I hold on to both worlds, to both possibilities, to both forms of my existence, and would not like to lose either one or the other, although I have a feeling that, in the end, I will have to go into the depths. Q: I have a question. What relation do you, Ichthyander, have to Yulia, how are you connected? A: I am connected with many people, because behind the seemingly invented character, an archetypal structure of a person’s search for exits and a desire to be both there and there opens up. Because it’s interesting when both are available. I am connected insofar as she is now in the same position. Q: Explain what the situation is. A: The position is precarious, unstable and vulnerable, for a person who has access to the deeper spheres of the World Ocean. A person who knows that there he will have to end his existence, his life, his development, but an earthly person, coming from the Earth and wanting to be with it, sensually and emotionally attached to it. Q: Please tell me, what does Ocean World mean to Yulia? A: This is a layer of subtle creative energies. Another association comes that this is an exit into the world of energies, a world at some level not known, and at another not knowable. A world from which sparks fly into the souls of people born on Earth, infecting the earthly with the idea of ​​searching for the heavenly. You can put it this way. B: Tell me, please. What do you feel about Yulia? A: Proximity and similarity. It's surprising, but I have no sympathy for her. I just know for sure that someday she will have to go through what I went through. Everyone has gone through this and she will go through it. Q: Through what exactly? A: Through first hermitage, alienation from this world, and then leaving it altogether. Everyone goes through it. I carry this memory. Q: These are very important words. Archetypal energy manifested itself in them. Anything else you want to say? A: In general, there is nothing to cling to the mortal world to the point of pain; there is nothing to actively strive for in the eternal world. Man is a creature that exists here and there at the same time and will still come to the end of time and to complete immersion ineternal. There is no point in worrying about it, trying to speed up one thing and delay the other. B: Thank you. Is this the end of the line? Oh yeah. B: Okay. Inhale and exhale, identify yourself. A: Julia. Q: How are you feeling? A: Somehow deep. It was as if she had emerged from the expanse of water. Q: We can move on to the next image. Inquisition. Enter into this image, not into the image of a specific inquisitor, but into the image of the Inquisition as such. When you're ready, start talking about yourself. A: I am the Inquisition. I am a burning, real force. On the surface there is a theme like “be good or die”, but underneath there is a reminder that this is not a sanatorium for you. I manifest myself in different cultural spheres, in all centuries. In medieval Christianity I was simply brought out well and designated, and so I still am, only in a hidden, semi-conscious state. I burn for eternity and know the way. I know how to get there. Q: Memento mori is yours? A: Memento mori is not mine. I'm rather active. I'll remind you sooner. I won’t say remember or don’t remember, I’ll just remind you and guide you through. I am the kind of force that simply grabs what is torn by the scruff of the neck, shouting “Oh, heavens, hear me, I want!” Well, if you want, I am the kind of force that grabs and looks at what is in the way, what will cling and just - one - and fly. This is with individuals who themselves wanted to. And in a universal sense, I will remind everyone. Q: I want to point out that the Inquisition is a long reminder, it is a long process, not instantaneous. This is a long, painful procedure. A: Yes, something reminiscent of prolonged labor plus pregnancy. Everyone is born into this world in order to feel the fact of birth. Q: Please tell me, what can you say about Yulia? A: I am a universal force and have no personal preferences. Regarding Yulia, I can say that I don’t choose her, but she clings to me and keeps me within herself. Q: How does she hold you? A: This desire to break through. Q: Your strength for those who stick out from the middle denominator? A: My strength is for all mankind, but those who lean out may slip through. But this is such a breakthrough that I just push through. I don't have favorites. You can jump off me at any moment as if from a stream and enter the universal human stream, in which I am the Inquisition, not transformation, not a gate. Q: Do you have anything else to say? A: No, nothing, everything is said. B: Thank you. Take a breath and exhale. Give your name. A: Julia. Q: What do you feel, how do you feel and what do you feel in your body? A: When I spoke, I felt as if I was in the flow of the archetype and even got spun. Just unbelieveble. I felt the top of my head become more active. In general, information is on the verge of revelation, what is for the main humanity is the Inquisition, but for individuals who have seized on the idea of ​​a breakthrough, it is a gate. Q: This seems to me to be obvious Pluto energy. A: I don't have an answer right now. The archetype appeared on its own, and harshly at that. Yes, perhaps a passage through death. Q: Okay, are you ready for the third look? Then enter the image of Marya and tell me. A: I am Marya fabulous. You could say that I am a manifestation of a seeking soul. First, in terms of mystical insight, she found herself in a paradise state and possessed it, and then she wanted more and was forced to go through different stages of transformation, the path of search, the path not along the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life (as a flash threw you from Earth to Heaven), but along the coils of the serpent, entwining the tree. The soul is forced to rise slowly and gradually, with difficulty, over time, step by step. My heart burns with how much I want to go there. I wouldn't go there if they didn't show me what it was. It is a sudden flash or gift that begins the search. You cannot endure such torment if you do not know what you are looking for. You can't strive for abstraction. Everything is real here, there is an advance, and I’m going, because now my existence is impossible without the hope of the return of this light, what I love. I am ready for feats, for waiting, for adventures, difficulties, suffering - I am ready for anything in order to reach and unite with this light again. Also so humandesign. Q: Please tell me, Marya, how do you feel about Yulia? A: I want to tell her “come on, let’s go together!” I treat her like I treat myself. I would say like a sister, but there is no such division, because we are united. B: Okay. Anything else you want to say? A: I've said enough. In: Transparent images. Inhale and exhale, identify yourself. A: Julia. Q: How are you feeling now? A: I just felt the activation of the archetype again, this vibration and rotation in the top of my head. The very feeling of the archetype was different, lighter and more transparent, closer to man. I still feel goodwill, cordiality and enthusiasm, unity with this flow that was just present here. Q: Let's move on to archetypes. I see two archetypes here. This pair is Pluto and Proserpine or Hades and Persephone. Please ask your “I-Am-Presence” if Pluto and Proserpina really condition your Angelic Presence. A: The information is coming that Pluto is clearly manifested as Pluto, the holder of these spaces. On the other hand, this is not quite Persephone-Proserpina. It is rather a cunning personification of a similar force. It is more like Azovushka or Orpheus, who descended for Eurydice into the dark world. This is Persephone, but not kidnapped and forcibly taken to the dark realms, but a beloved following her lover. V: Yes, more likely Azovushka. A: Yes, he says that it is best to work with this power through this name. Q: Ask the “I-Am-Presence” which archetype is better to start with, Pluto or Azovushka. A: From Pluto. B: Okay. K: The presenter focuses the Pluto archetype. Pluto, are you there? Oh yeah. Q: Hello Pluto. Please tell me how Yulia ended up connected with you, what is the essence of her conditionality or contract with you? A: There are many gates through which you can go, but not all go along the mathematically shortest distance. Whichever is closer is the best passage. Human resources are limited, so I am like the closest gate. And so, in general, I hold and torment the whole Earth with a reminder of eternity. Q: Was there any specific agreement between you and her spirit? Why did he choose you and what lesson does he need to learn? A: You say “her spirit” and immediately almost related feelings appear, as if someone close to me entrusted her spirit as a child, in order to be led where it goes. It's just like a football team, what color are you, what's your coach. I am like the closest vibrational force with which her spirit is comfortable working. Q: What lesson? A: I am not specifically associated with her lessons. I am an opportunity for her to get the experience she wants to get. I'm pretty uncompromising and I'll get her through this and she won't go anywhere. The only thing is that as she begins to walk voluntarily, I can release the driving force a little. Q: Question for Yulia. What do you feel about the archetype right now? A: I feel well what he is saying now about nurturing intimacy and vibrational intimacy. It’s as if one of my spiritual relatives entrusted me to him. That is, he treats me as his friend’s child. So nice. And I also feel that he really has an uncompromising hold on me. Just as I begin to doubt, it begins to compress the tunnel I'm walking through. B: Okay. Thanks to working with images, we gained access to direct contact. You are in fairly close contact with Pluto. This is a chance to do something, to go somewhere. How do you want to use it? What desires or desires do you have for Pluto right now? A: I ask for awareness, so that I am aware of what is happening, so that I am not pushed like a blind puppy, but politely. Q: Pluto, please tell me the request that Julia made to you, is it feasible? A: Yes, doable and timely. Q: What does she need to do for this? A: In some ways this is self-denial. This is the picture: a moving escalator on which the railings do not move. A child is traveling with an adult. The child is stupid, the child is playing around, the child grabs the non-moving parts of the escalator with his hands. He may simply be carried back into inertia.A tough adult will not explain anything to a stupid child, he will simply tear his hands off the railing, slap him on the back of the head and stand him straight. Because his task is to deliver the child from bottom to top without damage or injury. And no one will ask the child whether it was pleasant for him to get a slap on the head, because he behaved stupidly and received a slap on the head. In the same way to her. He will be an adult, he will not grasp at any nonsense, he will not risk his immortal spirit, and he will not receive slaps on the head. Q: What can she do about this right now? A: Now, first of all, feel, remember and see what I am now showing her and accept in myself. Accept me as an uncompromising guide and understand that the world treats her kindly and leads her to something very beautiful for her spirit. B: Thank you. Julia, how do you feel now, what’s happening? A: Firstly, love and sympathy ignite in the area of ​​the heart and in words that the world is leading me to something beautiful. "Trust the world and trust your allies." My heart really burst into flames. The feeling that I am being led to something truly beautiful for me. Some kind of passage, like a light at the end of a tunnel, is a bright radiance towards which my heart and my spirit strive and to which I will pass. Q: Is there anything else going on at the body level? A: Pleasant warmth throughout the body, very calming. I receive information that the flow is healing me, healing me, and carrying out cosmetic repairs in the energy sector. Q: Pluto, please tell me what is happening now and what else is needed? A: Now I wanted to remind you, give a warning that in the service of Pluto there are hellish dogs who guard the passages and urge on those walking. A lot of them. Ever since the days when I was called Anubis, I have had a pack of dogs. I want to say that they will bite to death, to mental death, if contracts and promises are broken. And so a person walking may not even hear their barking, if he does not forget about his desire, about his requests, about what he himself called and asked to carry out. What happens is that I heal the energy a little and show the path and the real threat along the way. I am not joking and I fill her heart with determination, not in the sense of fanatical zeal, but with a very calm determination, step by step, in my own rhythm, to move, without shying away. Q: Is there anything else we need to do in your presence today, Pluto? And what should be done next, after all this information has been received and spoken? A: I said everything about what you need to do, what you need to remember. She’s doing that now, let her continue doing what she’s doing. And if he hears my dogs barking or feels a bite, don’t think that I’m bad, I’m just warning you. This means “get back on track.” You wanted a quick way, and the world gave it to you. Q: Does the healing flow that you just provided still need to be held for some time or is it enough? A: Enough. Q: Can I end the session with you? Oh yeah. Q: Thank you, Pluto, thank you. (The presenter will defocus the archetype.) How do you feel, Julia? A: Ambivalent feeling. On the one hand, relief and relaxation, on the other hand, an inner core of determination. It was very clear to me that Pluto was not joking. You have to be serious. Q: What do his words mean to you in your life? What does it mean? What should now change as a result? A: I felt that his words were mainly dedicated to two things in me - distrust of the world and its forces, especially the dark ones, and a feeling of the tragedy of existence. These two things are useless, you shouldn't cling to them, you need to let them go. Forces close to me in vibrations guide me quickly, uncompromisingly, along the most direct path. The seriousness of these agreements became clear. The image of this path is an escalator, on which you will be safely and quickly taken from point A to point B. There really is a feeling of heartfelt trust and gratitude to the world, its forces helping me on my path, I don’t yet know where, but, as they showed me, why something wonderful for my soul and my spirit. And humility with the world, accepting it as such. B: Okay. Need something elseor are you ready for the next archetype, Azovushka? A: I'm ready. K: The presenter focuses the archetype of Azovushka. Q: Azovushka, are you here? A: Yes, here. Q: Hello Azovushka. O: Hello. Q: Stay with Yulia a little so that