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They accused me of everything on this site... From sexism to ignoring redneck-hater comments. It especially often came out that the salesman in me defeated the psychologist. The choice of opponents itself seems far-fetched to me. And it doesn’t matter who exactly is being considered: me or another psychologist. It's not a matter of venality/altruism at all. Let's dig deeper... I propose another pair of antonyms: sincerity / cunning. Sincerity is when you say and do in accordance with what you feel and think. And when you do not cover up your actions with false, plausible motives. At the same time, distinguish sincerity from frankness. You can remain completely sincere, but never frank. Cunning is when you lie about your motives. You think one thing, say another, and do something else. But, distinguish cunning from multitasking. Example No. 1 - I am writing this article in order to: Express what is boiling; Get a thrill from the process; I am curious about the response it can cause; Thoroughly clarify/understand this topic for myself; Raise the rating on the site and , thereby earning even more money... and this is multitasking. But if I, keeping the same five motives in mind, shout that I am writing this solely because I am boiling, then this is cunning. Example No. 2 - someone wrote a negative one a comment on someone else's article in order to: Raise your rating at the expense of a competitor whose article he is commenting on - to tarnish his reputation; Vampire someone else's energy if they start responding to him; Be known as a fighter for justice - white, fluffy and immaculate. Create a reputation for yourself as a very honest psychologist and make money from it; Express your instinctive hostility towards the author of the article; Express your attitude towards what is written in the article. And the author of the comment writes in the spirit that he has only the last, fifth motive...... again - cunning. Example No. 3 – I can’t stand gestalt, classical psychoanalysis and holotrope. I consider these methods not only ineffective, but often harmful. In articles I write directly about this = sincerity + frankness; When people on the forum complain about the ineffectiveness of therapy using the above methods, I recommend: “Change the method, because you obviously it doesn’t fit” = sincerity without frankness. When communicating with colleagues who are adherents of these methods, I focus on their human and professional qualities, and not on the profile method. But I’m not the first to raise the topic of “whose gong fu is more correct” = sincerity without frankness. And to a direct question I will answer this way: “Dear Lutetia Patrikeevna, I consider the method in which you advise to be harmful. But you are an excellent professional. Even with the help (or rather, in spite of!) this psycho-gesture, you manage to bring benefit to people. And with the normal method, you will bring 20 times more good into this world!” = sincerity + frankness. Am I ready to consult for nothing? earn money. What do you think about sincerity in psychology? Are sincerity and successful competition compatible in business? Your reliable psychologist, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52Instagram*: oleg.kolmychok This article sincerely echoes: “Sales is a spiritual path!!!” – 7 shining facets of the Price-and-Deal Knight Werewolves without shoulder straps and without conscience: 9 “soul eaters” skillfully masquerading as a psychologist “Welcome to psychology!!!”: a simple and friendly cheat sheet for beginners To quickly and regularly receive all my new ones valuable articles, notes and recordings, subscribe right now! PS Each of your thanks inspires me to write new - even more interesting and useful articles! Thank you very much for your support!!!* Instagram belongs to Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
