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I accidentally heard on TV one day parts of an interview with two very famous people in show business. One said that he didn’t want to hear anything or know what they said or wrote about him. “I don’t read or listen to anything about myself, it’s easier for me,” he said. Another made a brutal face and declared: “I’ll punch everyone in the face who writes or says anything bad about me.” Everyone follows their own path of development, each has their own period of growth: one has closed himself off and is afraid that someone might hurt him, and the other fights, fights with the whole world. In fact, both are afraid, but the reaction to fear is different: one is more comfortable hiding, while the other is easier to attack. Fear is the mind. Creative people have a very developed imagination. The mind, using its function of imagination, draws, fantasizes, and thinks out what may happen in the future. He does the same thing in a dream, offering us pictures and stories to complete what is not completed in reality. When we are in the comfortable conditions of our own apartment, the emotions are usually positive. But as soon as we leave the house, the reaction to some unexpected unknown obstacles turns negative: someone intercepted the elevator, the light in the entrance is not on, etc. Irritation, anger, dissatisfaction manifests itself over and over again. Those who have developed sensitivity are hurt by everything: bad smells, rudeness, rudeness, inattention, outright lies, indifference and many other manifestations of the outside world. What can you do to avoid getting involved, so as not to react and remain calm? In order not to get involved, not to react, it is necessary that the pendulum does not swing as much as possible from side to side, and stick to the golden mean. What should you do to keep your balance? Swing a little to the right, then to the left, then to the right again... The balance is disturbed when the mind gets involved, clings to something, then the pendulum deviates as much as possible in one direction. An unconscious person lives considering himself body and mind. Then the mind is in charge, it determines what is bad and what is good, clings, becomes attached. Its task is to determine cause and effect, draw conclusions and complete the matter to the end, put an end to it. In this case, the pendulum should deviate as much as possible, only then the mind will let go of the situation and switch to another, which it will also try to complete. This is how a person lives, obeying the mind, deviating as much as possible, first in one direction, then in the other. Anyone who in his youth does not deny himself anything, enjoys and leads a cheerful lifestyle, becomes an ascetic in old age and the mind, guided by beliefs and rules, will prove that it is right, even to the detriment of the body. Developed sensitivity is not a reason to suffer, it can be use to develop balance. A conscious person is an observer, he simply looks, does not act, and therefore does not get involved. It reflects, like a mirror, everything that happens to the mind and body. Every moment the reflection appears and disappears, the next moment is new - a new reflection. Then there is nothing to cling to because there is no past. When every moment is new, then you begin to see reality as it is. Then the mind is ignored, because the mind does not know anything new, the mind is the past. The mind in the present begins to be used by a person as an accumulator of reference information, which it actually is. If you do not pay attention to it, it does not receive nutrition, it becomes less strong, and therefore manageable. Living in the present means being in balance, therefore, there is no one to judge, analyze, or say “no.” In the present, a person accepts everything that happens, and acceptance is relaxation. Relaxation is not laziness, it is total trust in the Universe, which does everything as it should for a person to develop and grow in awareness. #newpsychologist Read more than 300 articles on my website: http://noviypsiholog.ru/Online consultation with a psychologist. You can leave a request on my page on b17 or on the website: http://olgalysenkova.ru/