she gets used to this deeply. Julia, please tell me what is happening to you. A: At first my heart squeezed a little with some kind of pain, and then it relaxed and moved apart. That is, again there was the same message “accept me as an allied force.” Q: Question for Azovushka. Azovushka, what is the connection between Yulia’s spirit and you? Communication, contract, conditionality? A: Interesting... Now, as from Yulia, I can say that Azovushka is a very ancient deity, much older, goes back to the most ancient deities, even before the Slavs called her Azovushka. Some thread stretches from this antiquity, when my spirit had a different form. Somehow I came into contact with this deep-sea deity. Sea. She is one of the gods of the sea, deep-sea creatures that once lived on Earth, but it is unknown, I have no information, whether they exist now, maybe they have all already evolved. I feel like she’s like a sister, with whom there was a long conflict and disagreement, but some agreements remained: if you don’t want it in a good way, we’ll hold out in a bad way. And her answer was that my soul was really kindred and close to her. Q: Please tell me, Azovushka, being in closer conscious contact with you now, what can Yulia do for her further movement? A: I see an already healing, dissolving formation, a lump of pain, fear, hatred, negativity towards my energy and towards my nature, too, at the same time. This is not something that helps to move, it is not something valuable, without which evolution is impossible, it is something that needs to be gotten rid of in order for the movement to be softer. We are different, but we are close. Q: What kind of internal work would it be desirable for Yulia to carry out now? A: Now it is advisable to dissolve this lump and let it go away. Q: Julia, do you know how to do this? Do you have the key to this? A: Now information comes to me drop by drop in the form of images. I'm trying to look through some figurative mythological idea of ​​how this happened, how it happened. Q: What's going on with you? A: This lump of negativity dissipates on the body, on the emotions, and acceptance of one’s deep nature begins. Information that is incomprehensible to the human consciousness is that in order to become a human being, it is not necessary to hate your entire race. Q: Did you hate it? A: It seems that there was brainwashing on the part of some force, which, on the one hand, pushed me towards the evolution and development of the human form, and on the other hand, for some reason it was explained that this was my original, deep, something bad . Maybe it was superimposed later, or maybe it happened at that moment. That is, on the one hand, some force seemed to deceive me, and on the other hand, it gave me a valuable opportunity for development, but for the leap there was really some kind of conflict with my nature, with my family, with those who were there . I don't know what it is. Q: Azovushka, please tell me, how do you see what is happening with Yulia now? A: Now this tangle is being unraveled, these energies are coming out, flowing out. They are no longer needed. This ball was truly brought by a force that Julia turned to a long, long time ago. You can call him Lucifer. This lump is inserted so that it breaks away from its existence in that form and comes to existence in another form. Now the discrepancy is sufficient and therefore this ball is no longer needed. She can let him go. This design is no longer needed. She will no longer be able to return to us, but, nevertheless, for better movement, it is useful for her to accept both us and her nature. Now fear and hatred may be replaced by a nostalgic feeling of separation and love. Q: Are you still needed here now, Azovushka? A: I would like to say that where she came from, they are waiting for her, in the sense that she can come there, return, not everyone is happy, but there is a feeling related to her. Let her change the flags to white and maybe come to us sometimesreturn for help, for support, simply return to your native element. And then move on wherever she goes. She doesn't need to divert energy into conflict with us. Now, in general, a very deep structure is being worked out in her, an incredibly deep one, from which a very serious split began, starting with her spirit and manifesting itself further in her personalities. Roughly speaking, how something that has a different form of evolution, wanting to become a human, hated its form, took the form of a human, and made an evolutionary leap. Hatred can already be removed; its energy is no longer needed. Q: As I understand it, deep processes have now begun that will occur not only now, not only during the session. A: Yes, it will go a little further in time. Q: Does Yulia need anything to support these processes? Oh yeah. I would advise you to meditate on the images of our family, remember them and, communicating with them, calling on them, keep track of your feelings: how much fear, hatred and other things remain. Well, accept us all. We are preserved in human culture, it remembers us. Restore within yourself the structure of yourself. For now, these structures are preserved, but if they are opened, they will give their therapeutic effect and help along the way. Q: Now with you, Azovushka, can I end the session? A: Yes, you can. K: The presenter will defocus the Azovushka archetype. Q: Julia, how do you feel now? A: I feel pain in the center of my chest, a certain weakness and the need to restore within myself the structure of this group of gods. Follow Azovushka's advice. And indeed, fear and hatred precisely for this group of archetypes, forces, are poorly understood by consciousness. Some images come, it’s not entirely clear what happened. This is an area in which you can dig further. Q: Please ask the pain in the center of the chest what this signal is. A: There is information that this is a service structure that reminds me of the chosen path, the chosen goal, and which shoots poisonous needles when there is a danger of deviating from this goal, from this trajectory. In general, I now tell her that they said that you can be released. She replies that no problem, give me to the one who let me in at your request and everything will be fine. Again, this is all about time. B: Give it back. A: I thank him for his help along the way, apparently serious. And I say that my family is waiting for reconciliation with me. But I still go where I go and now I can go on my own, without alien structures. Q: I think we can end this session. Oh yeah. Q: Then formulate a conclusion based on the results of today’s session. What happened for you, what did you realize, what did you feel, what happened? A: I deeply felt the difference between the path of the right hand and the path of the left hand, when you walk along light archetypes, like a long and pleasant walk in the Summer Garden, or when for some reason you need to quickly and you are simply dragged through some spheres simply inexorable forces, ruthless, but very honest and fair. And you get what you need. It's about speed, it's about determination. You can agree to this. It's either a quick explosion or a slow ripening. For me it looks like a quick explosion, somewhat dangerous and painful, but effective because it is also correct. The alchemists there have a trained eye and an experienced hand, their laboratories don’t explode, they know what to pour where and in what quantity. For me there is a vision of this, an understanding. The issue with Pluto was resolved according to my wishes, I remember how I walked, how I volunteered to go. And reminding me about these dogs, about everything, Pluto really has an uncompromising attitude. And with Azovushka, I already have the right to see what is happening. How can I claim such a right? Only from deep acceptance of yourself, your essence. Just as I respect myself on very deep levels, the forces respect me. Maybe they are no longer dragging you, but quietly pushing you in the back. Changing relationships with forces is, first of all, a change in my deep attitude towards myself. This happened to Azovushka. Because through negativity,highlighted in the presence of her archetype, a negative attitude towards the energies, forces, structures in me, deep and, in general, providing the necessary strength and energy, which at some stage seemed dangerous to me. The feeling, the attitude towards them is a blockage that can be unraveled and the power of this deep water can flow in me. Now I see no obstacles to this. Q: Please ask your “Angelic Presence” what happened in his world, in the world of your “Angelic Presence” during today’s session. A: My movement has become smoother. My movement is now not only within myself. My movement became a participant in the general movement. With this acceptance and vision by me of the forces that interact with me and the acceptance of the forces that interact with me for my sake. In order for them to accept me in a new way, some deep change took place in me. It all started, it will happen in me. The vision of rotating gears, some settings will mix in my vibrations, which will change my relationship with the world and the world's attitude towards me. The world, primarily archetypal and subtler. And from these worlds all this will descend lower, will be reflected on the material, maybe not so brightly, but I will feel it. Like this. Q: “Angelic Presence” is to some extent connected with the structures of the superego - has something changed here? A: The following picture has emerged. There is a man who rides a horse well, he is a good rider. He rides with full harness, in a saddle, with spurs, urging the horse, pulling its bridle. This is a picture of a normal superego in a person. And the next picture. Like some savage, so merged with nature, feeling it, also rides a horse. He has no harness, he rides on the bare back of a horse, barely holding on to the mane, and they have such a complementary relationship, an almost centaur fusion of man and horse. If you're that dashing, you might as well ride like that. It all depends on how you get from point A to point B. You can be such a rider that you can ride without harness. Q: What do you have in this regard? A: Movement towards the second has begun. First the spurs will be removed, then it will be possible without the whip, then the bridle will not cut in so much, and then it will be possible to gallop anyway. e) Fifth therapeutic session. Comment: Here we come into contact with an even more subtle and powerful level, at which not only is life and death present, but there is also the possibility and attempt to change or even deceive life itself, its very foundations and boundaries. The struggle with oneself and the general law on a transcendental level, where both life and death are already one. Q: Today we are looking at relationships related to the conditioning of the Stellar-Over-Ego. It turned out that the main figures here are space pirates from the film "Guests from the Future", Atlanteans and people from the "Ship of Fools[5]". Please tell me, do you see anything in common in these characters? A: It's kind of mysterious and tough. It’s difficult to express more precisely, but they have something in common. The first group, the second, the third, they are fabulously mystical, little is known about them, if you think about it now and they are engaged in some kind of incomprehensible activity. What I heard about the "Ship of Fools" somehow reminds me of space pirates chasing Alice. I don’t think their behavior is ethical or the path they are following is humane. Q: Let us explain that the “Ship of Fools” is one of the esoteric schools in Russia and even abroad, of the alchemical-transformational-Gurdjieff type. A: I think that I will not offend anyone (if any of them read this book) if I say that I consider them to be quite cruel and tough people, sometimes unjustifiably tough. B: Okay. Let's now look at each of the characters separately. So, space pirates. Relax and indulge in free associations on this topic. Something will come to mind while you remember, maybe a movie, maybe these characters, their actions. Whatever comes to mind. A: This is changeability of form, this is some kind of mystical power over space, some kind of otherworldly, unearthly andnon-human origin, a mind alien to humanity, perhaps indifferent to the human, their determination in pursuit of myelafon, which can bring them power to realize their ideas. They do not seem to me, of course, an evil figure, but some kind of alienation of humanity is felt in this. Q: Maybe you sympathize with them in some way? A: I sympathize more with their idea than with them as characters specifically expressed in the film. The characters are sometimes comical, sometimes negative. The actors portrayed two “alcoholics” who got drunk on kefir. They were depicted in such a way as to cause rejection. In general, there is something in common, a certain level of sympathy and at the same time fear, because, despite the fact that I understand their aspirations and their otherworldly origin, but, at the same time, I feel a danger for myself in this, because I am a human . Everything human in me resists this. You could even say that every year, with every new awareness, he resists more and more. At the same time, I accept them and oppose them to myself, because I am human. Q: Is there anything else that is connected with your life or, on the contrary, is polar to your life? A: There is also such a group of figures from the novel of the Ukrainian esotericist of the twentieth century Oles Berdnik, who was a science fiction writer and esotericist, he was exiled to camps, was repressed. I talked with his daughter, who is studying with one of the Western Ukrainian molfars (this is an ethnic witchcraft tradition in Ukraine). He has an interesting novel, “The Starry Corsair,” which at the Green Dragon Hermetic School, where I studied, was considered one of the initiatory books, that is, those that must be read, because otherwise you won’t get into the concept, you won’t get into the teaching. It did not need to be completely taken on faith and entered into the worldview of Oles Berdnik. But the very idea of ​​a star corsair, taken from Gnostic ideas about the demiurge, sleeping humanity, awakened humanity. This book is about an evil demiurge who seems to be doing good for people and a small group of people whom the writer called “star corsairs”, who themselves woke up and “stirred up” humanity. In this regard, the master of the Green Dragon school drew my attention to the idea of ​​piracy and corsairship as one of the ideas reflecting the spiritual path. That is, this was included in the concept of freedom, and in the concept of liberation, and in the concept of paradigmatic piracy. That is, for your development, you can, without falling deeply into any creed, take working and effective ideas. The star corsairs-pirates were described there very vividly, they were incredibly positive super-powerful