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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya Well, that’s a laudable desire, especially among women with the female sexual problem of anorgasmia and frigidity. More often these are not just words, but something deeper, from which problematic sexual themes will arise. For example, my client from Moscow, who came to me because of her anorgasmia, she has been married to her husband for about three years, but the theme of enslavement has been haunting her all this time, and not yet. lets go. She remembered that when her husband invited her to take a bath together, the girl refused for a long time, and then agreed. And then everything became much better, the client realized that it was quite pleasant, she liked what was happening. But it didn’t matter when. this kind of proposal came from her husband, she felt awkward. Now I, as a family psychologist and sexologist, strengthened the client’s positive feelings, strengthening in her a state of joy and self-confidence, as well as the idea that her husband was exactly the person she wanted. She searched for a long time, he is reliable, you can trust and rely on your husband. Besides, they have a lot in common, and everything will also go well in the future. While analyzing the topic of enslavement of my client from Moscow, we found both pros and cons in her life. What could be an advantage here? – Many sexologists, psychotherapists and family psychologists base this on positive memories from the client’s past, I also did the same. We came across a situation where a girl jumped from a parachute for the first time. Then she was suitable for herself, it seemed to her that she had become more liberated, realizing her old dream. We can take this positive memory of my client as a resource, which can help us in further psychotherapeutic work. She was able to overcome her shyness and fear. Next we come to sexual contact with my husband. And I, as a family psychologist and sexologist, tried to understand: what’s problematic here? - The same theme of enslavement came up here, but in terms of hushing up what she didn’t like about sex. For example, during oral sex, the girl felt ticklish and not particularly pleasant, which disrupted the desired mood, but the client never admitted this to her husband, imitating sexual arousal and orgasm. It’s probably worth correcting your husband, being more courageous and telling him what’s the best thing to do to make sex pleasant and exciting. Further, sex could only take place under a blanket, although my client from Moscow had an excellent figure. Here I, as a sexologist and psychologist, worked through the situation of the past, eliminating its excessive shyness, stiffness and tightness. Then we added more emotion to the girl. In addition, it is probably worth talking to your husband more often about intimate topics, for example, saying that she really needs his kisses. And longer sexual foreplay. When we approached the topic of anorgasmia and frigidity, it turned out that sex in a couple is quite predictable. The client lacks a variety of positions and wants more sexual experiments. Now, after work, the girl noted that she somehow began to feel more relaxed. Excessive embarrassment is gone. Now she has changed her request somewhat, and the future psychotherapy session will be held under the motto: “I want to become the one who will be happy in everyone.”.
