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The influence of emotions on a person’s weight. An important factor influencing a person’s weight, and indeed his condition in general, are emotions, our feelings. And this happens to a person from his very birth. A child in infancy is familiar with two states - comfort and discomfort. He doesn’t yet know what awaits him in this world, and he is very scared. And only his mother can relieve his anxiety. When feeding, a newborn baby receives not only food, but also protection, love, warmth through the touch, voice and emotions of the mother. And it is from this age that food and maternal care are inseparable for us. As soon as we feel that we lack love and attention outside, we put love inside ourselves - we eat something tasty. Has it often happened in your life when you are in a terrible mood, the weather is bad, your feet are wet? I ate some candy and my mood is already better. Or as soon as people fall in love, they often lose weight imperceptibly, because love is within them, it does not need to be accumulated within themselves. But it happens that for some reason a mother is not able to understand her baby, and instead of changing his diapers, she gives him a pacifier or milk. A child sometimes cries only because he is anxious and does not want to eat. But mom doesn’t feel it, she stuffs him with food. Subsequently, when an adult is anxious for some reason, he also stuffs himself with food or alcohol, because sometimes he himself does not understand his condition. And imagine that a person with problems and anxieties decides to lose weight. Weight goes off, less food is consumed, and anxiety increases. A person does not understand how to deal with them differently. And then breakdowns occur; sometimes, when the weight has already reached the optimal level, it returns to its previous state. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to find the source of anxiety, understand what makes a person eat often or a lot, and not take drugs to suppress appetite or exhaust yourself with diets. Because it becomes like trying to heal a wound on the surface of an abscess without removing the splinter from the wound. Studies have shown that during dietary treatment, over 50% of patients demonstrate nervousness, irritability, increased fatigue, and fears. You need to understand at the very beginning that, unfortunately, a psychological problem cannot be resolved as quickly as pulling out a splinter. Each person has their own personal story. And there may be many more reasons for the accumulation of excess weight. It takes time to understand them. How much time does a good mother need to understand what exactly my child wants now? If she doesn’t want to give him a “pacifier” every time. This can be done by working in a psychological support group, or individually with a psychologist. In any case, you will gain new experience of self-understanding and, as a result, the ability to resolve deep-seated problems without resorting to additional “pills.”».