characters who became such from people, changing our human nature, they were realized. They were, of course, positive. And the space pirates from the film "Guests from the Future", of course, are more comical and even sometimes more repulsive. Q: Still, there is some connection with your life, with your traits, with the shadow or, conversely, with the manifested part of your personality... A: It’s difficult for me to say whether it is shadow or manifest. Perhaps at some point it was a very manifest part, but now it has gone more into the shadows. When I prioritized the values ​​of humanity, humanism, desires and feelings, then there was a rejection of this idea. And before, under bright slogans, of course, there was such a space pirate who “I’ll kill everyone, I’ll be left alone and I’ll have the myelophone.” This was called very light and high, it was called “spirituality”, “enlightenment”, “holiness”, “righteousness”. But, in fact, I was a completely inadequate person, for whom the concept of family and friendship did not exist, when there is a “myelofon”, a kind of spiritual carrot that can be received. Now everything has changed a lot in my life and when I think about myself, my heart just clench, like, how could I, how is this possible... Now this is a shadow, forbidden part, rather what I am now putting into the shadows. Things you shouldn't do. Q: I want to point out that it appeared when the conversation about the “Stellar Super-Ego” came up. So this issome significant figure. That image behind which there is a certain prototype, that is, an archetype that is somehow connected with the “Stellar-Super-Ego” with the help of either some kind of agreement, or conditioning, or some kind of debts... A: Yes, I understand it. That part of my journey that was covered in the state of a space pirate is, of course, understandable. Q: How are you feeling now? A: Slight dizziness and some kind of sympathy. Q: Sympathy for whom? A: Probably to myself and the people whom I indifferently cut into myself, because it seemed to me then that it was necessary. Q: Were you guided by any ideals and values ​​at that time? A: Yes, exactly. Q: Since it started with dizziness, let’s talk to him right away and figure it out. What does this dizziness look like? Imagine it as an image. A: Firstly, this is a kind of flow. It is like some kind of ray that passes through the top of the head and resonates in the heart. It's like something is peeking in. Q: Is it thick or transparent? What color is it? A: Transparent and radiant, and the color is universal, octorine, the color of vision, it does not have the color of the earth. Q: The image appeared. Please get in touch with him and ask why he showed up right now in a conversation about space pirates and related associations and what he wants to communicate. A: I feel the benevolent and approving attitude of this image, that is, he approves of my actions. Moreover, he approves of both the actions “before”, when I was carried along in the stream of the “holy war”, and the actions “after”. Q: Now it manifested itself in the form of dizziness. Ask if he has any message for you now. A: He says that it manifests itself because this level is understood. He is connected to him. And his message can be conveyed as “everything is of equal value,” that is, at the same time humanity is both interesting and absolutely indifferent, at the same time, when I was carried by an idea, it was interesting in this way, and when I became alive and spontaneous, it was interesting in a different way. Some kind of deconcentrated state, because I feel simultaneously included in the human world and removed from it. B: Okay. Can we move now to the next image, the Atlanteans? Oh yeah. Q: Then now there are free associations on the topic of the Atlanteans, how they are connected with your life, with your characteristics... A: They contained something that we have lost and something that we, perhaps, deeply yearn for. They were wise, but this does not mean that they were wiser than us. They were wise in a different way. They are completely different. You can immediately see the piercing, fabulously bright nature in the pictures. Maybe we see more dimly now, maybe our eyes perceive less colors. I see an unusually colorful sky, unusually colorful landscapes, and I am overwhelmed with feelings and emotions. Explosion of feelings! It feels like this state, which I have now touched 1% of, is an uncontrollable power when you are simply carried along. If something comes to your mind, you can lift the mountain, it’s easy! Because this state cannot be resisted, it is better to step aside. A very powerful flow of feelings, very bright colors, varied experiences. There are very few words, and the basic perception is different. Q: Some feelings appeared other than those you mentioned. A: A certain bitterness in the area of ​​the heart, reminiscent of regret not about what was lost, but that we cannot do like them... I don’t really know why we need this power... Some kind of regret about lost opportunities, similar to nostalgia about the ancient. Q: Imagine this sensation in the heart area as an image. A: At first a black veil was seen, and when it parted, it revealed a blood-red pulsating ball shooting down rays. Q: Greet him and ask him what the purpose of his appearance is, what he wants to say, what information he has. A: He says that he is an archetypal memory, accessible not only to me. We can say that this is like a reserve that can be revealed when our rational race drives itself into a dead end with its desire for mental spheres and deprivation of the energies of all other spheres. Q: Why did it appear now, withWhat processes are you involved with? A: Words such as “order” and “contract” are detected. That he must influence me in some way, so that I can then express this into the world, that is, change me and some kind of vibration will go through the environment. He shows me how lights flash on the globe. These are the same clots, the same balls that manifest themselves in different people. This is such a global process. Q: Now I myself quite clearly feel the presence of this state, also, of course, tangentially, without going into it deeply, but this nostalgia for something ancient that was not with me, bright colors, unearthly perception... All this was transmitted . Fine. Can we move on to the next one? Oh yeah. Q: Next we have “Ship of Fools”. Free associations. A: The solar plexus immediately tightened and fear set in, which can be translated as “how can you live like this, wandering from city to city, doing who knows what in a whole group?” On the one hand, it’s “wow!”, you can feel the power there. When I read the book “The Mystical Underground” by Serebrov, who describes the “Ship of Fools,” it took my breath away: “wow, how can one live!” Then I realized that I could do it too, but for some reason my solar plexus was shrinking, and somehow I felt like it wouldn’t fit. It's very difficult now. This is some way, but not that one. I don't know why I am being conditioned to be in the wrong way. Maybe he's setting a boundary. I thought that there was little freedom in him, because there was an almost Eastern devotion to a guru, a teacher, which did not fall on the inner world of a Northwestern person, a Slav. The kind of devotion that Buddhists and Hindus had does not fit into our structure. I don’t know why I snatched this from there and whether they have what I’m now talking about them, what I might be projecting onto them now. I noticed something that Konstantin Serebrov described, it was obedience to the teacher, complete transfer of oneself into his hands without thinking, without drawing conclusions. The master just takes you and makes something out of you. You find yourself an element needed for an alchemical reaction, perhaps without realizing that you are in a cauldron. Maybe the gold has been taken out of the cauldron. This is something that works effectively in Eastern cultures, because they have it written into the matrix, but in ours it is somewhat reminiscent of Rasputin’s sects. That is, perhaps, also a path, but not of the sound that it could have been if it had come closer to the matrix of an Eastern European person. B: Okay. Did any feelings appear other than compression of the solar plexus? A: There is still a certain nostalgic feeling in the heart from the last group. We have gone so deep that I am already losing control over my thoughts, over my body; that is, I’m almost not aware of what I’m saying, no, I understand what I’m saying, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. That is, the state is such that it carries you away a little. B: Okay. Let's start getting used to the character with this last group, be the "Ship of Fools", tell us about yourself and your attitude towards Yulia. A: I am the Ship of Fools. I am an initiatory structure expressing some kind of flow. All flows are interconnected, therefore, leading to results in my sphere and attracting people who match my vibrations, those for whom I am the path, I simultaneously work on the general processes of the Earth. Many rays emanate from one Sun, many paths lead to one mountain. This is precisely one Sun and one Mountain. That is, there are many suns and mountains, but we work for one Earth, for one process on Earth. In addition to the fact that I work on my own, that is, those that suit me in vibration and follow my path, I capture nearby flows. That is, for someone who doesn’t suit me, but is going somewhere, I can aggravate this feeling in order to outline its boundaries. For some I am a path, for others I am a fence. Q: Please tell me, how do you feel about Yulia? What is your connection with her? A: I help her in some ways, namely by putting up barriers, moving her out of her way, narrowing the possible variations of movements. In order for its vibrations to decrease and its speed to increase. Although the forces that are her path, her allies, are alien to me, we, different forces, work for onepurpose and in some kind of interaction. If she got into my field and she had some kind of reaction, then I cooperate with these forces. By collaborating with these forces, I do with her what needs to be done with her. Possible path probabilities are outlined. If she ends up in some similar group that has a clearly defined leader, then... Now I would like to say that this should not happen under any circumstances. That is, she must clearly see that she can only work in groups where everyone is in their own orbit and where the potential is not concentrated into one movement. This is due to her treaties and the fact that forces pass through her that should not accumulate in large quantities in any overlay. A pyramidal structure is always the superimposition of forces into one beam, but now this should not happen on Earth, it is already being torn apart in all directions. B: Okay. Please take a breath. The next group is the Atlanteans. Incarnate, please tell us about yourself and what you have in common with Yulia. A: I am an Atlantean. I have very few words, a lot of feelings. I have constant ecstasy like unity with the whole world, and my head is simply torn apart by overwhelming vibrations. It’s as if hundreds of archetypal streams are constantly passing through me. But these are not even archetypal flows, this is just life. I walk and really put my head in the sky, and my feet in the underground, lower worlds. This is how energy flows through me. Incredibly simple! Q: Please tell me how you are connected with Yulia, how you appeared in her structure, how do you feel about her and what can you say about her? A: It’s strange that I showed up. You can joke, I don’t relate to her. It feels like I was preserved and being handed over. I am a fragment of what was. Maybe in an initiatory way, although it’s difficult for me to say what initiation is, this is a later invention, I don’t know it. I feel as if I have been compressed as a point of information and passed on in a chain. It’s like blowing fire: it will flare up, it won’t flare up. If a person is ready to perceive, then he will flare up. Q: Do you have some kind of relationship with her, some feeling of what she means to you? A: The whole world means something to me. I have the whole world in my head. Impersonal attitude. I am in feelings, in everything, in all experiences, flows. It’s difficult for me to single out one stream and notice her, Yulia, because to do this I need to concentrate on a point. Here an assumption appeared that those who receive me into their structure receive a very strong conditioning of their path. On the one hand, there is a whole universe in me, entire worlds, compressed to the state of one small point that can unfold, on the other hand, they are like children of their race, their time, this is not something that destroys, but obliges them to what is difficult for them . They look very rude, these people. How can they express this? In general, I have only one guess about how I might be connected with her: she received some kind of transmission, maybe she snatched it herself because she really wanted it. This program is now unfolding in it. In general, to some extent the state of the Atlas and the vision of the Atlas can be deployed in it. I can say, really, that she's like a rough machine. I don’t know how one can live in this body. B: Okay. Inhale and exhale. Please enter the next image, the image of space pirates from the film. Tell us about yourself and your relationship with Yulia, your attitude towards her. A: I am space pirates. We are not evil forces, but hostile ones. Something similar to "myelafon" exists and can be taken away from a person. Taken away in the sense that he will forget about it and will not use it. In short, if something in a person is closed, blocked, then he gives a completely different vibration, like, in general, most people now. So he can be useful to us, space pirates or those associated with us. Q: What is "myelofon"? A: I now see some people who have a myelophone, they have some kind of special vibration, everything flies off from them. This vibration causes disturbance in space, which burns like fire. But most people are deprived of this, and therefore it is possible tocast a net and keep in one society. That is, they are connected in every possible way, if we speak in the language of the “Matrix,” and do not have the strength to free themselves. “Myelofon” is some kind of piece of free energy. When a person begins to release his energy, his potential for explosion is released. That is, he can make a strong emotional explosion when a lot comes at him. It burns. Q: What is your attitude towards Yulia? A: So, dangerous. Nothing personal, just cautious. Imagine how you feel about a herd of horses. If suddenly one horse goes berserk and it’s scary to approach it, then what is your attitude towards it? It is entirely possible that this horse will break free because it is so difficult to stop. Maybe she will still be able to be