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From the author: The crown of celibacy is one of the most frequently asked questions. In order for the readers of the site to get a general idea of ​​this phenomenon and its nature, I bring to their attention correspondence with a girl (let's call her Nadezhda) who contacted me in connection with this phenomenon... Hello, dear Yuri Gennadievich! Tell me, please, how is it determined that there is a crown of celibacy? Hello, Nadezhda! I apologize for the late response to your question. Often the crown of celibacy is considered as a human condition in which a person cannot have a long-term relationship with the opposite sex, get married, or after marriage, divorce occurs very quickly, or he simply cannot get married at will. As a rule, with the crown of celibacy, discord in relationships appears for no apparent reason. The crown of celibacy can be induced, hereditary, self-accumulated. You can determine the crown of celibacy by casting it on wax. If a person has a crown of celibacy, a wax cast from his crown chakra shows an image of the ring. Another way to determine the crown of celibacy is to take a smoking stick of incense (coniferous) and place it above your head. If there is a possibility of a crown of celibacy, the smoke will be wrapped in rings. Nadezhda, you can also contact a fortune teller who knows Tarot Cards (I wrote this option so that the answer would be more complete, and by and large, I would recommend staying away from cards, especially TAROT). My work experience shows that in more than 70% of cases, the Crown of Celibacy is the result of self-programming (at the initial stage, the program is given impetus by relatives, friends, girlfriends, and then there is a layering of negative attitudes that grow like a snowball). It may be that the reason for your failed relationship lies in something completely different. If this question is relevant for you today, you can call: 260-898 ​​(8-902-567-08-98), skype yurgen7075nsc. I will be glad to help you! Please indicate the subject of the letter, then a response will be guaranteed. Good evening, Yuri Gennadievich! Thank you very much for your answer. I don’t know if I have the crown of celibacy, but all relationships develop according to the same scenario if I like the man. And the scenario is usually like this: at first the man “well, he just can’t live without me :-)”, and then there is a sudden cooling (I just don’t understand why it appears) and accordingly we completely stop communicating, although I am against breaking up. Tell me, have there been such cases in your practice? Hope, good moment! In my practice, I have encountered such cases. During consultations, the person who turns to me for help not only assumes possible options, but knows exactly the reason for the changes in the relationship (this is facilitated by the fact that the person, at the time of working out his problem, is in an altered state of consciousness and sees the situation through the eyes of his partner, experiences HIS feelings, knows HIS thoughts, looks at himself through HIS eyes). In order to understand your situation, I would like to know a little about your family, about how your mother’s relationships with men developed (are developing). Of course, it is better to discuss these and other questions in person or by phone. All the best, Yu.G. Good moment, Yuri Gennadievich! I really liked your greeting:-) Thank you very much for your attention and letter! In her youth, my mother was a beauty, short in stature, smiling, with blue eyes, and an easy-going character. She married at the age of 22 (the very last of all her friends) to my dad, with whom she still lives, my dad loves her very much (even sometimes he is jealous of her), many young people liked her, but apparently she liked her dad the most, they met in May or June, and in December there was already a wedding. For dad, in my opinion, she is like the sun, about a year later my brother was born, and then I, the difference in our ages is small, at first my mother wanted to have an abortion when she found out that!!!
