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From the author: Reflection on the self-soothing behavior of danger and fear. Understanding extreme behavior, life, experience AND HAPPINESS WOULD BE SO POSSIBLE! The extreme path is not always heroic, it is not at all necessary! Courage is about recognizing your wound and allowing yourself to receive love through its edges and fill the world with your light. Reflecting on the self-soothing use of danger and fear, beautifully explored and described by Schweck Gerard, I would like to touch on the currently popular and box-office action films, where the hero literally has to create himself, surviving in extreme and beyond life situations. I think that the theme of extreme sports in culture is archetypal; it has a long history and numerous stories of swimming in the personal sea of ​​the unconscious. This is always a genre of travel and treasure hunting. And I was once given considerable, long-term life experience of psychological extremes, which allowed me to reflect on it now here. Working with members of special forces who survive in living conditions and military clashes that are incompatible for an ordinary person, where behind the background of visible life the number of people personally killed in military clashes, snipers, and assault during “cleansing operations” is not voiced or shown, I listened to their stories about survival, coming into contact with their experiences and feelings, which left a deep imprint on my soul. My heart is full of sisterly and maternal love for them. Partly writing this article is for them. I imagine the story of Odysseus and his twenty-year voyage, the search for the Golden Fleece, as going through unimaginable tests to the limit of human capabilities. This is the island of the Sirens, where being lulled to sleep by the wonderful voices of women with the bodies of birds plunged the Argonauts into the deep sleep of death. This is the passage between Scylla and Charybdis - two rocks meeting in the sea, symbols of extreme opposites, tempting us to choose one of the options, when salvation can only come in choosing the middle path and sailing between the mountains, looking death in the face. This is a confrontation with one’s terrifying and soul-chilling fears and a stay in the Cyclops’ cave in search of the Golden Fleece. The Scottish epic presents us with the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, about the search for the Philosopher's Stone and the Holy Grail, about the retakes of Parzival. In Russian epics, legends and lives, we are familiar with the heroic heroes, and St. George the Victorious, defeating the fierce forces and darkness of hell - the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber. Old Russian heroes are also looking for their philosopher's stone - the egg of the immortal Kashchei, which is located in the Far Far Away Kingdom, in the hollow of an oak tree, and also in a swift-winged drake and the belly of a swift hare. The cinema of the 20th century devoted this heroic theme to Ian Fleming's Bond, where its main character James Bond also had to look for the treasure of the Queen of England, unravel the secrets of the special services and survive in extreme situations. The era of space exploration left us with Stanley Kubrick's fantastic epic 2001: A Space Odyssey. What pushes a person to search for a situation of possible death and a feeling of horror? A necessary journey that must happen and in which the Hero must survive, find the treasure and be rewarded. He goes on a journey to find himself in them, that image of himself - fearless and loved, which his mother could not capture and convey to him. As a baby, he was unable to feel cared for; the mother, for one reason or another, was unable to care for the baby and protect him, to mitigate his fear; and this left the future Hero with a mark of hopeless despair for the rest of his life. This is a lone hero, often an orphan, a foundling, an outcast from society, forced to make himself, as the Americans say. A “some self-made” person does not need attachments, he avoids them, because the feelings that could make him alive, trembling and humane will not lead to results, and the hole in his heart that could 1908.