restrained. This is such an incomprehensible attitude. And in general, humanity is horses that you can ride. Such creatures that think a lot about themselves, but this thinking can be blocked and driven, so you get blinders on your eyes. B: Okay. Inhale and exhale. Give your name. A: Julia. Q: How are you feeling now? A: It's hard to say. Inner lightness, some shades of old feelings. And when I was in the guise of space pirates, I felt uncompromising toughness, the toughness of those who do their job. There is also an understanding about people who use human potential and people who do not. That is, if a person does not shine like a person, then, therefore, he is not a person. B: Okay. We work with the level of the “Stellar-Super-Ego”, which is the worldview level. Here certain images influence, causing certain problems. How would you define and characterize this problem? I invite you now to comprehend the results of moving deeper into the imagination, to comprehend what ideological problems have manifested themselves thanks to these pronunciations, entering into images, and associations. A: Here the legends about the demiurge, about the “real”, “awakened” humanity clearly emerge. It's all mixed up. Q: The presence of the conditioning of the “Stellar-Super-Ego” indicates some kind of blind spots, or condensations, or projections, or pain points specifically in the worldview. What has become clearer now, what are the problems of worldview? A: Worldview is naturally within the framework. I see these frames now. These are the framework of esoteric beliefs that somehow explain the world. I stumbled upon this explanation. Now I see it as walls that, at least, can now be moved. Q: How do they, these frameworks, limit your development as a person, as a woman, as a living being? A: To put it simply, they organize the world, the universe. After all, you have to live somehow, on the one hand. On the other hand, it seems that without these beliefs, if new ones do not appear, then it is unknown what will happen - either an explosion in the void, or freedom. On the verge of losing the human form at that level. If you don’t see the world in a way that turned out to be convenient for me, then perhaps it can generally be seen as pure energy, as emptiness, inactivity. Q: Considering that, let's call it the problem of limitedness, involvement in the esoteric worldview, naturally, this directs your destiny in a certain way. Understanding this, do you want to move on now and deal with archetypes, perhaps somehow remove these frameworks, if it is the will of the gods? A: Yes, I want to. Firstly, perhaps I don’t need some frames, because in addition to the direction of fate, there are frames of vision, those same blinders on my eyes. I want to see and, naturally, some frameworks prevent me from seeing the world as it is. On the other hand, why I said the word “inactivity” is because without these directions, false ideas, without maya, I will move. The question is whether the universe exists without these ideas, without this maya. What will I do if my destiny is not controlled in this way? It will either be directed in a different way and it is unknown whether it is better, or I will simply freeze. That is, now I don’t know what to do with the frames, but in any case, as a clarificationfeatures, you can expand them somewhere, remove something, clarify something. This is what naturally needs to be done. Q: Do you already guess the archetypes that stand behind these images - space pirates, Atlanteans and the Ship of Fools? A: It's hard to say. I felt the presence of the archetype, but perhaps it is too far away, I am reaching too far. Maybe you have some kind of vision? Q: I feel the presence of Osiris, at least. A: Yes, I think it would be better to work with him. Because I saw it generally coming to the original Shiva and Shakti. I don't think they'll tell me much. Q: To be sure, ask your “Stellar Super-Ego” which archetype is best to work with. A: In general, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Osiris or Shiva, but our culture is closer to Osiris, so it’s probably better with Osiris. K: The leader focuses the Osiris archetype. Q: Osiris are you here? Oh yeah. Q: Hello, Osiris. O: Hello. Q: Please tell me, Osiris, what is the problem with Yulia’s worldview at this level? A: The fact that everything she believes in can be disbelieved. That is, reality will not change if it stops clinging to illusions. It doesn’t matter how valuable these illusions are, how working they are - the universe will not rotate faster, a catastrophe will not happen. You just need to let go of all this, it all interferes with seeing, it really interferes with seeing. Q: As you see, Osiris, is Julia ready to let them go or does she have some unfulfilled promises, debts, contracts that prevent her from doing this or is she now close to sorting them out? A: The work can be done with your eyes open. I don’t observe any rigid ties that would require her to have one or another worldview. Q: Why did you appear and how are you connected with Yulia? Does she have any debts or agreements with you? Maybe it's time to reconsider them? A: I don’t see any strict agreements or relationships that can be reconsidered now. That is, I, as the father of the world, as a judge, am more likely to be present or observe, to patronize in some way. In some ways I limit, as the father of the world limits; if, for example, she does things that go beyond what is permissible on this Earth, then, naturally, I will stop her. In general, she can do whatever she wants, everything is in her will, everything is possible. The worldview really looks like cardboard houses or sets that block out the light, as if that’s the way it should be. You don’t have to hold on to this, there won’t be a catastrophe, it won’t stop moving, the work will still be done. Q: Then tell me, please, what internal work does Yulia need to do now? A: Rely on yourself, and not on external world teachings and worldviews. I can’t say that she will immediately begin to live without world teachings and worldviews, but at least it’s worth gradually coming to this point and preparing. Q: What can be done right now? A: Turn on a certain engine within yourself that exists, which you just need to feel and turn on. This engine will itself guide the person from within. Otherwise it can be called will, intention, desire, hunting. This needs to move. As soon as this movement appears, you will let go of illusions, because they will no longer be needed, you will not need to cling to them in order to climb. Q: Can you help with this somehow? A: I can. I'm already contributing. Q: Addressing Yulia. Julia, please tell me what is happening to you now? A: Now I feel the flow of life in my body, especially as movement, and I feel that my ideas are interfering with this movement, interfering with vision. I see it as a corridor of cardboard decorations in which I walk. There is space all around, in some ways beautiful, in some ways frightening, I’m ready to see it, I can see it, but I don’t see it, because it seems that without these scenery everything will collapse. But in reality, only the decorations that I hold can collapse. It is not they who hold me, but I who hold them. In general, they themselves do not hold on; humanity implores them, perhaps with someone’s bad advice. Now I think that there is a good word “maybe”. Q: Please explain. Oh yeah. When consciousness beginsto be seduced by a new mirage, for example, you are reading a very interesting book or they tell you something that this is how everything “really is.” In The Matrix, the world has been taken over by machines, or an evil demiurge has put humanity into sleep, or pirates are hunting for the “myelophone.” As soon as all this comes, you can say “maybe,” well, and allow it to pass somewhere. That is, when I take something on faith and begin to actively work with it, then, on the one hand, it helps me, but on the other hand, it hinders me. Moreover, it always hinders more than it helps, because if there is intention and desire inside, a person can move and move much more efficiently and colorfully. Now I feel like I have an intention. I see it as a red ball that lights up inside me. This means that something may be pushing me from within. Gradually, maybe not even a year or two, my worldview will clear, in the sense that I will move from a worldview to a vision of the world, to see the world as it is. And I need such time not because someone or something is holding me back, but because my energy has already been built up in such a way - to move along the path of illusions. That is, if everything collapses now, I won’t be able to move until I come up with something new to replace the old one. Q: Please ask Osiris if something is happening now at the level of worldview. If yes, then what exactly? A: Osiris says that everything becomes shaky and important-not-important. That is, at my level (where I am now) it is necessary for me to admit that illusions are needed to organize a certain world, and also that illusions are not needed to see the world as such. Q: We have come to a very important fundamental point, because there are many people who say that all worldviews are an illusion, but only a few of them (if any) have lived this so-called “to the core.” It is one thing to recognize this intellectually, but another thing when this worldview descends into denser layers, into the body, into real vision, into behavior and so on. Is this process now taking place not only of intellectual recognition that yes, worldviews, beliefs, esoteric teachings are a kind of schemes and explanations that in themselves are not reality as such, but does this process affect deeper layers, is this knowledge omitted? to the level of experience? A: I see this in the flow of the archetype, it seems to me that all these fences, necessary and very important, sooner or later begin to get in the way. I feel this because in the light of the archetype you see everything through the eyes of the archetype and you can ask him about everything. What is built into my head and what I have is not built into him. The difference in sensations gives a deep awareness of illusoryness. Again, Osiris reminds us that illusion does not mean “bad.” He draws my attention for a moment to the stars and the stellar wind. Indeed, incredible whirlwinds of various demolishing energies, which, if humanity is not shielded, will cripple humanity. Q: While working to free the consciousness and, in particular, the worldview from illusions, we, nevertheless, are moving according to some kind of scheme, which we called “archetitherapy.” This scheme contains the concepts of archetypes, gods, and mythological subjects. All these are also beliefs - and work with archetypes, and your stay now in the archetype... You can say “maybe” everywhere, but are you ready to say it here? A: I get the “maybe” feeling. I ask, Osiris, didn’t I create you? He answers “yes, and at this very moment, every second you create me.” “But of course,” I say, “it was you who created me!” And he answers “yes, that too.” This is such an interesting experience. It is unknown whether there are gods, but the Universe behaves as if there are. Q: And our perception behaves like this. Please tell us what is happening to you now at the level of emotions, experiences, bodily energy, sensations, maybe some awareness. That is, the whole spectrum from sensations and emotions to awareness and some kind of transformation. What's happening? A: Byin my body I feel relief in my heart and what is especially important is that the bitterness comes out. A certain clarity in the head as a feeling of expanding consciousness. And also in a continuous stream I see and realize how many beliefs a person has, thanks to which the universe of an individual is held together. It seems incredible to me that you can get rid of them all, move them aside, but there is no doubt that they are all movable. B: Okay. Please ask Osiris what you would like to do next. Is it possible to end the session contact with him or is there something else that needs to be done? Is this enough for the process to start? A: It feels so full; Even the very feeling of the archetype has changed, there is now more warmth in it or warmth has spread throughout the body. Osiris says that it can be completed and it will unfold further. You need to further realize this and track it, notice it, and it will naturally appear illusory. And if you see something in such an image, then this “maybe” will always accompany you. This may be true, or it may be different, it may be different. This already means that it is movable, that it is not it that limits you, but you, whether you place this barrier or not. You need to learn this soon. We must learn to live on Earth in the flow of life, and only then, when there is such an existence on Earth, we can already leave the level of the Earth. But this is not relevant now, it’s too early to talk about it, there is no point in giving information that will later be perceived differently. It is possible to live in space, relatively speaking, to remove from oneself the conditioning that is characteristic of the inhabitants of the Earth, but in this case there is no point in talking about it. In short, it is proposed in the next couple of years to expand consciousness to the level of planet Earth and the framework of the worldview will also expand in connection with this, although some frameworks will remain, but this time flexibly. Yes, I will have the worldview of an earthling, but at some point it will be possible to overcome this. However, there is no need to rush, because, again, the stellar wind blows too strongly. Q: Can I finish? Oh yeah. Q: Thank you, Osiris. (The presenter will defocus the archetype.) Sit for a couple of minutes and get comfortable with new experiences, sensations and awarenesses... Now please tell me what important happened for you today, draw a conclusion. A: I deeply felt that if you do not hold on to your ideas about the world, even if they are very important and prayed for centuries by all humanity, then a catastrophe will not happen. That is, it's not scary. It's like the difference between what's behind the scenes and what the audience sees. All this seemed unshakable, quite broad, as if it really was that way. But it turned out that as soon as these frames were removed, the wave of life passed through. I think my worldview has become more flexible. I received more information about the stellar wind, which I have not yet had time to experience. A person who goes beyond the Earth with his consciousness is in danger of being carried away; illusions are not only the possibility of ordering the world and the possibility of our progress from one false concept to another, but also a kind of protection of humanity from something, but from what exactly I have not even felt yet. This is the theoretical information that has arrived. Q: Please ask your “Stellar Super-Ego” what