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Having written an article about psychological slag articles (harmful information garbage) on b17, I was absolutely sure that I had listed all its types. But less than a month has passed, and my naive delusions were shattered to smithereens on the harsh shore of reality. There are much more types of slag articles than I thought. An immense, uncontrollable slag storm is raging on the site. Here are 10 more types for you - 10 points of the yellow element: 11). A teaspoon per hour Symptoms: The title of the article mentions that this is part 1, 2 or 117. At the same time, the text itself is short, like a sheep’s tail. Case history: In fact, the article has long been written in its entirety, but is published in “nano-pieces” in order to inflate the author’s rating and catch the eye of as many potential readers as possible. Just what the doctor ordered : Set a minimum article size for yourself, for example, 500 words of body text. Instead of artificially breaking up the material, it is better to squeeze the “water” out of it and write another one - on a different topic - also rich and short. From the author: If not for the considerations outlined at the beginning of this article, then it could also be written in “teaspoon”… 12). Pieces in their own juice Symptoms: The same small pieces as in the previous paragraph. At the end there is a link inscription (“read more” or “read in full”), leading to another site that is commercially more profitable for the author. Case history: The author’s greed is so strong that it pushes him to direct violation of the law (even if not the Criminal Code, but the rules posting articles on the website b17.ru, point No. 9). Just what the doctor ordered: Use only legal ways to promote your own website on b17 (including free ones...). 13). Control queue in the head Symptoms: Several (3-7, and sometimes more) articles are published in a row (within half an hour). Probably, the author disappeared for months in the Arctic without the Internet and only for an hour miraculously gained access to the Internet... Case history: The author hopes that, while skimming through the general list of articles, the reader will certainly not miss his name. In reality, such a technique often does not help, but causes irritation both among ordinary readers - through the intrusiveness of both an overly loud market barker, and among fellow psychologists whose articles risk, after the publication of such a “clip,” immediately moving from the first page without having time to even compete for the reader’s interest. Just what the doctor ordered: Do not publish the next article until other authors have posted at least 14 materials after yours. 14). Cheburek stall named after Simeon Evstratovich Zabubenny Symptoms: The name of the author must appear in the title. For example, an interview with XXX radio station UUU. Case history: The author wants to show his coolness (media presence), once again slip his last name under the reader’s nose and “feed” his Ego. If such a person creates his own direction in psychology, then he will call it, for example, not “Logical-intuitive therapy,” but “Logical-intuitive method of Ivan Ivanov.” What the doctor ordered: Love and extol not yourself in psychology, but psychology in to yourself. 15). Why is the sky green and the grass blue? Symptoms: Title in the form of a “why” (or similar) question about some very controversial statement. But the very form of the statement dispels controversy in advance (advertisers and hypnotists use similar methods). For example, the title of the article subtly hints that the greenness of the sky and the blueness of the grass is a well-known fact, and only the simpleton reader did not know about it until now. And the conversation will not be about the fact itself (it is immutable!), but only about its causes and consequences. Case history: The author is trying to push some idea into the reader’s brain without soap, often this is the idea that you need to buy something the author - consultation, training, etc. Just what the doctor ordered: Before publishing, always analyze the assumptions included in the title of the article and strictly get rid of controversial ones. Another example: “Where does a psychologist’s competence go with age?” Built into the article is the assumption that!!!
