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Domestic drunkenness and alcoholism. Domestic drunkenness is a certain way of life of people based on destructive attitudes, habits, and values ​​associated with drinking alcohol. Household alcoholism is often based on social attitudes, alcohol scenarios, traditions accepted in a particular society or group. Alcohol scenarios and traditions in our culture are one of the most common causes of addiction (pathological attraction). Such trends, unfortunately, lead to the fact that a certain category of people is weaned from sober communication, guided for use by social motives and traditions. Gradually strengthening alcohol values, rituals and scenarios in his life, a person gradually moves from episodic use to systematic use, forming a pathological dependence on a psychoactive substance. In addition to social rituals, the development of alcoholism is also influenced by psychological problems, stress and the environment of people who drink alcohol. Conventionally, several types of development of phases of use can be distinguished. 1. People who consume moderately (only on holidays and weekends).2. Occasional users (up to 3 times a month).3. Systematic drinkers (up to 2 times a week). In the process of consumption, a person’s defense mechanisms are reduced and a pathological attraction (dependence) is formed. First, there is a long phase of episodic alcohol use, when a person drinks from occasion to occasion, linking his use with some socially significant events and situations (holidays, birthdays, etc.). Then, as a result of a gradual loss of control, a person switches to the systematic use of alcohol, when a reason for drinking is no longer sought, the person develops an increase in tolerance, the gag reflex disappears, a feeling of craving for alcohol appears, and then chronic alcoholism and personal degradation sets in. Therefore, in everyday drinking, there is always a danger of chronicity of the process and the best way to prevent alcoholism is to stop drinking and lead a healthy lifestyle.