happened at his level, what consequences this may entail. A: Such an association has come that what was a small room has now become a stadium, that is, the worldview has expanded, consciousness has expanded, and now its walls have become flexible and unstable. The main thing is that the reason why I held these walls - the feeling of fear - went away and flexibility entered the structure of my worldview. This may lead to a further expansion of consciousness, perhaps a precedent for liberation. e) Sixth therapeutic session. Comment: satisfaction of the need for knowledge of the divine world occurs through imitation of certain models, real or mythical personalities distinguished by the appropriate abilities. Fanaticism transmitted from these images and present at this level quitestrictly determined the client’s behavior regarding her spiritual searches and manifestations. The influence and harmfulness of this rigidity is difficult to overestimate. It always paradoxically turns out that the model that is needed (is it needed?) to follow a certain path separates a person from himself and this is visible even at the level of archetypes. Q: First, we worked through the five basic levels, including alignment. Please tell us what happened during this time, what changes, what became noticeable compared to previous sessions; there were changes then, but everything that moves takes time. A: The dynamics are felt, the process continues, but I don’t see any clear changes so that a line can be outlined - it was one way, but now it’s different. Certain changes occurred at the last session, my ideas about the world and my beliefs were shifted; they became flexible and have not been fixed since then. I feel like my thinking has become more fluid. This word “maybe”, it is lived, becomes a working and constantly present construction in the mind. In general, I noticed that my emotional background has changed recently, my relationships with loved ones and family have improved. Attentiveness to myself, to the world, has deepened, I notice what I did not notice before, what I was distracted from; I notice more life. In general, all these changes can be called positive. B: Okay. In general, today we are working with the “Holy-I-Christ” according to plan, but just in case, ask your “I-Am-Presence” if it is possible to work on this today. A: Yes, the answer is yes. Q: We have three figures here: Joshua, Tsiolkovsky and Moses. What brings these three characters together for you, in what ways are they close, in what ways are they distant, and what do they have in common for you? A: I don’t know exactly the roots of Tsiolkovsky, but it is quite possible that both three are Jews! They are united by their fantastic nature, penetration into other spheres and fanaticism. One of them turns out to be a warrior, another - a priest, and the third - a man of science. And they are all fanatics. Q: The “Holy-Self of Christ” is that area of ​​our perception that borders on the divine world. Without conducting an analysis yet, without using the method of free association, without getting used to the images and archetypes, let’s try to guess why these particular figures popped up in your mind in connection with the divine world. Let these be primary hypotheses, which will be adjusted in the process of work. A: Perhaps my belief that only a fanatic, that is, a completely devoted person, can achieve something played a role here. I myself am not a fanatic because of my laziness. That is, I might be happy to, but laziness sets in very quickly. At first I light up with something, I rush, and then it all descends into some kind of inertia. The work that needs to be done, of course, I will complete to the end, but not with such faith that I can stop the sun or release snakes on the Egyptian priests or launch a ship into space. That is, these actions and states are probably exemplary for achieving something that I consider necessary to achieve. But these states are not inherent to me, although they are deeply desired. But there is a trick in the consciousness that this is the only way everything is done. Based on this, you can then build a logical chain that since I don’t have this, it means it won’t be done. B: Okay. Let's check this logical chain by entering into direct experiences. Who will you choose first? A: I think Moses. B: Okay. Then all the free associations that concern Moses are in your relaxed mind. A: Moses. Some nervousness. I remember how passionate he was about his cause and how upset he was at the slightest murmurs of the people. He constantly walked around looking all nervous, cursed a couple of people along the way, and ordered a couple to be stoned. This constitutes his psychological portrait. He was constantly twitching and shaking. What does such a fierce faith have to do with it, one might even say a hellish faith with plutonic energies. Be faithful to Jehovah or die. He was ready to destroy his people just to make them cleaner. It is also associated with wandering, becauseHe moved from place to place for a long time until he was reunited as a prophet with Israel and led them out of Egypt. He has a difficult spiritual path; certain insights that he encountered along the way and deepened his faith. That is, now I can even see him in the desert, when God appeared to him in the form of a burning bush. I remember how he tries to escape his fate as a prophet, realizing that all this will end him as a person; he will be entirely the conductor of his flow. He could not completely escape his fate. In general, this is knowledge of secrets, but such knowledge and implementation of them that does not allow them to be possessed. That is, he shows some miracles to the Egyptian priests and Pharaoh, but it is clear that a stream passes through him, over which he has no power, but which has power over him. He is such a slightly hysterical, slightly nervous priest, paranoid in the sense that he took upon himself the entire focus of the people’s energy, led the people out and at the same time took their sins upon himself, which is why he himself did not end up in the Promised Land. Such a flow that passes through you, but you don’t care, it’s of no use. And you float around in this stream, devotedly and rapturously. "Believe or die!" But there is no personal benefit for the person himself. Q: What associations does Joshua evoke? A: Militancy immediately set in. If Moses had a very strong heart connection with God, then here I saw it in contrast. Moses had a desire, a burning for God, he simply floundered in this stream. And in Joshua the lower centers are very much turned on, they are simply blown apart; will and lower centers. He's like a tank. He, like Moses, religiously believes, but not in God, but in Israel, his people. He is also ready to sacrifice for his people without demanding anything in return. I don't remember much about him. Anyway, I remember when he held the sun in the sky so that the Israeli army would win. He walks on the flow of vital energies, clearing space for his people. Only his people should live. He loves his people very much, and regarding all other nations he believes that they must either submit or be destroyed. And at the same time with all this, he does not feel sorry for himself at all, he is very strong. Such a powerful, unshakable energy of a warrior. It comes that there is knowledge about your purpose, confidence that this will happen and - the implementation of this. From childhood he knew that he was destined for something and did it; at some right moment he was able to stop the sun in the sky and change the time flow. Q: Is this the end of the line? Now Tsiolkovsky. A: It’s interesting that if Moses’s center was burning, and Joshua’s lower centers were burning, then Tsiolkovsky simply has some kind of radiance in his head. For him, some subtle interesting process of unity with the universe occurs at the level of his head. My brain is feeling orgasmic pleasure right now. He experiences the universe as if he were undressing a woman, and is delighted by it. And now he will formulate a theory of everything, after which everything, everything, everything will be known. Q: Let me remind you that Tsiolkovsky is not only an ascetic inventor in rocket science, but, first of all, a cosmist philosopher who tried to build a theory of the universal mind. A: He has such a zeal for the same higher matters in his head, but it happens without such tragedy as in Moses or Joshua, without strain and with love, like a man strives for his beloved woman and a woman for a man. This mutual attraction of two polarities is similar to how he strives to penetrate the world, to know it, to stroke it, to feel it, and is very happy when something new is revealed to him. The edge of the universe is constantly moving away... He, of course, outwardly can be called a fanatic, but it is better to call him a man in love who is somewhat mad. It is felt that there is nothing for him except this space hanging above him, this black starry sky, endless galaxies that he cannot get enough of and which he feels love for, which he wants to penetrate. He doesn’t know whether to build rockets to penetrate with the body, or to invent some kind of technique to exit incorporeally. In general, he does not need techniques, because on one strengthwith his love and passion, he is constantly present there to some extent. Now my picture is changing a little: Tsiolkovsky, looking at the stars, turns into Tsiolkovsky’s brain, reminiscent of the starry sky. I look at space and understand that this is Tsiolkovsky’s brain... That is, at some point he reached such a feeling of everything as his consciousness. In general, he sees nothing in the world except the whole world, that is, he does not go into detail. Q: Okay, your consciousness is now flexible and we can move towards identification with images. So, Moses. A: I am Moses. Q: I’ve already heard this somewhere... it seems about 16 years ago, when I was doing an internship in a psychiatric hospital...:-))) A: (laughs) I am Moses. God revealed himself to me and told me what to do. Therefore, I, Moses, know what to do. I feel incredible power passing through my heart. I madly love God, with whom I have a connection through my heart, and I naturally care about the people imposed on me. I look at this people, which reminds me of a flock of sheep. God imposed this people on me, to take care of them, and they go here, some here, some hazel grouse, some idols... Damn, I would have killed them all at once, reunited with God, but God said “no”, He showed me this the path and I must follow it. Overall, it’s hard for me to bear, but I am obedient to God. This is a feeling of complete unity with God; I feel that I am a man, and He is God, but I constantly feel His palm, His hand on me, as if He is leading me. I always know that God is next to me, that He is leading me. I don’t feel unity, merging with Him - no, I don’t have such feelings. I feel like His hand on my shoulder is guiding me. I can see Him, I can talk to Him, I have constant access to Him. And for all this I am ready to endure a lot. Q: Please tell me, Moses, how do you feel about Yulia, how do you see her, what is her problem. A: First of all, she is a pagan. Brrr... She does not believe in Jehovah, in the God whom the people of Israel worshiped, in the one with whom I communicated on Mount Sinai. She doesn't believe in Him. Of course, I can’t do anything to her for this, but I don’t approve of her. In general, I am a strange, flexible Moses in consciousness and therefore I see that she walks in the stream of other gods. Well, in general, it’s normal that she doesn’t believe in Jehovah. Like Moses, it is unpleasant for me that someone does not believe in Jehovah, in Yahweh. I don’t know why she said that she doesn’t have the so-called “fanaticism of mine”, but I see in her enough dedication and determination on her path (as I walked on my path). In general, a little more dedication to your flow and you will go faster. In general, we are similar in some ways. We are similar in devotion to something and aspiration. Ah-ah-ah, she doubts. Sometimes she goes with the flow without doubt, and sometimes she doubts. Strange, why doubt? The call is nearby, he holds his hand on the back of the head, on the shoulder, on the scruff of the neck. But when you feel it, how can you doubt it?! There can no longer be any doubt or hesitation. It's strange somehow. All these vibrations come from the head. Put your head away and feel that God is nearby, you can’t escape Him. Whoever He chooses, He guides. A person can only agree and go or resist. But we do not choose God, because God chooses us for some purpose, for some mission. I can say about Yulia that she, just like me, was chosen to do something. I can even say that her illusions of doubt will not change anything. I also hesitated when I was young, when I was tempted by this world and I thought that I could walk away from my destiny, but God showed me harshly that this was impossible. Or maybe at that moment I was God to myself, punishing myself for not following His instructions. Q: That's it, right? Oh yeah. B: Okay. Inhale and exhale, identify yourself. A: Julia. Q: Imagine the image of Joshua, enter him and make the following comment on his behalf. A: I am Joshua. I am the prophet of my people. I feel the ancestral connections very strongly, so much that my lower centers are shaking. I have little connection with God, but the connection with my family and people is inexpressiblegreat, incredible. God manifests itself to me through my people. My task from God is to lead His chosen people. I don’t have continuous communication with God, but I don’t need it; I have continuous unity with my people. I live for the people. I can do a lot for him. I was born with this power and always knew that one day I would do it. This power developed over the course of my life, as I walked along the right path, and then I was able to lead the people of Israel and even stop the sun when it was necessary to win. I did this by the power of my God. That's what I can say. Regarding Yulia, I can say that, comparing her with myself, I see that she does not have enough strength. I have a lot of strength because I knew myself and knew the will of my God. I rejoiced in the will of my God, and I walked according to the will of my God. Despite the fact that God did not appear to me, I did not feel a constant connection with Him, and sometimes even experiencing a certain emptiness in my heart and longing for Him, I have nothing at all in my head, I walked according to my destiny, whatever it may be I have always had a lot of strength. It is not enough to say that I believed: I did not believe - I found out. And it gave me a lot of strength, my strength. In general, all doubts, hesitations, beliefs and disbeliefs later, charms and disappointments - all this begins and goes when a person does not know. Yulia is the same. She is torn, tossing about. She wants to go to the smart