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From the author: An article about how to survive the pain of your husband’s betrayal. They cheat on everything and everyone. Regardless of gender, age, religion, profession, status, external data. But betrayal is always unexpected. It is impossible to prepare for betrayal. People think that this happens to others, but it certainly won’t happen to them. But what to do if you find out that your husband has cheated on you. You feel the bitterness of adrenaline in your mouth Panic Crazy heartbeat Rage Disappointment Hate Humiliation Shame Confusion As if you were torn Twisting your body That there is no world around Physical and mental pain Disgust Loss of strength You think How could he? This should not have happened to me! But what about the past years? Children? Me? A brute, a bastard! I won’t let you go home! This is a mistake! I don’t want to live. You want to Call your partner, shout angrily When you come home or when you meet, hit or grab the offender Change the keys to the apartment, they say, “Go to her, you won’t see the children!” Tell the children : “Oh, what a terrible father you have...” Find this s... on the internet and write nasty things to her. Constantly call your husband and ask: “Is this true? Don’t you love me?” Look for confirmation of betrayal in social networks, SMS, letters Ask men you know to influence the offender What will really help you Don’t make any decisions Start breathing deeply Cry. Wash your face with cold water. Buy valerian extract, a herbal sedative to relieve neurotic syndrome and any sleeping pills. Refrain from screaming, humiliating insults, hysterics. Turn to close friends. Remember your male friends. It is important. Write to them, call them. Tell what happened, share your pain, ask for support, overcoming shame and awkwardness. Don’t stay alone for a long time. Find money and contact a psychotherapist who specializes in helping relationships, your friend or by recommendation. Take a pencil and paper and start writing everything that comes to mind: your feelings, thoughts. Write without censorship, addressed to your husband, lover, friend, or someone else. Have a notepad with you, draw what you draw, without restrictions. Watch films about relationships, betrayal. Find the most viewed videos online about dealing with infidelity. Look at what interests you. If you play sports, lift yourself up and go exercise. If tears flow during class, cry, they will pass. Talk to friends every day. Meet. Do not be shy. Remember: it is important for people to be useful to you in difficulties. By accepting support from friends, you increase their value to yourself. This strengthens your friendship. The time will come when they too will be able to count on you. Life is unpredictable. Start every day with gymnastics, a cup of aromatic strong tea, vitamins and a light sedative. Find music that you like now and listen to it. If closer to the night you feel that you are overcome by restless thoughts, do not wait for them to pass , and take some medicine for insomnia. Now more than ever, you need to get enough sleep. You need strength and a clear mind. Take care of this. Your thoughts and conclusions will change with amazing speed. You will “swing on a swing” from “I’m dying” to “how funny.” This is normal. Think about what you have wanted to do for a long time and did not allow yourself. For example: go to a beauty salon, visit a dance disco, go to a friend’s distant dacha, buy a new sofa. It's helpful to just write it down. Carry out your plans if you wish. If you have children, try to save your energy and ask your relatives to help you with the children without explanation or friends. Continue seeing your therapist even if you feel better. If you managed to follow these recommendations, and you feel that balance is sometimes returning to you, suggest to your partner a weekend trip to nature, to a camp site or somewhere else. A prerequisite is to be just the two of you. If possible, take a vacation, tickets for two. Treason is a wake-up call, this is the result of your life together. Treason means that
