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Have you ever wanted something so badly that this desire actually changed your behavior, and not just occupied your thoughts. Such a desire guides you, because you know exactly what else you will receive when it comes true. It becomes both a goal and a value. It is the strength of your desire that most often leads to your dream coming true. This is an indispensable condition when a desire turns into an intention and is realized. But this rarely happens. Although a person has many desires. However, not all of them come true, and especially not always. Often a person finds something he wants and begins to convince himself that this is his true desire. However, when you ask him why you need this or what exactly the fulfillment of this desire will give you, the answer is usually unconvincing. When we have something, we want it, we imagine the consequences of having it, but we are not completely sure that this will be the case. At the same time, all our strength and energy is spent not on turning desire into intention, but on convincing ourselves that we need it. But if initially there is no faith that this will make me happier and I have to convince myself, and strongly, then, most likely, the wish will not come true. Our unconscious is very pragmatic, and therefore, if we are not able to “explain to it” why we need this, then it will not help. And accordingly, we remain only at the level of thoughts and fantasies, but do not move on to actions. There is no need or call to action. And here we are not talking about performing a feat, but about the simplest actions, calling, writing, going somewhere. When desire is transformed into intention, a person can no longer be stopped by fear, internal prohibitions or conventions. This happens because the value that he will acquire is very high and desirable for a person. And one more thing, when a person achieves what he wants, one of the additional bonuses is that his attitude towards himself changes. That same self-esteem grows because a person feels like a winner. Practitioner psychologist Anton Chernykh. There are places in the schedule for individual consultations. Sign up via WhatsApp / Telegram messenger 89205430457
