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From the author: A new season of therapeutic groups begins. For a number of topics, group therapy is considered the most effective. I wrote a little about why a therapeutic group generally works: for those who think, doubt, worry - do I need such a group, and, if so, why, and is it suitable? I prefer exactly this format of working with a psychologist. The main benefit of the group lies in the healing effect of contact that arises in the process of group dynamics: - only in contact with another who gives out his reactions to our manifestations and becomes so. for us, a kind of mirror, we manage to recognize our true selves, understand more about our strengths and weaknesses, form a stable, realistic self-esteem - a person needs a person, an experience shared with another has a transformative property: the pain that can be shared with another decreases; shared joy - on the contrary, increases - the group is a model of microsociety, a place where you can identify and explore your usual stereotypical strategies of behavior (which, due to their automatism, control you, the same situation when “the tail wags the dog” 🐈), understand how I’m “breaking” myself in real life, to figure out why in real relationships something doesn’t work out over and over again - the group is a safe space for experiments, a kind of laboratory where you can try to do things differently than what usually happened without any special consequences (dodge and this way and that), receive feedback from other participants and, having chosen the most working options, implement them in everyday life. In addition, group psychotherapy is a process that helps to find better contact: - with yourself, with your bodily sensations, emotions and feelings - and use all this in practice to achieve your desires, needs, goals and objectives - with other people (find 'your' people, establish and maintain nourishing and resourceful - and not destructive and destructive - relationships with them) - with your creative part that allows you to be more flexible, able to find optimal strategies of behavior taking into account the context of what is happening in a variety of situations (instead of automatic actions “out of habit”, which have long lost their relevance and therefore no longer “work”) - and as a result, live a more rich and bright life! I invite you to my new therapeutic group “Step Forward” (gestalt therapy + dance movement therapy), which starts on SEPTEMBER 26!
