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From the author: Publications from my blog “Sliding through reality”: Perhaps many now will not like what I write. And maybe I'm even wrong, but this is what I think is true at the moment. That's why I'm writing. You may disagree - that's okay. I apologize in advance and believe that my readers understand that differences of opinion are normal, and if something “hurts” you, then you can really look inside and try to understand why it hurt you... All self-development, psychological sessions, belief in God or any other entity, spiritual practices, yoga and initiation into shamanism can give little to a person if his body says otherwise. If you became spiritual, became a yoga teacher, went to live in a monastery, visited a psychologist for five years and now you decide that you have reached all the dark corners of the universe of your soul and dealt with all the problems, and your body says the opposite, then your body is right. What I mean by writing what your body says. Our body very clearly reflects our internal state, and if it is not in a normal state (if you have a question about what a body in a normal state means, ask in the comments), then there are still hidden places that you have not reached, or that you have suppressed so as not to have to figure it out. Perhaps there are long-standing injuries that you have not reached and the body is telling you about it. And if you don’t get to these injuries, then they will definitely make themselves felt - these can be problems with the body and “psychic shots”, when you behave in such a way that you then want to hide deep, deep, and you don’t understand where this suddenly comes from behavior took over.What do I want to say in a nutshell? That any changes in the human psyche will entail changes in the body. And, by the way, vice versa - but here I cannot yet draw any conclusions based on personal experience and on the experience of communicating with other people. Therefore, if you really want to know yourself and start living your life, then pay attention to what your body wants to tell you.
