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💡About work You can protect yourself from CMEA through periodic training and additional education. Additionally, during the work process, it is important to exchange experience with colleagues at your level and above, and it is possible to involve third-party specialists. Do not neglect, but rather take the initiative when it comes to events in the form of conferences, lectures, master classes, trainings - which relate directly to your professional activity or are related to the development of useful skills, for example: communication. This also includes working with a psychologist, where personal therapy can help you maintain energy at work and improve your quality of life.💡About rest and switching Popular recommendations and why they don’t always work: 1. “Get enough sleep! Normalize your sleep, you need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.”2. “Choose a job that suits you: according to your inclinations and capabilities”3. "Hobby. Be sure to find something you enjoy that is not related to your professional activities, then stress will “stick” to you less often.”4. “Any creative work can heal from emotions: draw, dance, sing, sculpt, sew, embroider, design, etc.”5. “Listen to pleasant music”6. “Work-leisure balance,” regular physical exercise, walking, running, cycling, working in the garden, at the dacha, etc.)”☝All of the recommendations listed are certainly useful and helpful, but the difficulty is in how to approach them , must be done individually. It is important to look for types of activity and recreation that you personally enjoy, otherwise they will be perceived as routine and avoided. Very often, we organize our leisure time or hobbies based on popular activities offered by society; ask yourself: “what do I want?” make the choice yourself.🆘And remember: A person ends up burning out, for the most part, when he notices that more than half of the time he is busy with things that he does reluctantly, does NOT experience joy in the process, does NOT participate in an active position of “I want” but more from “I must” or “I need.” Those who are now more interested in work need to remember this.