ones, then to the beautiful ones, then to some other... she just can’t choose where she should be. And this is all vanity. She will be able to stop the sun only when she finds out the will of her God, when she finds out what her strength is, who she is, what she is... and all this will be revealed sooner or later... I said all this in response to the question why she doesn’t have strength The closer to the light source, the warmer; the closer she comes to her God, the more forces will appear and what people call sidhas. Accordingly, the further she goes, the colder it will be, the less strength she will have, and everything for her. I also see in her mind a working program-construct, which is called “do what you want.” It's with a slight correction. In itself, “do what thou wilt” is correct, but not when a person twitches from side to side, but when he does what God tells him to do. And so, everything else is just a waste of energy and time, applicable only for something unimportant. Without concentration you cannot jump high. All. B: Okay. Take a breath and exhale. Now Tsiolkovsky. Imagine this image, enter into it and speak from it. A: I am Tsiolkovsky. I'm terribly smart. So smart that I myself am scared of how smart I am. My head is like the House of Soviets, like the universe, like several galaxies, like the solar system, like a model of an atom... That's the kind of head I have! It shines, processes take place in it, everything rotates. Sometimes I don’t know whether the cosmos that I comprehend is a model of my brain or vice versa - my brain is a model of the cosmos... In general, I just live there. Something a little human is happening around me and it interests me a little - just a little, one percent of everything that I am. I'm all there, in space. I'm all there... This is the black night sky, strewn with stars. I’m ready to kiss him, but how can I reach him? I am ready to launch rockets to be closer to him, to reach at least neighboring stars, to explore neighboring planets! I am ready to penetrate it further and further, both with consciousness and body, and as it turns out! Oh, this sky is everything... I am the only one cognizing it... Sometimes the line between me and this sky is erased and then I really don’t know whether I am a particle of a huge universe, or whether the universe is part of Tsiolkovsky’s brain. I don't know anything about this world, I just contemplate it. I write down some insights, try to build something, but I understand that these buildings are poor compared to this radiance that sometimes opens up... But as a person, I am very strange. I see... If they didn't remind me to have lunch, I would forget to eat lunch. Yes... By human standards, I live this life very clumsily, but I cannot tear myself away from contemplating the sky. Depths of the skypulled me away. Sometimes I am overtaken by the realization that I am doing something wrong with my life, but I have no strength, cosmic gravity turned out to be much stronger than earthly gravity. I was just carried away. How can I notice Yulia? What kind of Julia is this? In general, these all sorts of people distract me from contemplating space. I can only say “Yulia, Julia... contemplate space! Could there be anything more interesting than contemplation of space? Don’t touch me, I’m not interested in anything. I don’t want anything - just to contemplate space!..” (laughs) ) Q: Julia, inhale and exhale, please tell me what you feel now? Give your name. A: Julia. I was incredibly touched by all these three comrades. Q: Is this your meaningful reaction related to this? A: They came out very sincere and somewhat comical. Q: If you didn’t have this in you, you wouldn’t be able to get used to these images. A: That’s probably why it’s funny to me. Tsiolkovsky especially stings. All three structures are so passionate and devoted to their work, and for one God is Jehovah, for another it is the People, for the third it is the endless Cosmos. And all three dissolve in Jehovah, the People, the Cosmos... And all three cannot understand why I hesitate, why I hesitate, why I don’t invest everything in this movement. It may be that what they say is correct, because their state of investment in this movement is very comfortable, but it is noticeable that each of them is skewed in some direction. Tsiolkovsky is too lost in his head, Moses is too warm-hearted, and this makes him very nervous, I think... Q: The paranoid state is very comfortable, he does not experience bodily symptoms, unlike a neurotic. A: And Joshua, who came to the lower center and this made him somewhat cruel and not thinking about anything. At some point it seemed to me that if these three states were combined so that the overall state of the energy centers was harmonious and, by investing, then you could really jump somewhere very well. But... Q: Bodily-energy and emotional, what are the relationships like now? A: First of all, yawning occurs. The emotional attitude towards them is warm. That is, I like them, they evoke sympathy, despite the fact that they turned out to be comical. The body is more or less relaxed, the body feels comfortable. All three centers that represented these figures have become active, I feel that these figures have turned them on... Q: Wow! A: Well, anyway, I feel lazy and don’t find the strength in myself to devote my whole life to such a jump, as they did. V: Well then. What archetype do you think could be behind these figures? A: I already feel this archetype now, but I have not yet caught its name. Q: Ask the “Holy-I-Christ” and then check with the “I-Am-Presence.” A: In general it’s difficult. Several names come up that can be boiled down to one thing. Q: Name it. A: Dionysus, Mars, Set, the Sumerian god Enki, who was the prototype of Prometheus. Q: Not Jesus? A: No, it is not the Jesus state. Now I will try to describe this state. Q: If you look at the Greek ones, then you need to look for the most authoritarian, confident without a shadow of a doubt. A: It's similar, but it's not Zeus. Q: I would say it's Jupiter. O: Jupiter’s condition is too serious, but here... Q: Yahweh? A: It's not Yahweh, Yahweh is too cruel. The problem is that I haven't been in this archetype yet. The archetype breaks through, such a powerful feeling. The feeling is pure, young, like a crystal waterfall, which is why I said that it is somewhat similar to Dionysus, but not Dionysus, because there is no ecstasy, but there is a pure, young, contemplative feeling. Q: I would venture to suggest that here we are faced not with God at all, but with the archetype of the Self, in which both this and that, Dionysus, and all the gods, and the devil are equally present... At least, that’s what he answered my I-Am-Presence. A: I also had the same suspicion. Q: I will not focus on the Self archetype. If she increases her presence, then it's her. Call yourself your Self! O: Am I my Self? Q: Not even yours... O: Just the Self? B: Yes. Each has its own, but archetypal. O: Self. Yes, the last of the pictures was an Egyptian deityHarpocrates, the unborn twin of Horus, who symbolizes the Self. He sits in a lotus flower, putting his finger to his lips, so silent. Q: What's happening now? A: I receive information that these three figures, each carrying something useful, are fencing me off from the direct instructions of my Self. It seems that each of the three speaks correctly, the right words... but, listening to them, I do not listen to the voice of my god. What they said was that each of them heard their own self. It doesn't matter what each of them individually symbolized, but in my mind all three of these designs are very well held on three levels of energy. The ambush is complete. Q: Now I see the key point, although any collision with the Self is dangerous with obsession. This is what happened to Moses, Joshua, Tsiolkovsky. I will now ask you to independently establish contact with the Self, as far as possible. A: Now the answer comes that now this is only possible at the level of vision, that is, she appeared and felt to me and can say a few words, but in such a way as to reveal the will of my God, so that the further path opens and my possession by him is now beyond the bounds possible. Q: Tell me what's happening. A: I see myself as the baby Harpocrates sitting in a flower. I'm very silent. This flower is in my heart. I see myself sitting in my own heart. There are no words, complete awareness of everything, complete passivity. In general, no movement. At the same time, there is some interest in the world. I can look around and see what's going on there. Q: Please tell me, Self, what is Yulia’s main problem at this level? A: On the one hand, the consciousness is clogged; the congestion of consciousness does not allow one to hear oneself. On the other hand, in some haste. After all, having learned the will of his god, a person really recognizes his destiny and no longer lives himself, but lives by this idea. For an unprepared person, this knowledge can be fatal. Q: What is an unready person? A: This can be figuratively described by Lot's family coming out of Sodom or Gomorrah. Lot's wife turned around. She wasn't ready. Turning around, she turned into a pillar of salt. That is, if there is still something to regret, desires, something the soul clings to - all this must be realized. The self is in no hurry. The fact of the matter is that the Self, unlike a person, is in no hurry. A person wants to achieve knowledge, and receive the super-siddhi that this gives, and to be on the flow, and to become famous, and to become powerful... or at least just to realize what all this was for. His soul may want something else, his body - something else... But for the Self, everything is one. Therefore, there really is such a formula “do what you want, as long as you want.” As long as you want, do it, do it so that you stop wishing. Because as long as something clings to the world, having entered the flow of movement as intended, you will break your hands, because at high speed you will continue to cling to something. And so, gently and gradually, with increasing speed, you can manage to connect with your self during this life in a completely non-traumatic way. What is paradoxical: a person is torn apart by contradictions, but inside there are none; every desire is equally interesting and indifferent from the inside. Q: Please tell me, Self, what is happening to Yulia now from the point of view of the individuation process? A: There is awareness and some healing that occurs. I am now discovering a certain hard core of cruelty here. I believe that by the time the destination stream enters, it should not exist. Now I'm trying to soften it. When Yulia is carried away, she will be carried as she is. By this point you need to be smooth, transparent and soft. What happens is that she realizes where she should work now, what she should do with herself and the main purpose for which all this is being done. Why do you need not to be cruel, why do you need to be flexible and agile, why do you need to get rid of hatred by simply removing it from yourself, not to experience... Q: Self, you can help it in these processes, so that it is not only mental conscious, but also in the body. A: Yes, I show her all this with pain in the body - where is the rigidity,where is the hatred, how it cuts and cuts with these cruelties. In general, at some moments in deep meditation, contact with me can solve many problems. Q: Does Yulia have a key to contact her on her own? A: Actually, everyone has a key. Yulia also has it, and she tried it now. In general, I see connections here. I have already said about harshness and hatred - they should not exist in order not to cut anything during fast movement, something that is also you. Bindings. A person clings to something that he is afraid of losing, but there is nothing that he can lose, because he is everything. How can you lose something while living on Earth? This is impossible. You cannot part with your loved one, you cannot lose some benefits. This is impossible. A wave of energy will flow from one place to another. You need to work with this - with the bindings, with all the protruding sharp corners, everything needs to be smoothed out. Inside, she is ready for perception - that’s why she perceives perception in the self, and from the outside... if this flow gives in, then... Roughly speaking, just as a meteorite burns up before reaching it due to strong friction, so does she, having gone out into the flow into the movement of life will simply burn out, because there will be very strong friction. Q: What's happening now? Can we say that some process has been started or catalyzed? A: Yes, the process was catalyzed. Q: What to do next? A: Remove all hardness. Q: Approximately how long will this take? A: About two years, if not in a hurry. Q: Can I end the session today? Oh yeah. There's nothing more you can do today. Q: Name yourself as Yulia. A: Julia. Q: Please tell me, Julia, what happened at this session? A: Contact was established with my Self through three figures, who, on the one hand, helped me establish this contact, because they walked on the wave of their destiny, and in some ways were for me an example of people walking in the stream, and on the other hand, I realized they were limiting, conditioning and subject to processing, like certain constructions, by consciousness. I also received real bodily sensations of current current mental problems, which, if mental processes are accelerated, can cause even more serious problems. Now these are features, but if they are not softened, they can turn into serious problems if they are not harmonized. I also experienced a very interesting realization that it is stupid to get attached to something, because the whole universe is you. What can you become attached to if everything is in you, what can you grieve about if everything is you? B: Okay. Please ask your “Holy-Self-Christ” what happened on this level, on his level? A: He answered with humor that those three idiots were removed. It became easier to breathe. It seemed to expand and straighten, I don’t know what it consists of there at his level, shoulders-wings. In short, somehow it straightened out, there is no longer pressure on it so much. Q: Is there any satisfaction? A: Yes, a very positive feeling after the session and a very deep awareness. Q: We are ending the session. Thank you. g) Seventh therapeutic session. Comment: in the struggle for freedom, it turns out that sometimes necessary things are lost or left abandoned. The soul becomes poorer, unnecessary rigid boundaries are drawn, strength turns into poison... Wisdom is needed so that the natural desire of the spirit for freedom does not turn into a murderous maniac directed against the whole world and oneself. Q: Today is the seventh session. We are completing the structure. Please tell me what happened during the first six sessions and after them, what was the effect, what were the transformations? A: Now it’s difficult