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We need to be recognized as individuals. They saw and accepted us as we are. Many of us don’t even know what they are like. More precisely, they unconsciously know for sure, but do not look within themselves to appropriate and use their talents. When we begin to study ourselves at a conscious age, we need, like a baby, to begin to explore this world for our feelings about this or that. To study what is around us, and taste it, to taste it, to be drawn to the colors of nature. The eternal question “to be or not to be”) It seems that we want to satisfy our need for recognition of our individuality, and at the same time we do not let ourselves in. How can we resist: - we strive to be dependent; - we do not show initiative; - we focus on the goal, not on pleasure in the process; - we deliberately make mistakes in order to attract attention to ourselves; - we are afraid that there will be a reason not to let others go. Not only babies can explore the world; the need for exploration periodically arises throughout our lives. When we decide to be active in our lives, take the initiative into our own hands, we develop a lot of strength in ourselves, which helps us move forward in our mental health. What should we do? We come out of the usual shell and parental messages like “you can’t do anything”, “you’re not worthy”, “you can’t be active”, etc. We begin to try and explore the world, even if we are already over 50. We explore the world with the help of our senses: taste, smell, touch, hearing, vision, and movement. Don't forget that we are naturally curious, the motivation is already in us, since our Inner Child follows nature and strives for joy and pleasure. We help him expand our possibilities of self-expression and action, so as not to succumb to resistance. Check your inner voices that tell you that you will not be able to move forward, experiment and be independent. Challenge, question, give arguments. You can definitely explore this world and experiment. Enjoy what you do. Show initiative and take action. Do what you really want, even though only you want it.