for me to remember all the events, but the changes are felt. Indeed, I became freer, more internal choices and options appeared, some strict conditions were removed. This was reflected in the events of my external life, that is, pleasant events began to happen to me, completely different people whom I had not met before began to meet, with whom interesting relationships began to develop. In general, the sensory-emotional part has changed very much. I startedexperience a lot more feelings. It feels like you are torn apart by different feelings that flow in a powerful and pure stream. I never thought before that it was possible to feel absolutely different feelings like this, some experienced at the same time - that you could feel this way and remain a healthy person. In general, something changes in me and is immediately reflected in the world. My relationship with myself and my external relationship with the world is much warmer. And after the last session there were several rather difficult events that were perceived negatively by me, but as a result they turned out to be positive. Rigid structures in the consciousness were melted, and everything began to be perceived even cleaner and flow even more freely. My perception of the world, my unity with the world, became sharper and increased. There was more deepening into oneself, what is called “calibration” in NLP. This calibration, noticing certain events and details that people usually do not focus their attention on - if you see all this, life becomes much more interesting, much more enjoyable. This sensitivity has increased. B: Okay. So today we have the “I-Am-Presence” and the figure that conditions it. This is Spartacus, Khoja Nasreddin from the novel by Solovyov and the seagull Jonathan Livingston from the story by Richard Bach. Right off the bat, what do these characters have in common? A: Freedom. All three characters were freedom fighters and somehow freed themselves and contributed to the liberation of others. Despite the fact that the characters are completely different, from the tragic Spartacus to the frankly comic Khoja Nasreddin, there is something that unites them. This is inner freedom, independence and the fact that they freed others. Disobeying the structures that existed at the time and going beyond those structures. B: Okay. Who would you like to start with? A: From Spartak. Q: Then free associations that go on the topic of this character. A: Spartacus, gladiator, a certain despair, hopeless situations, inner strength, searching for a way out, searching for a solution, the inability to live as one has to, the doom that there is no way out in sight. At a certain concentration, strain, there is a way out to other spheres, a way out is found. It’s all with pain, with blood, with despair, without looking for anything for yourself. Spartacus is a voluntary slave of a certain stream, because life in slavery is even worse. This is the embodiment of human hope, the hope of people who lived just as badly, who felt the same hopelessness and in whom the same hopelessness, the same despair sounded. This is tragic hard slavery in its saddest and most desperate manifestations. A bitter, acid- or poison-like internal impulse that tears apart this veil and breaks through somewhere where no one is waiting for him, where he will get nothing for it, no glory, no honor, but only the cross on which he will be crucified. And yet, being in the wave of this freedom, this impulse is better than passively experiencing your fate as determined by fate. Not humility, but rebellion and ruthlessness towards oneself and towards allies. If you want to reject slavery, be free or die. Freedom as the highest value, as a super-earthly value, as something that was not given, but is taken with great difficulty, stolen like fire stolen from the gods. That is, the main thing I feel is doom, an acid-poisonous impulse from within despair, hopelessness, the impossibility of continuing to live as prescribed, as the card fell. From this soul-corroding impulse is born a leap beyond existing limitations. This is with blood, with suffering, with despair. Q: Now connect to the image of Khoja Nasredin. A: Khoja Nasredin. The same slavery, but a completely different attitude towards it. Taking the rules of an existing game and playing on top of those rules. Instead of despair - humor, instead of struggle - humility, instead of blood - cunning. That is, awareness of the existing boundaries and limitations in which humanity is inscribed and some kind of snake cunning - to beat! This is exactly snake-like. Flexibly infiltrate, crawl, outwit. He does not destroy himself from the inside with despair and bitterness, he humbles himself and accepts the world as it is. Whereinaccepting the world as it is, Khoja Nasredin does not agree to live in such a world. He makes it better for himself and for those around him, he is a loving and faithful ally, faithful to his friends, loving them, condescending to their human weaknesses, able, if anything, to outwit them too - in those cases if they follow the lead of their slavery , they give up before something stronger than them - he will deceive them too, outwit them, and force them to return to freedom after all. That is, this figure is bright, dramatic, strong, purposeful and bright in that there is no darkness of deep despair in him, that is, he will also steal fire from the gods, but will do it so that everyone remains alive and well. For example, he will tell the gods a joke or a fable, so that they will laugh and themselves give him what he wants, what he needs - new networks of freedom not intended for humanity. B: Okay. And finally - Jonathan Livingston seagull. A: It's completely inside. Inside yourself. All processes that occur occur within it; if he fights with someone, it is his own limitations and inertia, internal stereotypes; If he is trying to outwit anyone, it is his inertia. It is something closed in on itself, superior, but superior quietly, without making external efforts. Then he, having found this impulse in himself, lit a fire within himself, will give it to other people, show them the way to achieve this. Some will come out, some won't, but he won't care because he's closed in on himself. It exists as a path, but this path must be sought. He will not lure or entice anyone, forcing anyone to follow him by cunning or force. He himself grew the grain within himself; you can follow in his footsteps. Then he will openly and sincerely tell all the mysteries and secrets that were revealed to him along the way, but if you don’t follow him, he can only smile sadly, respecting the freedom of his allies. He experimented so much with his “impossibility” that there was nothing impossible left for him. Therefore, he forgets that his friends have the impossible. In Richard Bach's novel there is a moment when one of the seagulls crashed into a rock and Jonathan sadly says that we have not yet had time to learn that you can fly through rocks, that anything is possible. He quietly cultivated this in himself through internal work. He overcame the human - and went beyond the human, overcame the divine - and went beyond the divine... and turned out to be closed in on himself, in tune with the vibrations of the world. Q: Do you feel your imagination is sufficiently stimulated? Oh yeah. Q: Let's now move on to experiencing the images. Imagine the image of Spartacus, enter him and say on his behalf what you want to say. A: I am Spartak. I'm longing for freedom. Everything that bothers me must be destroyed. My will is like a sharp sword that cuts off everything that can stop me. I myself am like a sharp sword. He who is not with me is against me, it is better not to catch my eye and not get in my way. My intention, like a stretched bowstring, shoots me like an arrow somewhere high, to the stars, to a place where there is no such despair, this pain, all that humanity is doomed to drown in, rot and suffocate. I want to escape from this hell, I want to escape myself and for others to escape. Q: Please tell me how this is connected with Yulia and she with you? How do you feel about her, what is she for you? A: She is a slave and a gladiator, just as I was a slave and a gladiator. Gladiator in the arena of the powerful, represented by kings and gods. She fights, bleeds in the arena, dies, and the audience applauds, the audience loves it. A dull rage growls in me when I see this picture for centuries. I ask her, aren't you tired of dying for the amusement of the audience? I kindle in her despair, an irreconcilable spirit of struggle, aggravate her sense of injustice, poison her with hopes that it can be done differently. But it is possible in another way, but man does not know how to do it differently, he was created as he was created and is doomed to remain that way. This is how it works. But I don’t want to, and many didn’t want to. You can throw your sword, not fight, die and quietly leave, stopexist and then there will no longer be an eternal arena, with spectators applauding your suffering, your fear, your victories, your joy. This is not my way. I want to live. I want to live without all this, I don’t want to be a gladiator, I don’t want to be a spectator, and I tell her that both are two sides of the same medal, which is hung around the neck of the winner. It's all a mess. There are impulses coming to us from the stars, carrying out the ideas of freedom. So these impulses accumulate, a certain movement occurs, as a result of which these impulses break through. Pile of millions of years. What am I doing in it? I force her to disagree and strive for what is impossible to get, to spread this vibration that maybe someone will pick up, maybe someone will recognize. And so the army of freedom, disagreement, and non-reconciliation will increase, although it is always small in number, but perhaps in this era someone will be able, having overcome everything with pain and blood, to reach a different level of existence. Q: Is there anything else? A: Everything. B: Inhale and exhale. Give your name. A: Julia. Q: Now become Khoja Nasreddin, enter his image and now speak on his behalf. A: I am Khoja Nasreddin. I have no military strength, but I am brave, wise, intelligent and cunning. If I am included in a game, then I will make the game enjoyable for myself. They want this way and that, and I will do it differently, but in such a way that they agree with me; I will deceive them and interest them. I will live in a way that is good for me, as good as it is for my family and friends. I am aware of everything. I know how everything works for them, I know my weakness and doom, the weakness and doom of people. We are all slaves, we are all pawns... But this game can be made acceptable if you have some cunning. Without destroying the connecting structures, you can bypass them, continue to live, live freely. You just need to see, open your eyes and see. I didn't always succeed. It was hard for me, but I didn't give up. Julia... I like Julia. I think I told her about this; that you don’t have to kill yourself over this world, don’t cut everyone down right and left, don’t shout to the gods about their injustice - they know about it. The world is like that. Accept it. And once you accept it, use it! After all, every medal has two sides. What is a limitation for you is also a limitation for your opponent; the opponent plays by the same rules. Learn these rules perfectly and you will be able to play as well as him. And, having become a good player, you will be able to step away from the game altogether and live the way you need, getting what you need, playing your game faster than the game. If you step back a little from all this and look from the outside, the errors of the universal system become visible, by playing on which you can remain invisible and live for your own pleasure, without wasting valuable red liquid on those who only rejoice in your torment. No, I won’t make them happy, let them live as they live in this universal meat grinder. And I will build myself a house, start a family, surround myself with nice faces, we will be very happy. I know the rules and I can do this. Yes, from time to time this system, built over millions of years, will roll over, but I will be able to predict the time of the rollover and avoid it by moving it to the other side or moving myself. She will pass by, and I will continue to live. This is such a hacker. Yulia can’t do this, I tell her that it is possible; She is still far from accepting this, she wants everything the Spartak way. Well, hanging on a cross is also a way out. However, it's better to do what I do, avoiding everything. The gods see me and my cunning, but I do not touch them, and they do not touch me. They smile at me: “well, someone was found who could beat the gods.” A game with a bet on freedom. They will give it to you, they will stop holding you. Only this really contains the cunning and flexibility of a snake. Q: Enough? A: Yes, in general, if she can control herself and her world in the same way that a snake controls every cell of its body, then it will be possible for her, without fighting the system, to live in it as she needs and go beyond its limits, when she needs it. B: Thank you. Inhale and exhale, name yourself. A: Julia. Q: And now the third image, Jonathan Livingston seagull.Imagine it, go inside this image and speak. A: I am Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I don’t know who the gods are, what people are talking about. All the restrictions are in my head. I am the whole world: if I change, the world will change. I change in myself, the world changes. I am not omnipotent only where I have not gained strength in myself. I can gain these powers and I will be omnipotent. It's all about consciousness - no blind spots, black holes, rigid structures - once all this is acquired, I don't care about the gods. They are all just parts of my consciousness. The trick is that I have become freer than my freedom and stronger than my strength. This has been mythologically shown in my journey by my author. Q: How do you feel about Yulia and how are you connected? A: I feel affection, sympathy. I'm not related to her, she's probably related to me. Probably, searches, ideas of liberation. There is a possibility of passage - that’s probably why it’s connected. Some clue, captured like a cheat sheet, hidden somewhere in a pocket. So it's probably connected. And if you look at her from me, then, in general, everything is ok. I look at her and there is nothing that worries me and that I would like to say. She is moving in her own way, in general, on the right path, the cheat sheet works. Only she moves blindly, does not see where, how and why. She moves from the opposite, from the impossible. You can change the trajectory of your movement, choose where to move yourself, and not only by running away from the whip in search of a carrot - but also in any other direction. I don't like this rigidly limited trajectory. There is no need to run away from the unpleasant - accept it and there will be more opportunities for moves. There is nothing to be afraid of. He who has seen the light can no longer find himself in darkness; he who has seen life will no longer be able to die. In general, her consciousness is strongly constrained by some kind of fears and attempts to avoid something difficult, heavy, painful. What could harm her? Maybe it’s me who doesn’t see anything like that from Jonathan’s consciousness, but who’s stopping her from seeing the same way? B: Give your name. A: Julia. Q: Please tell me how you feel now? A: There was a yawn (yawn) when Jonathan spoke. My fears also surfaced - fear of madness and some diseases associated with practices done incorrectly, without safety precautions... I am sometimes afraid that in some streams that will open up to me, my consciousness will fly away, I will go crazy. When all this came to light, and Jonathan began voicing it, saying that it is not clear why you are afraid of this, what are you afraid of... He who has seen the light cannot remain in the darkness. When he said this, I started yawning, something began to relax, to become free. Q: Three figures that determine the “I-Am-Presence”, three images. Do you see how they condition? A: If everything is different, individually, then Spartak introduces into my desire for liberation the idea that at the initial point everything is bad, and you need to go with pain and blood. Khoja Nasredin introduces the idea that at the starting point a person is weak and cannot influence anything, but along the way he (yawn) must use tricks. It is, of course, freer, not so tragic, but there is also some kind of catch in the sense that if the matrix cannot be broken, it must be outwitted. This reveals a certain nervousness in searching for exits and these very ways to break. Livingston... It’s difficult for me to say what he is conditioning... he also holds a certain perception... There is an idea that in order to achieve liberation you need to struggle with yourself for a long time. This idea is not expressed much in the image itself, but it slipped through in my understanding. According to the novel, he tried to fly this way and that for a long time; Having reached a new level, the hero discovered that there was still room for development; he overcomes level after level, but all with struggle and difficulty, even if (yawn) directed inward. Naturally, all three support a certain picture of the world in which there is a certain lack of freedom and a certain illusory possibility of liberation, and also a certain search for a path to this liberation. Q: Do we have duality? A: Yes, duality. That is, a movement from something unacceptable to something desirable. If it were possible to deeply understand that lack of freedom andfreedom occur simultaneously... Q: Do you see a prototype, an archetype behind all three figures? A: To be honest, not at the moment. Do you have any ideas? Q: I have two candidates. Either Veles or Svarog. O: Ah... Precisely in the Slavic pantheon? Q: It seems so. Ask the I-Am-Presence what type is behind these three figures? A: The answer comes that it is possible to work with Veles, but as the one who causes fragmentation of consciousness and has the fieryness of Svarog, Seth would be closer. Q: Seth? A: Uh-huh. Q: Then ask the precise question whether Seth is the archetype that conditions your “I-Am-Presence.” A: Yes, the answer is yes. That is, it would be possible to get out through Veles, and through Hermes, and through Loki, and through others who have the idea of ​​trickery and liberation, but Seth gets harder than K: The leader focuses the Seth archetype. Q: Hello Seth, are you here? O: Hello. Q: Please tell me how it happened that you condition the “I-Am-Presence of Julia”? A: The story itself is interesting, how did it happen, or how do I condition it? Q: It’s more interesting how, but if two or three words about history, then that will also be important. A: I can say that it was out of friendship. Out of long-standing friendship, out of favor and patronage. Q: Why does she need this, why does she even need to be conditioned by this structure of hers, even if it’s by you? A: First of all, she is greedy. As long as I've known her, she's always been greedy. She needs everything faster and more (smiles). But, in general, this can only be obtained from us - from me and from the gods of my vibration frequency and luminosity band. And besides her desire in each of her lives, in each of her births, to cut down all sorts of buns as early as possible and thanks to this, have time to do more - wake up, realize, touch something. Besides that, it's for protection. Q: Do you think she has now realized enough - by free association, by speaking in the name of images, by meeting you - to no longer hold on to you? A: It won’t be possible to not hold on to me at all, because I am, in principle, a Holder. I even protect the sun and its paths. Always when something moves through chaos, I make paths. And of course, at key moments I will still have to guide her consciousness with deception and cunning. Now I can lift the veil a little for her and show her that out of friendly sympathy I am deceiving her consciousness. I do this so that she moves at that desired speed (grins). Of course, with every step she takes, I can relax my rings with which I wrap myself around the core of her soul, but now, at this stage, I see that she will simply be pulled apart by certain forces. Q: Okay, what can you do now? We have now completed some work, Yulia has gone a certain way, what is the intermediate result of the end of the archetype therapy session? A: Its result is trust in the world and awareness of our love, the love of the gods, we love her - not all of them, of course - I love her, I love her soul. And the deepest realization for her will be the acceptance and awareness of this love. She developed a deep trust in the world and the gods, those who lead her, her gods. She's really not afraid of anything. Q: Julia, how do you feel? What's going on with you? A: I feel very dizzy, the archetype is very strongly manifested, its sympathy is felt. Fiery heat in the lower centers. Warm, good, like warm sand. I feel some kind of bitterness coming out of the centers at the level of the throat, heart, especially the throat. A certain bitterness is unblocked and comes out, the bitterness of resentment, mistrust, misunderstanding. If before Seth felt like a kind of collar, now my throat is free. Q: Seth, tell me, have we done enough work? Can I finish? A: Yes, you can complete it. The work will still unfold further in time, but the day is already enough. Q: Thank you, Seth. Please tell me, Julia, what happened? A: Just some kind of collapse in consciousness! After incredibly tragic pictures, one more dramatic than the other, Spartacus, Khoja Nasredin, Jonathan Livingston the seagull - after this you just feel the warmth and trust in the world. But they will probablythe deceptions and self-deceptions I needed for movement... But this feeling that you are not a slave or a toy of the gods, but their friend - this deep feeling contrasted very much, especially with the first two figures that determine my “I-Am-Presence” . If this really went deep into my body, it would greatly change the way I relate to the world. Q: Please ask the “I-Am-Presence” what happened in his world, what happened for him. A: The word came - “holiday”. Joy that I will finally be able to perceive him more purely, to see him as he is, without filters. Well, with filters, of course, which may remain there, but cleaner, more contact with him, a cleaner and more direct communication channel. B: Thank you. With this, I want to congratulate us on our first course of archetype therapy. I hope that after some time we will meet again and sum up some other results. A: Thanks for the great job. 13.Afterword. Archetypal psychology is a psychology of the soul, a psychology of imagination that relies on imaginative processes rather than on brain physiology, structural linguistics, or behavioral analysis. In other words, it is a psychology that recognizes the existence of unexplored depths of the conscious mind. Poetic and dramatic fictions constitute the content of our mental life. Our life in the soul is life in the imagination. According to James Hillman, images hidden in the depths of the soul should come to the surface of consciousness and surprise the therapist and the client himself, conveying their unique message to the patient’s mind. “An image is mental. Every psychological process is an image and the “creation of images”... Therefore, these images are as real as you yourself,” writes Jung. The image is characterized by spontaneity and primacy, it is an initial fact, and therefore the soul itself is directly manifested in it. When considering fiction, we observe the manifestation of our psychic energy and take part in them. Jung notes that these images constitute the content of our soul, and therefore they are the only data that have received direct representation. Everything else - the world, other persons, our bodies - is transmitted to consciousness indirectly with the help of an image. These images of archetypal fantasy influence everything we say about the world and other persons and bodies. Gods, demons and heroes are invariably present in our perceptions, feelings, thoughts and actions. These “fictional” personalities determine how we see, feel, and act; imagination structures all existence. The reflection of the factors of subjective fantasy is carried out continuously - the recognition of images and their continuous activity in all our realities. As Jung argued, “the psyche creates reality every day. The only word I can use to designate such an activity is fantasy... Therefore, the word fantasy most clearly expresses the specific activity of the psyche.” Every creation of the imagination is always built from elements taken from reality and contained in man's previous experience. Scientific analysis of the most distant from reality and the most fantastic constructions, for example, myths, fairy tales, legends, dreams, etc., convinces us that the most fantastic creations are nothing more than a new combination of such elements that were gleaned , ultimately, from reality and were subjected to the distorting or processing activities of our imagination. The hut on chicken legs exists, of course, only in a fairy tale, but the elements from which this fairy-tale image is built are taken from real human experience, and only their combination bears the trace of a fairy-tale, that is, a construction that does not correspond to reality. Thus, the imagination always builds from the materials given by reality. Imagination is a necessary condition for almost all human mental activity, performs an important function in human behavior and development, and becomes a means of expanding human experience. Every emotion, every feeling strivesto be embodied in known images corresponding to this feeling. Emotion thus has the ability to select impressions, thoughts and images that are consonant with the mood that possesses us at a given moment. Fantasy images serve as internal expressions for our feelings. A person marks grief and mourning in black, uprising in red, calm in blue. Fantasy images provide an internal language for our feelings. This feeling selects individual elements of reality and combines them into a connection that is determined from within by our mood. All forms of creative imagination contain affective elements. This means that any construction of fantasy has a negative impact on our feelings, and even if this construction does not correspond to reality in itself, then the feeling it evokes is still real, truly experienced, and captivating a person. The construction of a fantasy may represent something essentially new, something that has not been in human experience and does not correspond to any really existing object. The basis of creativity is always maladjustment, from which needs, aspirations and desires arise. The activity of the imagination depends on experience, on the needs and interests in which these needs are expressed. It also depends on traditions, that is, on those examples of creativity that influence a person, on the environment. Imagination has two aspects: compensatory and creative. The child gives free rein to his imagination to get away from an unpleasant situation or to satisfy an unfulfilled desire. On the other hand, imagination gives scope to the child’s creative abilities. Imagination is both a source of fun for a child and a reflection of his inner life: hidden fears, unspoken desires and unresolved problems. In addition, children's fantasies are one of the ways to learn how to behave in the real world, which occurs in the process of playing roles. The method of archetype therapy we propose is based on this principle. If we consider the classic fairy tales from which a child’s childhood is woven, from the point of view of their therapeutic effect, we will notice a number of common features in them: - They embody in metaphorical form the conflict of the main character. - They embody subconscious processes in the images of friends and helpers (representing opportunities and abilities of the main character), as well as in the images of robbers and various kinds of obstacles (representing the hero’s fears and disbelief). - Create in figurative form similar learning situations where the hero wins. - Represent a metaphorical crisis in the context of its mandatory resolution, when the hero overcomes all obstacles and wins. - They allow the hero to realize himself in a new quality as a result of the victories he has won. Fairy-tale stories end with a celebration at which everyone pays tribute to the hero’s special merits. For a client, experiencing the structure of archetypal work with a psychotherapist is similar to a child experiencing a fairy tale, however, unlike the perception of a fairy tale plot, from which the listener can abstract, an archetypal therapy session captures the patient completely. In special areas of consciousness, the elusive archetype takes on tangible form and is embodied in action. The conscious mind listens to a certain story with a certain sequence of events, the meaning of which is absorbed down to the subconscious level, causing profound changes in a person’s personality. Often, the archetype is clothed in the metaphorical clothes of symbols, which help it go beyond the understanding of ordinary waking consciousness and significantly expand the variability of choices and decisions. The power of symbols lies in their “numinosity” (numinositi, from the Latin numen - divine will), for they evoke in a person an emotional response, a feeling of awe and inspiration. For Jung, symbols are the life-giving force that nourishes the psyche and serves as a means of reflecting and transforming life. The method of archetype therapy is simultaneous work with consciousness,.
